My ban was on the server today [yesterday now] and me and a few mumble friends who were semi-long time internet buddies went onto the server together [enlight707 recommended the server to us], it was a nice server that had reminded me of my main server savagerealms during 1.7.3. So me and the group went around the spawn into the pvp area killed a few people and then we went exploring out for bases. We walked around and found 2 peoples names undergounrd [their base was under a 4 sand block tall thing, it was easily visable of them] we went into their killed them didnt get much that was good. Eventually we went on to try to find other bases, then one of the group members [adamerickson] had asked us "Do you guys mind if i use xray?" we said we dont care, mostly because hed probably be the only one banned as no-one else in our group was using it, and most of us were split up at the time. he started to use it and found a underground base with atleast a full stack of diamond blocks he told me. I had left to go eat subway before they went onto find this base. I come back on their still exploring out and a few other mumble friends join them, they then gear us up me and the other new mumble guy [Urcooln] in iron and a dia sword. [this is the only gear we got from the "hacked" base] later we all went on together in a group then Urcooln crashed to much and gave up, as we were going pretty far out. Then i started to feel it so the main group Enlight, adamerickson and Malimbar96 headed on. Ill make this shorter and say we went on malimbar had to afk out in the ocean we went further we all broke apart, adamerickson me and enlight707 to find a place for a base. i got lost and tpa'd to adamerickson and enlight707 was out in the ocean, adamerickson was digging down to make a base and we were gonna ditch it to go to enlight707's base then a [A] admin comes on and says "Before i go im going to remove a team of xray'rs and or hackers.
Thats the entire story the only xray of our group was adamerickson, and the people that came with him during the raid of the super base that gave them all the loot they needed i don't. So overall the entire story is we all got banned for one persons mistake. I dont even think they invsee'd the rest of us as adamerickson had about 63 dia blocks but the rest of us had little to non, i had a creeper head i got from a creeper and a dia sword as my most valuable and the others probably the same, the only person with loot that shows he xray'd was adamerickson and not us ^.^. usually i dont like to throw friends under the bus but ive been reading the others of our mumbles apps and they end up having to do this too, so heres the full story.
Also this is my first ever Real ban on a server, ive only banned once and that was yesterday on this server because of the fact we didnt think wed all get banned for ones mistake when most of us didn't do anything else with it, even half of us afk'd somewhere or split up from him.
this hurt my fingers o.o, hope you have a merry christmas and fun time reading ;p. i tend to like to tell most of what happened or else it will be a bigger wall of text then that.[DOUBLEPOST=1355674810][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, is your icon a succubus from WoW?

[DOUBLEPOST=1355674850][/DOUBLEPOST]wait nvm its one of the dragon ladies, i just saw the backround >.<