I think I'm a bit late but don't want to pass up an opportunity to reminisce. I can't say I've really "played" Herocraft since the end of Zeal, so I can't really compare how things were to how they are now, but I stand firmly in the fact that Zeal is among my best gaming memories ever.
Spire started as this idea that
Shadownub and I came up with one day, I'm pretty sure formulated out of boredom and wishful thinking. I don't know if Shadow feels the same way, but the idea of having a town always seemed like a crazy pipe dream to me. Sure it'd be cool, but 7,500c sounded so impossible I couldn't even fathom it. We made an effort to get going on it towards the end of Sanctum, but essentially abandoned all efforts when rumor of a map wipe came. In the month leading up to the wipe and the beginning of Zeal, we gathered a ton of people, the vast majority from Uberstrike, such as
Leeness The_Player_189 whiteninja1970 etc etc. I was the SiC, Shadow was the mayor, and we set out on a seemingly impossible task.
Like a lot of good things, Herocraft took a while to grow on me. At first, I found it too complicated, overwhelming, far preferring a more vanilla Minecraft. As such, my presence as SiC in Spire for the first month or so was very underwhelming. I did not help much at all with the clearing for the structure, and mainly chilled in Spire's infamous mine homes. It wasn't until shadow was banned for speedhacking (a whole other story entirely) that I was forced to engage myself more as a leader, and mayor of Spire. Although it was hard given I didn't love the gameplay much, I made myself put in the time to continue this far-fetched dream. It wasn't long until I was completely, hopelessly hooked. It didn't even matter to me that Spire was the entirety of Herocraft's punching bag. While Ironpass was a looming capital, Spire was making slow progress on clearing for their town. Raids were daily, expected even, and few, if any towns were dumb enough to ally with us. For at least the first two months of our existence, we were pretty pathetic, and I honestly loved it.
Anyways, in the time that followed, shadow got unbanned, we somehow got city (go figure), and we expanded to three new towns with the help of
pandaman7 heylookitskyle Sigpit nafets121
Troppics. We were no longer the laughing stock of Herocraft, although I'm sure we weren't nearly as powerful (or myself nearly as important) as I remember.
Since I can't really put all of this into a flowing narrative, here's some cool things I remember:
-Making Horizon with nafets121 and dalton10 . The town's creation was cut off with the introduction of Dragon, but damn, it was pretty hot while it lasted.
-West road wars. I was always ALWAYS trash at PvP, although I'm sure I bragged otherwise. That didn't stop me from enjoying literally countless hours of pointless pvp there that never solved anything.
JZillifro Acherous
-The Academy. You guys were super cool and definitely one of the few lasting contacts with HC I have.
Dielan9999 TheMormon Oh and Dielan, thanks for showing my Shin Kyoto. My favorite town to this day, and Neotetro I don't think you remember this, or me for that matter, but early in Zeal you gave me a tour of D101 and that was amazing.
I know I'm 100% forgetting a TON of people but yeah, that's pretty much it. Apologies for the wall of text, and I realize most of you likely don't remember me, or for that matter care but I think it was pretty fun to write down some memories.