As many of you know, open world pvp has gone to shit. Here are a few suggestions to being it back.
1. remove the elo system. It has killed a lot of pvp.
2. limit number of skirms/duel/arenas in a single day
3. remove death chests upon pvp deaths
4. add a guild system and allow for guild rankings
5. auto party system for guild members if number 4 is implemented
6. any other suggestions.......
<3 all these ideas!
To add onto them
1. Elo system is just off, you loose elo depending on who kills you, not the number of people or any theoretical "assists"
So you seem like you are bad because oh HEY you lost a 1v10, or you seem good because you last hit the targets and get a high elo, then camp a safezone or heavily regioned area.
2. I would like to just ignore all challenges, because it gets really annoying getting spammed with them.
3. I can't tell you how many grave-runners this server has made, which really is sad just due to the fact that EVERYONE used to whine about.. wizards.. being a grave-runner class, (you run out of the graveyards and kill people.)
4. Yes please. Guilds were the funnest thing to be in, because they were often more active and closer-knit groups of players. Now they have mostly gone to crap, because they last under a few weeks and often just don't do anything. Also, no real PvPers join new guilds that they don't think will work out, but with this we may see more guilds popping up and going to the tops.
5. I can't tell you how many times I would have liked to have this
6. Making it so if elo isn't removed that everyone who tags you is counted for, and you don't lose as much ELO
6b. Lowering party stats by like.. 5% per player in the party. (would add for more solo pvp, just a number suggestion can be changed later. 2.5% maybe.)
6c. Making it so the community isn't a bunch of 12 year olds who used mommas credit card to get on the server. (grr)
6d. Start doing more thurough scans for hackers, cheaters, etc.
6e. fixing TNT to make regions go BOOM!

6f. rebalancing classes so that there is longer range on long range classes, and less-no heals on non-healing classes. (i.e. duskblade)
6g. getting rid of the lag..
6h. any more ideas...?