Application de Novite
Hello, everybody! My name is Nick, in real life, Novite in game. I just started playing on Herocraft a few days ago, and I'm looking to dive in as much as possible. Seems that the best way to get involved with the communities on this server is to join up with a town and start getting to know people. After doing a bit of research in to towns, and asking around for what towns might be good for me to join up with, somebody recommended Erebos. And it seems to be a good fit for me, so here I am. I couldn't find a formal application, so after asking ATV what I should put on my application, I think I have a pretty decent idea of what you guys want to know. If there's any questions you'd like to ask me, feel free, of course!
Name: Nick // Novite
Age: 18
Games I Play: Currently, as far as PC games, I'm actively playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, League of Legends, Minecraft (obviously), and a boatload of other games on Steam. In the past, I was a bigtime WoW junkie, focusing mainly on PvE, but I had a lot of PvP experience too.
What I Do In Real Life: In the real world, I'm currently a college student living in WA, USA. I'm just finishing up my associates degree now, and am looking to major in journalism in the coming years. I'm a pretty big nerd. I do a lot of gaming, both video games, and things like D&D, and have a lot of fun with pretty much any nerdy indulgence (anime, manga, etc.) I also host a weekly Nerf sword fight club, which about 20 people attend weekly.
My Intentions For Playing On This Server: My main goal on the server right now is just to level up and get a good foothold set up. I'm only a level 5 rogue right now, so I have a long ways to go. I'm aiming to become a ranger (Get it? Aiming?). In the future, I'd like to be able to build some badass structures, get good at PvP, and become a known (and hopefully feared) name on the server. I spent my first day on the server running around looting houses, if that's any indication of my playstyle. I think Erebos would be a good fit for my goals.
If you guys have any questions for me, feel free to ask!