Healers=op because there is no longer vanilla health regen so u cannot regen in combat

bring that shit back!
Healers are ridiculous because without them it is impossible to regen health during a fight. With vanilla hunger and health regen the fight would be longer. Each person could do more in a because they would no longer have to run away from a fight, wait 15 or 10 seconds (whatever the timer is nowadays) and then eat to start regening hp. With health regen they could just keep their hunger bar at full and make sure that they were regenerating more health than they were losing. It is annoying in a fight if you get bursted and you are pretty much useless for the rest of the fight because you could get one shot unless you run away and regen ur health. Combat would be more fluid and healers would become extremely useful instead of either useless because they don't heal a high % of someone's health or unbelievably powerful because they heal such a high % of the person's health.
On top of this, the return of vanilla hunger would make farmers and having more powerful food actually useful, because it would be annoying to eat 3 melons in the middle of a fight instead of 1 bread. It would help pve not be annoying as shit because people would not have to run away from all of the mobs and eat food in order to continue to level. Instead they would just have to make sure that they did not get bursted by the mobs and could continually level.
In general, the main reason healers are broken is because without them, in pve and pvp when a % of someone's hp is taken away, it is just flat out gone.
Let me go on record to say that the 'healing' spec loses it's magic with each and every new healing skill given to non-healer specs. Runeblade, Bard, Paladin, Berserker, Dreadknight, and Necromancer all have the ability to heal themselves in combat, even though they're not in the healer tree. Aside from Paladin, all of these classes have poor or reasonable heals, but they are heals all the same. What you're suggesting is a way for all classes to be able to regen their health in combat as long as their hunger (stamina) bar is above a certain threshold. This would effectively give EVERYONE the ability to heal in combat, further slapping Healers in the face.
If health regenerating in combat became a thing, it would only promote kiting for all classes. Wizards would entangle/blink until they've regenerated enough health to come back into the fight, Dragoons would Jump/Superjump, Berserkers would Toss and then Frenzy away to regen health, Bard will use their Accelerando to regen health, Ninjas would backflip and smoke into the distance, Rangers will use grappling hook onto some unreachable area to get some health back... Virtually every class will have a way to skip out of a fight all for the purpose of gaining more health back. That isn't fixing the 'healing problem', it is only making it worse.
While we're at it, let's talk about this alleged 'healing problem'. Maybe I'm biased because I've generally stuck to being a healer throughout playing on Herocraft, but I've never seen a problem with healing, or thought that Healing was too overpowered. Let it be known that I do distinguish Mystic/Cleric healing to being different to Disciple/Bloodmage healing. All 4 classes have AOE heals, but as far as 'Team support' goes, Cleric and Mystic fall in a different category than Disciple and Bloodmage. The former are designed to be team players, who will occasionally snuff out a kill or two in a team fight, while the latter are designed to kill, while giving somewhat useful aid to fellow team members. You will notice when a Cleric or a Mystic is in your party because your survivability is so much greater. You may not notice that a Disciple or a Bloodmage is in your party since the heals aren't as great, and are rather sporadic.
In a team vs. team setting, you'd be smart to focus the healer and want them dead as quickly as you can, since they are slowly but surely keeping an entire party alive. My vision is, and always has been, that I wanted a Herocraft where every class has it's benefit in a team fight. Sadly (pre-attributes, mind you) we haven't reached that point yet. It's still viable, and actually very effective, to have a party full of Warrior specs for example to maul an entire town. Is it ridiculous to think that 7 Dragoons and 3 Paladins in a party is probably a better option than having a diversity of classes in a party? I hope your answer is yes. I'd think that everyone would prefer to live in a Herocraft where having too many casters or too many warriors, or too many rogues, or too many healers in a party is disastrous.
What does this all mean? It means that healers have a place on Herocraft too, and they serve a purpose. The purpose being aiding their teammates not primarily through DPS, but rather (could you have guessed it?) H-E-A-L-I-N-G. The more healing non-healer specs get, the deeper the dagger in my heart. The only thing making me sleep at night is the reassurance that only Bards and Paladins are able to heal teammates.
Now, if we're talking about 1v1'ing a Healer, I'm going to go a different route. Before I get into that, I'm going to say that I've always snarled at people who say something along the lines of "well of course you lost to an (insert class name here) as an (insert class name here), they're not SUPPOSED to beat them." Some people have a complex definition of what 'balance' is. My definition of 'balance' is simple, and likely extremely difficult to achieve; when every class has an equal opportunity to beat any other class it runs into in a 1v1 setting. The reason this is difficult to achieve is because some classes are geared more toward being beneficial in team fights than they are in a 1v1 fight.
Where does this fit in with the '4 Healers'? All of them immediately have some usefulness is team fights since the AOE healing spells that heal themselves also heal party members. In exchange for this ability to heal themselves and party members alike, they SHOULD sacrifice some aspect of damage. A good rule of thumb is that the more effective you are at healing party members, the less damage you should be able to deal. In the case of Mystics and Clerics, who do a more superior job at healing party members, their damaging spells are very unimpressive.
- A Mystic's Bolt and Ire combo will deal 291 true damage (pre-attributes) and they are unable to do this again for another 30 seconds when Bolt is off CD. In the meantime, if it chooses to, it can hit it's foe with a golden hoe for 36HP or 43HP if Might is activated.
- A Cleric's only means of damaging spells is Smite, which deals 60 true damage on a 7 second cooldown. In the meantime, it is able to use it's golden hoe for 44HP.
In a 1v1 setting, the problem isn't that Mystic and Cleric have too strong of damaging abilities considering their high healing output. I'd say they're probably just right. The alleged problem is that they'll kite the snot out of you, since neither of these healing specs necessarily want to get into melee range with anyone. The alleged problem is that if you're not doing a good enough job damaging either one of these classes, then they'll be using less healing spells. Instead of being on the defensive, they'll become much more offensive. It's no secret that a Healer is rendered useless the second it runs out of mana. During the kiting stage, if you're not dealing enough damage to a healer YOU WILL DIE simply because a Healer will have a large mana pool if it's not using it to heal itself. A Cleric will not think twice about using Smite every 7 seconds if you're doing a poor job damaging him. He may even wack you a few times with his hoe for good measure. I've played every healer spec and I can't stress enough how important mana management is, especially if you're a Mystic or Cleric.
TL;DR In a 1v1 setting, as long as you keep pressing and keep a steady stream of damage to a Mystic or a Cleric, they will eventually run out of mana and you will win the fight.
Food for thought : If you're expecting to kill a class quickly designed to heal itself and party members, you'll be disappointed.
Have an A1 day.