In very much the same vein as papabear's Bloodmage thread, I thought I'd sort of gather up all my ideas for the Dragoon class. It's been my theoretical favorite since I heard about it before Heroes was implemented, and now I actually am one. It's sort of plain- not bad, but in short it's merely a bulky warrior with Jump. So I've been thinking of skills that would liven it up.
NOTE: Skills that deal with players hitting objects or other entities cannot be implemented in full. Bukkit doesn't expose player collision, quoth Sleaker. This obstacle will persist for an indefinite period of time.
~My Ideas~
~Others' Ideas~
Here's a theoretical skillset for Dragoons, utilizing my ideas:
level 1-Mark/Recall
level 1- Disarm
level 5- Jump
level 20- DragonSkin
level 30- Javelin
level 35- SuperJump
level 40- Rebound
level 50- HolyLance
Any input or other suggestions are appreciated, and hopefully some folks like what I'm spitting out here.
NOTE: Skills that deal with players hitting objects or other entities cannot be implemented in full. Bukkit doesn't expose player collision, quoth Sleaker. This obstacle will persist for an indefinite period of time.
~My Ideas~
Javelin- 30 mana, 15-30 second CD- Consumes stone shovel, and the targeted enemy (up to 10 blocks away[?]) is dealt 15 damage and is slowed, dispelling all current speed buffs, cannot dash, and may walk slower than normal. Previously called Impale, but renamed when a skill called Impale got added to Herocraft proper (although at the moment it's not very impaley, I'd suggest renaming it Fling or Pitchfork).
Quake [cannot be implemented]- 60 mana, 20 minute CD- 20 second duration. Landing from a fall does AoE damage that is more severe and has a wider radius the longer the drop was, as well as a short Root or Push effect- standard hops will deal small, repeated damage that interferes with the foe's movement, while using Jump or SuperJump will do heavier damage with a larger range. Imparts SafeFall for the duration.
DragonSkin-35 mana, 10 minute CD- 2 1/2 minute duration. Reduces incoming damage by 3 or 4, renders user fireproof. Based on StoneSkin, a skill that was listed under Dragoon that I never saw used.
HolyLance- 40 mana, 10 minute CD- Usable only with shovels. When used with any shovel besides gold, 2 minute duration, attacks made with a shovel deal 1/4th more damage and the user is healed for 1/2 of all damage inflicted. When used with a gold shovel, 3 1/2 minute duration, those within a radius of 3-4 or all members of your party deal 1/2 more damage with any weapon and are healed for 1/4th of all damage they inflict. Javelin also deals 5-10 more damage. An offensive buff that takes elements of the Final Fantasy ability Lancet and gently whisks it with an ability based on the Holy Lance (which is also featured in FF, as it happens).
Rebound- 10 mana, 3 second CD- Technically a passive. When descending from a Jump or SuperJump, hitting a mob or player causes the user to jump again. I swear, I want to learn Java just so I can go "here it is, add it".
Quake [cannot be implemented]- 60 mana, 20 minute CD- 20 second duration. Landing from a fall does AoE damage that is more severe and has a wider radius the longer the drop was, as well as a short Root or Push effect- standard hops will deal small, repeated damage that interferes with the foe's movement, while using Jump or SuperJump will do heavier damage with a larger range. Imparts SafeFall for the duration.
DragonSkin-35 mana, 10 minute CD- 2 1/2 minute duration. Reduces incoming damage by 3 or 4, renders user fireproof. Based on StoneSkin, a skill that was listed under Dragoon that I never saw used.
HolyLance- 40 mana, 10 minute CD- Usable only with shovels. When used with any shovel besides gold, 2 minute duration, attacks made with a shovel deal 1/4th more damage and the user is healed for 1/2 of all damage inflicted. When used with a gold shovel, 3 1/2 minute duration, those within a radius of 3-4 or all members of your party deal 1/2 more damage with any weapon and are healed for 1/4th of all damage they inflict. Javelin also deals 5-10 more damage. An offensive buff that takes elements of the Final Fantasy ability Lancet and gently whisks it with an ability based on the Holy Lance (which is also featured in FF, as it happens).
Rebound- 10 mana, 3 second CD- Technically a passive. When descending from a Jump or SuperJump, hitting a mob or player causes the user to jump again. I swear, I want to learn Java just so I can go "here it is, add it".

~Others' Ideas~
-Flying Kick, Passive, Mana unspecified, Cooldown unspecified
Colliding with a mob or enemy while airborne would push and damage the one hit.
-Street Sweeper, 50 mana, 300 second cooldown
4 or 5 block-long, 180-degree sweep inflicts damage on and stuns all enemies in range "for like 2 seconds or something".
-Bullet Dive, 20 mana, 1 minute cooldown
User is given SafeFall and will trigger a Quake-style effect upon hitting the ground. All enemies in range are dealt 10 damage and stunned for 1.5 seconds.
-Energy Boost, 60 mana, 250 second cooldown
For a 15-second duration, Jump (and SuperJump?) cannot be used and the user moves 40% faster for 5 seconds.
-Flying Kick, Passive, Mana unspecified, Cooldown unspecified
Colliding with a mob or enemy while airborne would push and damage the one hit.
-Street Sweeper, 50 mana, 300 second cooldown
4 or 5 block-long, 180-degree sweep inflicts damage on and stuns all enemies in range "for like 2 seconds or something".
-Bullet Dive, 20 mana, 1 minute cooldown
User is given SafeFall and will trigger a Quake-style effect upon hitting the ground. All enemies in range are dealt 10 damage and stunned for 1.5 seconds.
-Energy Boost, 60 mana, 250 second cooldown
For a 15-second duration, Jump (and SuperJump?) cannot be used and the user moves 40% faster for 5 seconds.
Here's a theoretical skillset for Dragoons, utilizing my ideas:
level 1-Mark/Recall
level 1- Disarm
level 5- Jump
level 20- DragonSkin
level 30- Javelin
level 35- SuperJump
level 40- Rebound
level 50- HolyLance
Any input or other suggestions are appreciated, and hopefully some folks like what I'm spitting out here.