Which in particular? I'm guessing Impale and HolyLance. Quake is too complex for the moment, apparently. I'll go ahead and clarify that I don't know exactly what I want out of a buff, but something that affects the spears in particular would be a good fit, and there are a collection of effects that would fit well with a spear-specific buff. Impale uses non-stackable reagents and a third of your mana for damage you could match or exceed in two normal hits. The result is (theoretically) satisfying, regardless of it's constituent parts.
Defensive buff: effects could include adding X points to your armor gauge for a set amount of time, rendering the user fireproof (if not lavaproof), and/or nullifying or reducing ForcePush effects from non-party members. If Quake ever did make it in, it would be fun if it increased the damage of that. More armor, extra mass, bigger impact. I'd probably call it DragonSkin rather than StoneSkin.
I like the idea of synergy between skills, if nobody's noticed. Rebound and Quake work with Jump skills. My idea for StoneSkin work with Quake. Maybe using Impale while HolyLance is active could make it stronger somehow, seeing as you're already down at least one Impale's-worth of mana. Longer range, more damage, bigger push, or longer root.
Defensive buff: effects could include adding X points to your armor gauge for a set amount of time, rendering the user fireproof (if not lavaproof), and/or nullifying or reducing ForcePush effects from non-party members. If Quake ever did make it in, it would be fun if it increased the damage of that. More armor, extra mass, bigger impact. I'd probably call it DragonSkin rather than StoneSkin.
I like the idea of synergy between skills, if nobody's noticed. Rebound and Quake work with Jump skills. My idea for StoneSkin work with Quake. Maybe using Impale while HolyLance is active could make it stronger somehow, seeing as you're already down at least one Impale's-worth of mana. Longer range, more damage, bigger push, or longer root.