The game is not for sale, at the moment. I have been following it since June 2011 =P, can't wait to play it. Wollay(the only developer) said that he does not know how long until release, and has not said if he will finish the game or just get it to a certain point before releasing it. He has confirmed that you will need to buy it though, no free test or anything, but I can't wait to throw my money at him.
It will have a house customization of some sort but no digging or mining so it does not get considered even more of an MC clone than people already say because it has squares. There will be crafting of some sorts with monster loot and as you can see dual wielding. Skill tree system, scaling walls, rolling, dodging, npcs, dozens of biomes, cool shit.
If you want more info here is the blog, you can read all the past updates over the months and check out the boss fight videos and such, as well as plenty of pictures.
As for Afritay's question about multiplayer support, he said that there is no limit currently and it would be up to how many people the host can support with their server/internet.