Feel free to copy and paste. (Dont forget the tag to Angyles)
What is your in game name?: chillywilly713
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): No I am 15, but I will be 16 soon.
What is your current Hero Path? : I am a Rogue and Crafter currently
Are you new to the server? : Kind of, I have been playing on my friends account for a while at his house, but recently was accepted on my account. So I do know all the basics and everything I need to know.
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : I do understand this towns rules and they are good guidelines to follow.
How did you hear about Lórien ? : I heard from Lief that this server is way more fun in towns, and from the looks of the members list, I know a lot of people here.
Why do you want to join Lórien? : I need a city to stay in because this server Is scary alone.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : I am a good resource gatherer and you can pretty much slave me around, im always on.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : Nope. Hoping to get into this one though! 
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : Yep, I love ts, I use it all the time.