- Joined
- Apr 3, 2012
IGN | Dogrules23
Age | 15
Location and Time Zone | Pennsylvania
How long have you been whitelisted | I don't know
If less than 1 month, please link to whitelist application |
Previous Towns | None
Why did you leave (if applicable) |
Why do you want to join Braavos | I was asking for a town and was told to come here
Why would Braavos want you | I am a very good builder when on a budget
Tell us about yourself | I like to build and am decent at redstone
How did you hear about Braavos? | I was asking for a town
Who are the leaders of Braavos? (there are five) | Jonsoon, hilltim1, TheSojourner, AzenYumCha, LightningCape
Referrals | awsumguy75321
IGN | JTrocks55411
Age | 15
Location and Time Zone | Tennessee and Central Time
How long have you been whitelisted | 3 hours
If less than 1 month, please link to whitelist application | here
Previous Towns | none
Why did you leave (if applicable) | N/A
Why do you want to join Braavos | I'd like a town to make friends on the server and keep me safe as I learn how to play on RPG servers. (This is my first RPG server and I'm pretty clueless right now XD)
Why would Braavos want you | Once I have some solid ground to stand on, I'll try my best repay the town everything did for me and more.
Tell us about yourself | I am an avid Minecraft player and have played on many servers before (although I am inexperienced with RPG servers) and have been admin and mod on several servers. I also play alot of BF3, and run track at my high school. Oh and I'm a huge tech nerd, I plan to learn how to code in Java or C++ sometime soon. SO I CAN HAZ OOB3R L33T HAXORZ!
How did you hear about Braavos? | You were the 2nd most replied town on the Townships list and you had no taxes. lol pretty simple
Who are the leaders of Braavos? (there are five) | Jonsoon, hilltim1, TheSojourner, AzenYumCha, LightningCape
Referrals | None, sorry.
By submitting this application, and getting accepted, you agree to all of the town rules. Failure to follow the rules will be subject to termination. I agree and will follow all of your rules!![]()
Both of you are Accepted! Please read your PM's and find a manager in game. Some of us are traveling for the holidays, so please be patient today! Thank you.