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[CITY] Ironpass [33] - Good


Jul 7, 2011
Crafter's District 2ic things of notice
*You're applying to be the 2ic of Deltacraft, and the Crafter's district (obviously)
*Anybody can apply
*You don't have to be a Crafter, but being one does add some weight to the choice
*You can not be in any other position of power (ex. can't be 2ic of rogue dist. and this)
*Age of town citizenship adds weight to the choice
*Donations to the town (not just money/items but donations of labor as well) adds weight to the choice
*Responsibility and maturity add weight to the choice (another kinda obvious thing)

Just some basic things to clear up the competition (if there will be one).
May 30, 2011
Dear Ironpass,

I apologize for not being online very much here lately. I'm very addicted to League of Legends at the moment so my MC playtime has gone down dramatically. I'm trying to finish the Bazaar, but, I'm in need of lots of Wool and dye related materials (preferably white, red, grey, and black). Anyone who wishes to donate wool or dye can pm me when I'm online and trade in person. Donations will be greatly appreciated and noted for future restitution.

In regards to the bazaar's function, this is to all IP citizens. The Bazaar will be in place to generate revenue for the kingdom (and any venture the kingdom feels is necessary to take upon itself.) The chest shops within the bazaar will be price regulated based on the servers supply and demand. All shops inventories will also be checked daily or, at the very least, weekly. I will personally keep an inventory list to give a general idea of the cash flow of the Bazaar and whether or not to adjust prices. The plan is to buy and sell "farmable", or very common materials and their building material counterparts.

Current item list plan: Cobblestone, Smoothstone, Half-Steps, Logs, Birch, Redwood, Planks, Tool Benches, Ovens, Coal, Sand, Sandstone, Glass, Fencing, Torches, Redstone, Saplings (All-Types), Reeds, Paper, Wheat, Bread, Bowls, (hopefully mushrooms), eventually netherrack, glowstone, soulsand. Anything I'm missing was probably just forgot about in the past 5 minutes.

Also, I'm currently under contract with Kainzo and the Crafters Guild with Jwplayer to create the Forest Spire. I'm going to do my best to devote a lot of time to that until it's completed.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 21, 2011
Fuck. I'm now resigning. Just kidding. I'll be the meat shield. Fuck.

Bah its just a bunch of rogues with crystal katanas and such u gotah block... I do have a nice shaddy tree we can burry u under if worse come to worse (if nobody has chopped it down that is)


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 24, 2011
New Zealand
  1. In-game name: Phlexx
  2. Location or Timezone:NYC,USA. TimeZone is EST
  3. Age (optional):19
  4. How Long have you been playing Minecraft? A year more or less.
  5. How Long have you been playing Herocraft? A long while.
  6. Previous Towns: None, i've been a bit of a loner but ive decided to join a town.
  7. Referral(s): None
  8. Reason you chose IronPass:From what ive seen the members are respectful and cool people. The City seems organized and i hear the parties are awesome. :) And im sure you guys could use some more warriors.


Please (re-)read the first post and try sending the app to the right place . . .