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[City] [Halvalor] [20] {Neutral}


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
J3sus you're allowed to make a large, gaudy structure that is in your face (obviously, you don't need my permission) --- but I don't want to encourage people to make huge lava volcanoes, diamond towers, or other crazy things, hehe.

We are a city now but we gotta try to keep that "town" feel, ya know? :)


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
i have a town suggestion. Plot tax along with town tax.


as well as instead of giving a free 12x12 right off bat, make a free 5x5 plot and they can buy rights to a 12x12 for say 20 coin.

would help town coffers and keeps the slackers out( slackers love cobble...... )

along with recent drama, should be a grace period if accepted to town. like a week, or something if you dont live up to it, there is the gate.... harsh but would keep alot of the 'issues' outside our loverly town.

i did hear a rumor bout being able to buy more land for existing plots, is this for vacant plots only or would we be able to buy out an owner?

as well with increased plot size i would expect to pay slightly more taxes.. :)

these are suggestions and ideas.. feedback??
Sep 12, 2011
Typically we've done it to where people just have someone pay me an up front cost to add some land to their initial plot. We don't really have a very good system in yet though.

I like your ideas @Plasma


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
As part of my new responsibilities - I'm working on a system to keep track of all town members and their plots, so I'll know who has paid for extra space, what size plot each person should have, etc. I do think it's fair that people with larger plots should pay more taxes --- doesn't have to be a lot, but a little something extra. I'm not sure exactly what you mean Plasma about buying out existing owners...

As for the plot sizes -- I propose that there be 3 tiers of plots...

12x12 -- free initial plot, or if J3sus wants to charge 20c - that's cool too. Taxes @ 15 (when they go back up)
18x18 -- an extra 200c for the initial purchase, and extra 5c a week in taxes (when taxes go back up to 15)
24x24 -- an extra 500c for the initial purchase, and extra 10c a week in taxes (when taxes go back up to 15)

Basically, we want to give people the option to expand their plots, but because space is relatively limited (moreso as we get more members), we need to make it somewhat expensive to do so. The 3 tiers could be 12x12, 16x16, and 20x20 also if you feel the suggested sizes above are too large.

Once I get the OK from J3sus on the plan, I'll go ahead and put everyone down in my spreadsheet and begin keeping track. J3sus: if you want me to basically keep track of the "extra" taxes - I could collect those separately and remit the taxes to you. Let me know your thoughts on how you want to handle that.

Finally, all plots will be subject to approval by an architect, officer, or Toad or j3sus - for example, there are some current plots where expanding to 24x24 (or 20x20) would interfere with basic town infrastructure or other houses.


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
I'm not sure exactly what you mean Plasma about buying out existing owners...

for example. Jinder has this 'place' smack dab behind mine and its where zachy is too.
i would like to buy them out, pay them a fee to remove houses, and i buy said plot from town. thus owning it.
much like monopoly.


i had plans for a nice 24x24 plot, house tower, very exteremely well built and we had to scrap em cause of nieghbors.

and i dont think a 24x24 should be 500c... that is an LWC chest. should be round 300 coin mark.

and we need to start desgination of areas.. this side of town for biz, this side for houses.. etc..


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
I see what you're saying - but I think it should be a case-by-case investigation and all parties should agree. I don't want any "I already have an 18x18 so I can expand to 24x24 over your house cause you're only 12x12," etc. So we could probably work something out with all involved parties to a fair solution. I guess I'm saying, I don't think you should have the right to buy out zachy and jinder, but the option, subject to official approval and an amicable agreement with affected citizens.

As for the 500c, 24x24 is exactly 4 times what the 12x12 plot is --- that is a lot of space if you think about it - and the city isn't that big really, so I think 500 is perfectly reasonable to be honest.


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
As for the 500c, 24x24 is exactly 4 times what the 12x12 plot is --- that is a lot of space if you think about it - and the city isn't that big really, so I think 500 is perfectly reasonable to be honest.

i agree with the offical bit bout buying plots. :)

i dont agree with price. 500 coin is alot to some players and nothing to others. need to middle ground it. 350c would be a decent start to adding to your existing plot. its not like im going out and buying a 24x24 plot right off. i already get a free 12x12. so 24x24 isnt that far off.

especially if one is town member and paying taxes, being a contributing help citizen. shuld the town reward those tax paying, citizens???


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
and i dont mean any harm or foul lol
this is merely a discussion :p

WOOOT HAL RAWKS !!!!!!!!!!!!


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
Well, I guess J3sus can decide ultimately --- but 24x24 is a very large area, and as I mentioned, is exactly 4 times the area of a regular 12x12 plot. By one person taking up a 24x24 plot they are effectively taking the area that 4 citizens could live on.

Yes, 500c is expensive - but the 24x24 plot size should be a luxury item for citizens - we don't want every person to have a 24x24 plot because it will just take up too much space. It's also not really that difficult to get a few hundred c, you just have to work for it. If people need more money, me and kperk are always willing to pay money for town work (which, by the way, we have been paying out of our own pockets, which I'm not complaining about at all, I like it that way).


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
how much is it to start a town??
i know zeal plots go for alot.

it may be alot but i could get other townies to move next to me and we can consolidate our free 12x12 plots.

i dont think its a money issue. im jsut arguing for the lower classes. lol


500c is a lwc chest and that is way more valueble to me it may not be to another user.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
I paid 2,500c for my zeal plot that is only 18x18, just for comparison :) 500c isn't that bad for a 24x24 town plot.

Also, I don't see any problem with you sharing a plot with 3 other people, and sharing a 24x24 plot.

It's not about oppressing the lower class, it's about providing a luxury item to people who have a lot of money. If we charged 200c for the initial 12x12 plot, then ok, I would agree. But everyone has a free or virtually free town plot that they can live in right now, regardless of how much money they have.

Finally, unlike the real world, in minecraft everyone has the same opportunity to go out and make as much money as they want. No one is disabled, or born to a poor family with limited opportunities. We all have the same ability to go out and mine for an hour or two to make money, etc. I didn't get 10,000c (the amount I had before buying my noble plot and donating 4,100 to town) by just being lucky or through a trust fund. Me and my brothers mined forever and did a lot of work to get that money. As a result, I was able to buy nice things. I put hours and hours and hours into mining for gold and iron, etc., to get that much money. As a result, I have a nice zeal plot and a decent amount of money. It wasn't because of luck. In minecraft, the lower class exists because of people's own decisions - they are not in the lower class because of a lack of opportunities or because of their family's social status, etc.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
My house is slightly larger then 12x12 but, I shouldn't have to pay for these reasons:
1. Its been there since the start of the town
2. The first week of the town, tax was 30c each week. I payed for 3 weeks. Next week it was 15.

The prices you are discussing are ridiculous. Why not just for ever 1x1 you add you pay 20c?

(EDIT: And by 1x1 I mean 12x12->13x13)


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
Bob I think your plot is fine. I don't think you need to pay extra. And also, I actually like your idea of paying extra for each 1x1, up to a limit of say 24x24, or something (just to avoid massive town-gobblers, hehe).

Also, the prices I quoted were just examples. If J3sus wants to lower them sure. I was debating with you Plasma because you pulled out the lower-class crap, like "not everyone has a bunch of money like you sadikyo" (which was kinda implied). And if we were talking about the real world - I would be right there with you fighting by your side for fair opportunities and attempts to level the playing field for people with limited opportunities. But that simply isn't the case here. So I don't really care whether it's 300, or 500, whatever J3sus wants - but don't make it sound like I'm being oppressive, hehe.


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
The prices you are discussing are ridiculous. Why not just for ever 1x1 you add you pay 20c?

(EDIT: And by 1x1 I mean 12x12->13x13)

glad you can see what i have been saying.. :p

if i have a town and citizens are helping and making my town and there town nice and prosper.. yeah im gunna reward them.

you said that you and your bros mined. others i know only get to play for a hour or two at a time, thus they cant rack up the ores and riches. im not arguing with ya lol i see you point but there is a flip side to it. look at barabus. he has a house in town and he is never in it. hes off pwning noobs and pvp.
kinda is a case by case basis...

and how much is it to start a town??????????


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
Musics discs: dropped from randomly generating chests, or when a creeper is killed by a skeleton. Comes in green and gold.