Andrew Saggot
- Joined
- Jun 23, 2011
soooooo... im sorry about my building skills... or not skills... lol. if you will give me one more chance i will get a good looking house and you wont have a problem with me ever again. thanx
soooooo... im sorry about my building skills... or not skills... lol. if you will give me one more chance i will get a good looking house and you wont have a problem with me ever again. thanx
Bisu_ has violated Rule number 2, having mentioned that he robbed 500c of an IronPass citizen, he also threatened, myself, tourettes_guy and was continuesly killing one of my rangers, even after i asked him to stop.
8) If a citizen of Jericho is in your town, raiding or attacking, feel free to kill them!
To add a little fun to my adventures I now give the option of payment to have me leave a town. I offered theonlyasianguy and his townsfolk the option to pay me to leave, or to buy my allegiance. His friends had no problem offering me money to leave, but Matt insisted that they don't pay and instead threatened that I would have to "pack my bags and leave Jericho." Anonymiter was regretfully bothered to quiet Matt and his real life friends from Jericho chat, S4ms4m and tourettes_guy.He demands 500c tributes off people otherwise he kills them.
As always, I never take the first swing if I am unsure of an alliance. But if attacked by anyone I will most certainly retaliate with unrelenting intent.I also have heard him getting in conflict with ChibiVampire, but after discovering Chibi is a citizen of an allianced town with Jericho, he killed him anyway. I duno but that just sound like bad news to me. :S
Well, Chibi did ask in chat after he hit you and then we said you were from Jericho so he said he won't kill you but you decided to kill him anyway. But yea, I guess it's no harm if Chibi can retaliate lol.
Try not to cause problems regardless for your town or for your alliance, it'd be much better that way still I think. You sound pretty hardheaded so if you're going to give people shit I don't think it's wise if you want a lasting relationship with the people you call allies. I don't care if Matt's throwing a tantrum because you kill his friend, I think I care more about how you react to that I guess.I never killed anyone who have hit me once or twice that stopped and apologize or said it was a mistake, nor do I ever take it upon myself to go out for an eye of an eye, because that just cause more trouble to me than for what it's worth.
You always have this option, Matt. If you think my choice of targets is not to your liking you can take it up with Anonymiter or smash directly instead of weaseling your way through public chat to try and garner some support from a large audience. Quite sad, I must admit. Further, if you believe that Rogue Corps holds much more value than your town and its citizens, Jericho, you always have that option.If that upsets you or you don't care for anything else I've said you're always welcome to leave the town.
R3xz I'm quite surprised you're trying to weigh the balance here. Seems silly to even bring up external arguments. I gave you minecraftstructureplanner and we even chat ingame. Take my side, and help end this dispute.
No, hes given them the ability to defend themselves against the citizens of an ally. It means they don't have to sit there like a rag doll anytime a guild member's town attacks. You are right though, it alludes to Jericho's right to attack another town. But it also seems to say that no member of the guild can join in a raid against Jericho.8) If a citizen of Jericho is in your town, raiding or attacking, feel free to kill them! I'll talk to them afterwards.
If I'm not mistaken he's giving his Ranger Corps permission to kill Jericho citizens and also aware that Jericho's citizens may raid his friends' towns in exchange. I see no issue with me killing one of his members.
To add a little fun to my adventures I now give the option of payment to have me leave a town. I offered theonlyasianguy and his townsfolk the option to pay me to leave, or to buy my allegiance. His friends had no problem offering me money to leave, but Matt insisted that they don't pay and instead threatened that I would have to "pack my bags and leave Jericho." Anonymiter was regretfully bothered to quiet Matt and his real life friends from Jericho chat, S4ms4m and tourettes_guy.
In conclusion Matt has no grounds for his argument and if/until we do accept the Rogue Corps as allies I see no problem in ruining my pvp runs. In effect I find it quite shameful that Matt is being so rude as to accuse a fellow citizen in public on the forums and to impersonate having any kind of authority within the realm of the Jericho hierarchy.