Country/Timezone:United States Of America, ET
When did you join HeroCraft? Yesterday
Can you use TeamSpeak? Yes
How did you hear about Altum (References)? I heard about it by ingame chat.
Country/Timezone:United States Of America, ET
When did you join HeroCraft? Yesterday
Can you use TeamSpeak? Yes
How did you hear about Altum (References)? I heard about it by ingame chat.
(Quick blurb here)
Current class and profession? If you are unspecced, what do you plan to choose? Im a caster and i want to be an architect.(Class info here)
What can you contribute to Altum? Why should you be accepted? Im a awesome builder and i think i can help make the city look nice.(Tell us why here)
Were you in any previous towns? If so, why did you change to Altum? I was part of Windhelm but they wouldnt answer any of my questions and there city was horrendous.(Tell us why here)
Additional information relevant to your application? I want to be an architect when i grow up. I love minecraft and im great at pvp.(Tell us about yourself)
Post pictures of any builds you are proud of: Here are some.