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Calling all Summoners, Official [DH] LoL Team


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 29, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
We are excited to announce to you the forming of the official [DH] League of Legends team. We are looking to form a strong team for tournaments as well as friendly competition through normal games. The tournament held in Cologne Germany to officially end Season 1 of the Ladder had a final prize of $100,000 US dollars. Working up to being able to bring something like that home under the [DH] tag is something we should strive for. Plus, this will give great exposure for Herocraft in general. Getting a team signed up for Go4LoL soon would be a plus. We would like to give some of the newer people time to get acquainted with the game and level up prior to forming the competitive team to give everyone a chance at being on it.

~To join the team~
Play league of legends - NA server for now, sorry =(​
Be currently involved in any [DH] project, Herocraft counts obviously​

~To join the competitive team~
Must be level 30 Summoner​
Must be able to demonstrate a high amount of skill while using a variety of champions from most of the basic archetypes as labeled by Riot games.​
Must have map awareness​
Must have knowledge of game mechanics​
Must know how to build correctly to counter enemy team​
Must have a good connection to PvP.net and decent computer​
Must have knowledge of correct runes and masteries for the champion being played​
Must be able to last hit​
Must know how to form correct team composition - 1 tank, 1 support, 1 Jungle, 1 Ablity Power, 1 Attack Damage ideally 3AP,2AD/3AD,2AP​

Be respectful - It is ok to tell someone they are terrible at their champion, but do so with respect. Treat everyone you encounter with respect. We want to be known for being awesome, not being douchebags.
Don't rage too hard - It's ok to get angry and be vocal about it as long as it is tactful. It is not okay to ragequit.
Support your team - Help your team, help them with everything. If someone is struggling take the time to help them get better. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Take the time to explain mechanics and game play.
Be a good teammate - Call MIA's, let your team know when champions with global Ultimates have reached level 6 (such as Karthus, Twisted Fate, Pantheon etc.), announce when dragon was killed and keep timers on them, inform people when you need to recall so your lane can be covered to prevent pushing and tower loss.
Keep AFK's to an absolute minimum- Take your bio breaks, get drinks and whatever else you need to get done prior to the game starting. Being level deficent because of AFK's can lose the game for the team.
The [DH] tag is a privilage not a right. The competitive team will be the best of the best that our community has to offer and will be using the tag for tournament games. Substitutions and changes in competitive roster will be frequent to ensure that we stay the best.

-Team Members-

Crod XD​

-Competitive Team-

Please post your Summoner name below in the format of Herocraft name/Summoner name and we will try to update the roster frequently. And join the DH channel in game to stay connected with everyone.

Thanks to Kainzo for making this possible.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 29, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
We will be starting tryouts for the competitive team from Novemeber 23th to 29th 8pm - 12am during the week, and anytime during the weekend.
We will be playing ranked premade 5's matches. You will require a minimum of 14 champions to play a ranked draft mode game.

You will be judged on your skill level, your teamwork, map awareness, communitcation and ability to effectivily work well within your team. I will admit right now, you are going to be judged very harshly so please do not take offense to it. We absolutlely want the best of the best for our proteam. We also need a team that can get along with each other.

You will be required to be in Teamspeak and have a working mic.

By the end of the week the proteam will be decided. Please do not take offense if you are not on it, you will be told what adjustements or what areas you need to work on so that you can improve to sit as a substitute or a future member. The team will be re-evaluated once every 1-2 months providing that there is no major issue and the team performs smoothly.

Shoot me a PM if you are interested with what days and times you are available. We will not start without a full team of 5.


Jun 25, 2011
GamerName: SoloPanda
Level In-Game: 30
Map-Awareness: Is Good Enough
Last Hits: Good
Can Use a lot of Champions: Yes
Mechanics: Good
Counter-Building: Good
Internet and COmputer: Good
Runes and Masteries: Have them and are Decent
Knows Correct Team Comp: Yup

Edit: Im going for the Competitive Team! Hope i get in!


Retired Staff
Jul 24, 2011
Portland, Oregon
Been playing mostly Dom, but I can def play some competetive 5s or 3s - used to do it with some of my buds and we started heading upwards of 1500 but had trouble finding a solid 4th and 5th, and a couple of the people had some tempers which made it a bit difficult to work together at times. Count me interested, I'll try and be on mumble more often.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jan 14, 2011
Beverly Hills, CA
Note to Ginzu, make main post prettier. Also throw this in there. Maybe even add teamspeak availability into the rules, since thats what makes us so good :3


Edit: Also aphabetized list:

Crod XD


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
I want to wish the DH team luck assuming this is for the upcoming team basis coming to ranked. I will not be joining since I already have a team, however, I wanted to wish you guys luck and I hope we meet on the Fields of Justice!


Oct 24, 2011
So like is anybody keen to play any games in the next 3-4 hours? If so add me on league, HarshHash join the Dh chatroom also


Legacy Supporter 2
Aug 8, 2011
I have two accounts:
Starkillah: level 14 or something
KRodd128: level 30
Must be level 30 Summoner : done.​
Must be able to demonstrate a high amount of skill while using a variety of champions from most of the basic archetypes as labeled by Riot games. : improvement can be made, but generally im good.​
Must have map awareness : done.​
Must have knowledge of game mechanics : done.​
Must know how to build correctly to counter enemy team : done.​
Must have a good connection to PvP.net and decent computer : done.​
Must have knowledge of correct runes and masteries for the champion being played : done.​
Must be able to last hit : done.​
Must know how to form correct team composition - 1 tank, 1 support, 1 Jungle, 1 Ablity Power, 1 Attack Damage ideally 3AP,2AD/3AD,2AP : easy enough.​

This is relatively more for the future. Im getting a more gaming oriented computer and i plan to get into LoL​
way more. So ill keep in touch. but i still hop on every once in a while.​


Glowing Redstone
Sep 28, 2011
GamerName: HojoBear (In HC and LoL)
Level In-Game: 30
Map-Awareness: I'd like to think it's good.
Last Hits: Good
Can Use a lot of Champions: One of every type, still learning jungle fidd.
Mechanics: Good
Counter-Building: Good
Internet and COmputer: Very good
Runes and Masteries: Have jungle, ad and is getting ap.
Knows Correct Team Comp: Yessir.
Additional Info: My best champs are: Anivia, Vayne, Leona, and I hate to say it but Teemo


Sep 1, 2011
GamerName: ValisaPyrena
Level In-Game: 30
Map-Awareness: High
Last Hits: Good
Can Use a lot of Champions: At least 2 of each type
Mechanics: High
Counter-Building: Good
Internet and Computer: Excellent
Runes and Masteries: 10 pages, something for everything, options for each build
Knows Correct Team Comp: Indeed
Additional Info:
- I play what the team needs, though my worst role is AP carry, but I'm still not terrible with one.
- My main roster:
Tanks: Leona, Alistar, Amumu, Malphite
Support: Sona, Soraka, Lux
Melee: Shyvanna, Udyr, Riven, Blitz
Ranged: Cait, Ashe, Graves
AP Carry: Soraka, Lux, LeBlanc

Will have little to no time until next year.


Dec 8, 2011
GamerName: Ranam & cTook (Two LoL Accounts)
Level In-Game: 30 The Two.
Map-Awareness: Very Good.
Last Hits: Very Good.
Can Use a lot of Champions: All Of Them.
Mechanics: Very Good
Counter-Building: Good
Internet and Computer: Very Good
Runes and Masteries: Magic Resist Mostly.
Knows Correct Team Comp: Yeap.
Additional Info: I'm A Great LoL Summoner As I Have Been Playing LoL For Almost A Year. Even Though I Made Two Accounts Which Is Ranam And cTook And Everyone Of Them Has Almost 350 Wins Which Counts As 700 Win. And I'm Experienced With Masteries And How To Play With Each Champion As I Have Tested All Of Them.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 7, 2011
I'd be up for joining the DH team, I usually play tank, support or ap caster (mains are Janna and Shen, I have an 86% solo ranked w/l ratio with Janna at the moment)

GamerName: pyrokinetiq
Level In-Game: 30
Map-Awareness: 9/10, in solo ranked I'm usually the only one who actually buys wards or takes clarivoyance (unfortunately)
Last Hits: 9/10, though I usually play tank or support in a duo lane in which case I give the last hits to the carry (though I do take any that I think the carry will miss etc.)
Can Use a lot of Champions: Yep.
Mechanics: I know most if not all of the common game mechanics
Counter-Building: 10/10, seeing as I usually tank, counter-building is pretty much my job
Internet and Computer: 10/10
Runes and Masteries: When playing tank I roll my 25 armor+25 mr@18 rune set, and choose masteries to accompany whatever champion I'm playing
Knows Correct Team Comp: Yep.
Additional Info:
Been playing since the week Malzahar came out (3-4 weeks before Season 1/Xin Zhou came out I think).
Being Aussie I do get a ~190ms ping it really doesn't seem to have had any real negative effect.