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~Brimhollow~ [Not Recruiting]


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: Destava
Age & Timezone: 18, CET
Combat Class (include level): Ranger, 31 | Leveling hard
Profession (include level): Crafter, 20 | Trying to gain money for Enchanter
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: About 4/5 years ago, but was inactive for a few
How active are you in general: Quite active, I try to play at least a few hours every day. But often I play a lot more.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Brimhollow seemed like the kind of town that is active and puts time in setting up stuff like the forum page.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nope
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Nope
PvP or PvE (just curious): I like to PVP, but still a low level

Minecraft IGN: Skylian
Age & Timezone: 18, CET
Combat Class (include level): Dreadknight 30
Profession (include level): Crafter, 20
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: Yesterday
How active are you in general: Quite active atleast 2 hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Me and my friend where looking for an active town and then we found Brimhollow on the forums.
Any previous towns (if applicable): None
Reason for leaving (if applicable): None
PvP or PvE (just curious): Pvp all the way

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_ , @The7_ , or @shaquiqui in-game to get started!
In the meantime, please familiarize yourselves with the two main forum posts.


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: PyroWarlord
Age & Timezone: 14 & Eastern
Combat Class (include level): Necromancer LV 8
Profession (include level): Crafter LV 8
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 7 To be honest
When did you join Herocraft: I like RPG type servers with specialized skills.
How active are you in general: Around 5 hours in total every 2 days
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Storage and friends.
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): Depends.

Denied. You did not read the rules.
Good luck in finding another town!
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Jan 11, 2015
Los Angeles/San Diego, California
Minecraft IGN: AeonofWinds
Age & Timezone: 17 | PST
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 50 Tier 2 Ninja 30? Paladin 5?
Profession (include level): Engineer 50 Farmer 50
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: (building is for ribirds) (14-17) (so sneaky) ~11
When did you join Herocraft: a bit over a year ago
How active are you in general: used to be active everyday; now, not much, but this town seems like itd be interesting
Why are you joining Brimhollow: New Delve is pretty cool; I vaguely remember Rihawk being one of the chill players throughout herocraft
Any previous towns (if applicable): THEY ALL DIED almost; Lothair, founded Rhun, Tiltwo, a few other minor ones
Reason for leaving (if applicable): my buddies got busy with irl studd and so did I
PvP or PvE (just curious): Both; Im more of ranged/support/stealth PvP, and Im decent in most non-mage classes; I build ships and buildings and i generally stick to medieval themes


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: AeonofWinds
Age & Timezone: 17 | PST
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 50 Tier 2 Ninja 30? Paladin 5?
Profession (include level): Engineer 50 Farmer 50
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: a bit over a year ago
How active are you in general: used to be active everyday; now, not much, but this town seems like itd be interesting
Why are you joining Brimhollow: New Delve is pretty cool; I vaguely remember Rihawk being one of the chill players throughout herocraft
Any previous towns (if applicable): THEY ALL DIED almost; Lothair, founded Rhun, Tiltwo, a few other minor ones
Reason for leaving (if applicable): my buddies got busy with irl studd and so did I
PvP or PvE (just curious): Both; Im more of ranged/support/stealth PvP, and Im decent in most non-mage classes; I build ships and buildings and i generally stick to medieval themes
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get with myself @Muphins69 @The7_ or @shaquiqui ingame to get yourself settled!
Until that time, read through the information post in this thread to get aquainted with the town.
...when are people gonna learn that dark text colours are really hard to see xD
Feb 14, 2016
Minecraft IGN: DroppinqTheBass (15 letters)
Age and timezone: 12 yrs old and timezone is GMT
Combat class: DreadKnight lvl 34
Profession: Crafter lvl 12 (planning to be an alchemist)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7 because I can build but just not creatively enough
When did you join Herocraft?: About a week ago (xD)
How active are you in general?: I'm on just about everyday unless I have a reason not to be
Why do you want to join Brimhollow?: I just want a nice town to be in and I've heard that the community is good here which is what I want
Any previous towns?: No
Reasons for leaving?: No
Pvp or Pve?: PvE
Feb 19, 2016
Minecraft IGN: TheBananaLord
Age & Timezone: 13 & PST
Combat Class (include level): Pyromancer Lvl 3
Profession (include level): Crafter, but i'm planning on becoming a blacksmith
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~13
When did you join Herocraft: Just recently, but I've played on it a lot before. It got some kind of reset since the last time I played.
How active are you in general: I'm pretty active. I'd probably play about 3-4 hours a day if I was accepted.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: So I can begin becoming better at the game, and increasing my stats, leaving Brimhollow with a better "army" or I guess whatever you guys would call it.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nope
Reason for leaving (if applicable): I haven't left, but the only reason I would really ever leave is if the economy of the town got kind of corrupted or if everyone left for some reason.
PvP or PvE (just curious): I'd do both. I'm just not ready for PVP quite yet.
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Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: TheBananaLord
Age & Timezone: 13 & PST
Combat Class (include level): Pyromancer Lvl 3
Profession (include level): Crafter, but i'm planning on becoming a blacksmith
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~13
When did you join Herocraft: Just recently, but I've played on it a lot before. It got some kind of reset since the last time I played.
How active are you in general: I'm pretty active. I'd probably play about 3-4 hours a day if I was accepted.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: So I can begin becoming better at the game, and increasing my stats, leaving Brimhollow with a better "army" or I guess whatever you guys would call it.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nope
Reason for leaving (if applicable): I haven't left, but the only reason I would really ever leave is if the economy of the town got kind of corrupted or if everyone left for some reason.
PvP or PvE (just curious): I'd do both. I'm just not ready for PVP quite yet.

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_ @The7_ or @shaquiqui in-game to get started!
In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the town by reading the first two posts in this thread.

Minecraft IGN: DroppinqTheBass (15 letters)
Age and timezone: 12 yrs old and timezone is GMT
Combat class: DreadKnight lvl 34
Profession: Crafter lvl 12 (planning to be an alchemist)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7 because I can build but just not creatively enough
When did you join Herocraft?: About a week ago (xD)
How active are you in general?: I'm on just about everyday unless I have a reason not to be
Why do you want to join Brimhollow?: I just want a nice town to be in and I've heard that the community is good here which is what I want
Any previous towns?: No
Reasons for leaving?: No
Pvp or Pve?: PvE

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_ @The7_ or @shaquiqui in-game to get settled.
In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with this town by reading the first two posts in this thread.
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Feb 19, 2016
Pending... either you used the incorrect application and/or you didn't read the rules. Please read the rules and edit your app accordingly.

Pending... it is required that you read the rules. Please read the rules and edit your app accordingly in a timely manner.
Fixed it, sorry about that.
Oct 14, 2012
Minecraft IGN: Belarofundus
Age & Timezone: 13 Timezone: UTC+01:00
Combat Class (include level): 18 Berserke
Profession (include level): I was an alchemist but sadly i got reset so im only lvl 12 crafter
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: a 12
When did you join Herocraft: about 3 to 2 years ago
How active are you in general: I would be more active if i was in a town but most of the time i just wait
Why are you joining Brimhollow:
Any previous towns (if applicable):
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious):


Dragon Warrior
Legacy Supporter 9
Feb 9, 2011
Richmond, VA
Minecraft IGN: Skaduush
Age & Timezone: 43 & EST (GMT+5)
Combat Class (include level): Disciple 13
Profession (include level): Crafter 19
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~8, but I'm still a 21 :)
When did you join Herocraft: 2010
How active are you in general: When I have time between work I play MC, when I play MC I play HC.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: You seemed friendly.
Any previous towns (if applicable): I used to run towns back in the old server days.
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Stopped playing, life gets in the way...
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE 90% PVP 10%
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Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: Belarofundus
Age & Timezone: 13 Timezone: UTC+01:00
Combat Class (include level): 18 Berserke
Profession (include level): I was an alchemist but sadly i got reset so im only lvl 12 crafter
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: a 12
When did you join Herocraft: about 3 to 2 years ago
How active are you in general: I would be more active if i was in a town but most of the time i just wait
Why are you joining Brimhollow:
Any previous towns (if applicable):
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious):
Denied. You have failed to read the rules.
Good luck elsewhere!

Minecraft IGN: Skaduush
Age & Timezone: 43 & EST (GMT+5)
Combat Class (include level): Disciple 13
Profession (include level): Crafter 19
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~8, but I'm still a 21 :)
When did you join Herocraft: 2010
How active are you in general: When I have time between work I play MC, when I play MC I play HC.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: You seemed friendly.
Any previous towns (if applicable): I used to run towns back in the old server days.
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Stopped playing, life gets in the way...
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE 90% PVP 10%
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get with myself, @shaquiqui @The7_ or @Muphins69 ingame to get yourself settled!
Until then, why dont you read trhough the first posts in this thread in case you've missed anything.
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Jan 17, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Maxim_V_Midnight
Age & Timezone: 29 (Happy Birthday!), Eastern (EST -5:00), currently observing Daylight Savingts Time
Combat Class (include level): Wizard lv17 (I reached level 20 twice, before getting cold feet and trying first Samurai, then Pyromancer, each via /RESET. I recently changed back to Wizard, and am acquiring my levels again)
Profession (include level): Crafter lv14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~16
When did you join Herocraft: September 2015, give or take.
How active are you in general: Pretty active. I'd be more active with some purpose and direction.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I'm looking to help, and be helped. Herocraft's set up to work best with different Classes and Professions working in tandem, so I reckon Brimhollow - the only Town that's actually bothered to not only post in /RE, but answer my questions too - ought to be a good fit.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Haven (Old/Original Map)
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Got banned over a series of misunderstandings, along with one legit (and stupid, on my part) infraction of counter-griefing a Grief-Raider's Unprotected home (which was still griefing :-/). I was pardoned for the misunderstandings, and I've done my time (in spades) for the counter-griefing (which, ironically, wouldn't even be an infraction, now xD)

PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, but if there's a point to it, or a purpose, and/or it's agreed upon by all involved parties, I might dabble a little in PvP. I'm looking for more of a "Community" vibe, and less of a "ANGST, GRITTED TEETH, RAWR" vibe.


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: Maxim_V_Midnight
Age & Timezone: 29 (Happy Birthday!), Eastern (EST -5:00), currently observing Daylight Savingts Time
Combat Class (include level): Wizard lv17 (I reached level 20 twice, before getting cold feet and trying first Samurai, then Pyromancer, each via /RESET. I recently changed back to Wizard, and am acquiring my levels again)
Profession (include level): Crafter lv14
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~16
When did you join Herocraft: September 2015, give or take.
How active are you in general: Pretty active. I'd be more active with some purpose and direction.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I'm looking to help, and be helped. Herocraft's set up to work best with different Classes and Professions working in tandem, so I reckon Brimhollow - the only Town that's actually bothered to not only post in /RE, but answer my questions too - ought to be a good fit.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Haven (Old/Original Map)
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Got banned over a series of misunderstandings, along with one legit (and stupid, on my part) infraction of counter-griefing a Grief-Raider's Unprotected home (which was still griefing :-/). I was pardoned for the misunderstandings, and I've done my time (in spades) for the counter-griefing (which, ironically, wouldn't even be an infraction, now xD)

PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, but if there's a point to it, or a purpose, and/or it's agreed upon by all involved parties, I might dabble a little in PvP. I'm looking for more of a "Community" vibe, and less of a "ANGST, GRITTED TEETH, RAWR" vibe.

Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_ @The7_ or @shaquiqui in-game to get started.
In the meantime, review the first two main posts in this thread to become more acquainted with the town.
Feb 23, 2016
Minecraft IGN: TheGreatKoi
Age & Timezone: 15 years old, Eastern time
Combat Class (include level): Beguiler, level 1
Profession (include level): I don't have enough levels to have a profession
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 11
When did you join Herocraft: I'm trying to find a good RPG server, and this seems like a good and organized one
How active are you in general: I'm pretty much on Minecraft every day for 2 or 3 hours
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I'm pretty new to this server and someone suggested for me to join Brimhollow, and it seems good
Any previous towns (if applicable): I just joined the server, I haven't joined any towns yet
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvP, but only if its on players I'm not in the same town or something, basically if the player is my enemy


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: TheGreatKoi
Age & Timezone: 15 years old, Eastern time
Combat Class (include level): Beguiler, level 1
Profession (include level): I don't have enough levels to have a profession
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 11
When did you join Herocraft: I'm trying to find a good RPG server, and this seems like a good and organized one
How active are you in general: I'm pretty much on Minecraft every day for 2 or 3 hours
Why are you joining Brimhollow: I'm pretty new to this server and someone suggested for me to join Brimhollow, and it seems good
Any previous towns (if applicable): I just joined the server, I haven't joined any towns yet
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvP, but only if its on players I'm not in the same town or something, basically if the player is my enemy
Denied. You failed to read the rules.
Better luck elsewhere!
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Feb 27, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Mournhold
Age and Timezone: 33, Central Time
Combat Class and Level: Ranger, 9
Profession and Level: Crafter, 16 (Planning on Smith or Enchanter)
Building Skill: ~9
When did I join Herocraft: About a week ago. I've been searching for a server with a strong RPG element to it.
How active am I? I play about ten hours a week on average. I work swing shift, so I play as often as I can.
Why Brimhollow? Because I like the name.
Any previous towns: None so far
Reason for leaving: N/A
PVP or PVE: whichever had the greatest reward. I prefer PVE, but will engage in PVP if the need arises.
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Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: Mournhold
Age and Timezone: 33, Central Time
Combat Class and Level: Ranger, 9
Profession and Level: Crafter, 16 (Planning on Smith or Enchanter)
Building Skill: ~9
When did I join Herocraft: About a week ago. I've been searching for a server with a strong RPG element to it.
How active am I? I play about ten hours a week on average. I work swing shift, so I play as often as I can.
Why Brimhollow? Because I like the name.
Any previous towns: None so far
Reason for leaving: N/A
PVP or PVE: whichever had the greatest reward. I prefer PVE, but will engage in PVP if the need arises.
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Contact myself, @shaquiqui, @Muphins69, or @The7_ in-game to get yourself settled!
In the meantime, I'd suggest reading through the original post in this thread to answer some questions before they arise.
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Glowing Redstone
Feb 23, 2015

Age and TimeZone:
16 EST
Crafter (current) Engineer (planned)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20:
When did you join Herocraft?
About a year ago
How active are you in general:
Well I'm just starting back but I was very active before I stopped playing.
Why are you joining Brimhollow:
I figured doing projects for some town was more interesting than building things for myself plus player interaction.
Previous towns:
I've lived in about 3 other towns. Two of them were owned by GodofGales
Reason for leaving:
PvP or PvE:
I like PvE but I'll fight if asked.
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Nov 10, 2015

Age and TimeZone:
16 EST
Crafter (current) Engineer (planned)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20:
When did you join Herocraft?
About a year ago
How active are you in general:
Well I'm just starting back but I was very active before I stopped playing.
Why are you joining Brimhollow:
I figured doing projects for some town was more interesting than building things for myself plus player interaction.
Previous towns:
I've lived in about 3 other towns. Two of them were owned by GodofGales
Reason for leaving:
PvP or PvE:
I like PvE but I'll fight if asked.

Accepted! You are now a member of brim!
Contact myself, @Rihawk_ @Muphins69 or @shaquiqui ingame to join!
While you wait you might want to read over the main posts on the first page to make sure you know the rules.