• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
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  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

~Brimhollow~ [Not Recruiting]


Feb 4, 2012
United States
Minecraft IGN: Roadkill909
Age & Timezone: 25 & EST
Combat Class (include level): Paladin 20 Cleric 30
Profession (include level): Crafter 14 (Going for Engineer or Smith)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: 2012-02-04 ( I took a long break from MC)
How active are you in general: A few hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Meet people. Need a place to store things. Something to do.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Skyforge
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Map wipe
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE

Later edit: Went ahead and did a hero reset. Wasn't really liking Paladin, switched to Cleric.
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Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: Roadkill909
Age & Timezone: 25 & EST
Combat Class (include level): Paladin 20 Cleric 30
Profession (include level): Crafter 14 (Going for Engineer or Smith)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: 2012-02-04 ( I took a long break from MC)
How active are you in general: A few hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Meet people. Need a place to store things. Something to do.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Skyforge
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Map wipe
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE

Later edit: Went ahead and did a hero reset. Wasn't really liking Paladin, switched to Cleric.
A-a-accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Get with myself, @Muphins69, @shaquiqui or @The7_ in-game to get settled!
Meanwhile, I'd suggest that you read through the main posts in this thread to familiarize yourself.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 21, 2015
They call him.... le Rihawk. But in reality, he is known as...... LE RICROW.

On a different note, I would like to encourage anyone interesting in Brimhollow to apply, it's truly amazing, plus very kind and active administration, right up to the emperor of the nation it's in.
Dec 18, 2015
Minecraft IGN: The_Gamelord
Age & Timezone: 18 & PST
Combat Class (include level): ninja lvl 1
Profession (include level): crafter lvl 1
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~12
When did you join Herocraft: April 13, 2015
How active are you in general: Roughly 5 hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Because I was kicked from the old one when i restarted
Any previous towns (if applicable): aryith
Reason for leaving (if applicable): i got kicked when i restarted because i was bored with wizard
PvP or PvE (just curious): Pve
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Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: The_Gamelord
Age & Timezone: 18 & PST
Combat Class (include level): ninja lvl 1
Profession (include level): crafter lvl 1
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~12
When did you join Herocraft: April 13, 2015
How active are you in general: Roughly 5 hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Because I was kicked from the old one when i restarted
Any previous towns (if applicable): aryith
Reason for leaving (if applicable): i got kicked when i restarted because i was bored with wizard
PvP or PvE (just curious): Pve
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message myself or any one of the other council members in-game to get settled!
Check out the OP when you have the time to get familiarized.


Mar 10, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Bonesteel
Age & Timezone: 18 and not sure but live in Indiana USA
Combat Class (include level): 22 Dreadknight
Profession (include level): 20 Crafter
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~9
When did you join Herocraft: Jan 28, 2016 However didnt start actually playing until today Mar 10, 2016
How active are you in general: Well, first day really so hard to tell you but I will be active as much as possible
Why are you joining Brimhollow: To join a town and get a feel for the community
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nope
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PVE for now, maybe some PVP once I level up and get better loot


Mar 10, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Retr0Capez
Age & Timezone: 14
Combat Class (include level): RuneBlade- Lvl 3
Profession (include level): Crafter Lvl 1
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 16
When did you join Herocraft: Today :p
How active are you in general: A lot!
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Rihawk has been helpful and I want to give back to him, and I want to join a community.
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE


Legacy Supporter 5
Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 4, 2011
Minecraft IGN: madlord
Age & Timezone: 20 +1
Combat Class (include level): Pyromanser lvl 7
Profession (include level): Crafter lvl 12
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: 4. March 2011
How active are you in general: Haven't been playing in years, but right now, weaty
Why are you joining Brimhollow: think the town has a lot of potenial, and it is a town that I haven't seen on the earlier maps, so Iæm courius :)
Any previous towns (if applicable): Many maps ago
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE


Legacy Supporter 4
Apr 10, 2013
Canadia! why else would I be so friendly?
Minecraft IGN: Retr0Capez
Age & Timezone: 14
Combat Class (include level): RuneBlade- Lvl 3
Profession (include level): Crafter Lvl 1
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: 16
When did you join Herocraft: Today :p
How active are you in general: A lot!
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Rihawk has been helpful and I want to give back to him, and I want to join a community.
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE
Denied. You have failed to read the rules.
Better luck elsewhere!
Minecraft IGN: Bonesteel
Age & Timezone: 18 and not sure but live in Indiana USA
Combat Class (include level): 22 Dreadknight
Profession (include level): 20 Crafter
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~9
When did you join Herocraft: Jan 28, 2016 However didnt start actually playing until today Mar 10, 2016
How active are you in general: Well, first day really so hard to tell you but I will be active as much as possible
Why are you joining Brimhollow: To join a town and get a feel for the community
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nope
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PVE for now, maybe some PVP once I level up and get better loot
Minecraft IGN: madlord
Age & Timezone: 20 +1
Combat Class (include level): Pyromanser lvl 7
Profession (include level): Crafter lvl 12
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: 4. March 2011
How active are you in general: Haven't been playing in years, but right now, weaty
Why are you joining Brimhollow: think the town has a lot of potenial, and it is a town that I haven't seen on the earlier maps, so Iæm courius :)
Any previous towns (if applicable): Many maps ago
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Contact myself, @The7_ or @Muphins69 in-game to get settled!
In the meantime, read over the OP to get familiarized.
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Sep 26, 2015
Minecraft IGN: PunisherOfWar
Age & Timezone: 18
Combat Class (include level): ranger lvl 5
Profession (include level): crafter lvl 7
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~
When did you join Herocraft: today
How active are you in general: when ever posible
Why are you joining Brimhollow: becuse i here its the best
Any previous towns (if applicable): no
PvP or PvE (just curious): both
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Mar 19, 2013
Minecraft IGN: Ace6697
Age & Timezone: 18, CST
Combat Class (include level): Beguiler level 13
Profession (include level): Crafter level 20 (waiting on 500c or a codex, going for miner)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: Long ass time ago, quit just due to boredom. Recently started again 3/15/2016.
How active are you in general: Active multiple hours a day, balancing this and League.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Would love to be active in the community once again, have a safe place to store things and be a part of something larger.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Yes, I was in a town with a Rofii (sp?) a long time ago, I don't remember the name of it though.
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, lag and other random shit is too frustrating to deal with for PvP.
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Jan 17, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Random_Dude949
Age & Timezone: 18 ACST (+9.5 UTC)
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 39
Profession (include level): Alchemist 24 (Want to become engineer)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~14
When did you join Herocraft: About 6 months ago
How active are you in general: trying to become more active, a few hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: looking for a community to be apart of
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nuxvar
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Real life got busy
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE


Nov 10, 2015
Minecraft IGN: PunisherOfWar
Age & Timezone: 18
Combat Class (include level): ranger lvl 5
Profession (include level): crafter lvl 7
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~
When did you join Herocraft: today
How active are you in general: when ever posible
Why are you joining Brimhollow: becuse i here its the best
Any previous towns (if applicable): no
PvP or PvE (just curious): both

Denied. You have not read the rules.

Minecraft IGN: Ace6697
Age & Timezone: 18, CST
Combat Class (include level): Beguiler level 13
Profession (include level): Crafter level 20 (waiting on 500c or a codex, going for miner)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: Long ass time ago, quit just due to boredom. Recently started again 3/15/2016.
How active are you in general: Active multiple hours a day, balancing this and League.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Would love to be active in the community once again, have a safe place to store things and be a part of something larger.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Yes, I was in a town with a Rofii (sp?) a long time ago, I don't remember the name of it though.
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, lag and other random shit is too frustrating to deal with for PvP.

Minecraft IGN: Random_Dude949
Age & Timezone: 18 ACST (+9.5 UTC)
Combat Class (include level): Ranger 39
Profession (include level): Alchemist 24 (Want to become engineer)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~14
When did you join Herocraft: About 6 months ago
How active are you in general: trying to become more active, a few hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: looking for a community to be apart of
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nuxvar
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Real life got busy
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE

Accepted! Welcome to Brim!
Get in touch with myself, @Rihawk_ @Muphins69 or @matt4397 to get settled!
While you are waiting, you may want to look over the rules again to make sure you didn't miss anything.
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Mar 19, 2013
Ah lmfao that font and coloring made me miss that little tidbit, I feel like an idiot. edited original post.


Mar 20, 2016
Minecraft IGN: Cupcakes69
Age & Timezone: 18, Central
Combat Class (include level): Wizard 21
Profession (include level): Crafter 1
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~10
When did you join Herocraft: March 20, 2016
How active are you in general: At least once or twice a week
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Friend recommended
Any previous towns (if applicable): No
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE


Mar 13, 2013
Minecraft IGN: Ace6697
Age & Timezone: 18, CST
Combat Class (include level): Beguiler level 13
Profession (include level): Crafter level 20 (waiting on 500c or a codex, going for miner)
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: Long ass time ago, quit just due to boredom. Recently started again 3/15/2016.
How active are you in general: Active multiple hours a day, balancing this and League.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Would love to be active in the community once again, have a safe place to store things and be a part of something larger.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Yes, I was in a town with a Rofii (sp?) a long time ago, I don't remember the name of it though.
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE, lag and other random shit is too frustrating to deal with for PvP.

Minecraft IGN: Cupcakes69
Age & Timezone: 18, Central
Combat Class (include level): Wizard 21
Profession (include level): Crafter 1
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~10
When did you join Herocraft: March 20, 2016
How active are you in general: At least once or twice a week
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Friend recommended
Any previous towns (if applicable): No
Reason for leaving (if applicable):
PvP or PvE (just curious): PvE

Accepted! Welcome to the Hollow of Brim!
Contact me, @Rihawk_ @The7_ or @matt4397 in game to get started!
In the meantime, I would encourage to read over the rules in case either of you missed anything.
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Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
Minecraft IGN: Rumblestikk
Age & Timezone: 23, PST (Pacific)
Combat Class (include level): Currently 50 Wiz. Thinking about swapping to a healer.
Profession (include level): 50 Merchant
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: Almost 5 years ago. I'm oldschool yo.
How active are you in general: Just returned. Helping with event planning.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Just returned and need a new town.
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): Both?
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Mar 13, 2013
@Random_Dude949 haha, sorry about that, wasn't paying attention clearly :p

Minecraft IGN: Rumblestikk
Age & Timezone: 23, PST (Pacific)
Combat Class (include level): Currently 50 Wiz. Thinking about swapping to a healer.
Profession (include level): 50 Merchant
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~11
When did you join Herocraft: Almost 5 years ago. I'm oldschool yo.
How active are you in general: Just returned. Helping with event planning.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Just returned and need a new town.
Any previous towns (if applicable): N/A
Reason for leaving (if applicable): N/A
PvP or PvE (just curious): Both?

Accepted! I welcome you to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_ @The7_ or @matt4397 in-game to get settled in!
In the meantime, I would encourage to read the initial 2 posts in case you missed anything.
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