Minecraft IGN: Destava
Age & Timezone: 18, CET
Combat Class (include level): Ranger, 31 | Leveling hard
Profession (include level): Crafter, 20 | Trying to gain money for Enchanter
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: About 4/5 years ago, but was inactive for a few
How active are you in general: Quite active, I try to play at least a few hours every day. But often I play a lot more.
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Brimhollow seemed like the kind of town that is active and puts time in setting up stuff like the forum page.
Any previous towns (if applicable): Nope
Reason for leaving (if applicable): Nope
PvP or PvE (just curious): I like to PVP, but still a low level
Minecraft IGN: Skylian
Age & Timezone: 18, CET
Combat Class (include level): Dreadknight 30
Profession (include level): Crafter, 20
Building skill on a scale of 1-20: ~7
When did you join Herocraft: Yesterday
How active are you in general: Quite active atleast 2 hours a day
Why are you joining Brimhollow: Me and my friend where looking for an active town and then we found Brimhollow on the forums.
Any previous towns (if applicable): None
Reason for leaving (if applicable): None
PvP or PvE (just curious): Pvp all the way
Accepted! Welcome to Brimhollow!
Message me, @Rihawk_ , @The7_ , or @shaquiqui in-game to get started!
In the meantime, please familiarize yourselves with the two main forum posts.