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Boston Bombing


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 4, 2011
It is the media's job to cover news stories. This is a news story that a LOT of people care about (terrorism?). It's not wrong for the media to cover it! That doesn't mean that they're evil! They are doing their job.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 21, 2011
All I can say is:


The ''first'' world, so glorious!

View attachment 6770

[DOUBLEPOST=1366132706,1366126482][/DOUBLEPOST]You sure are ''morally just'' persons Pampita Hexkor Jack_Reacher
Who says either is more or less tragic than the other?

In the States the incident in Boston will get more coverage cause it's in the States.
In Iraq I can only assume those 31 dead will get more coverage cause it's in Iraq. I don't know what Iraq news focuses on though.
The States media always has focused more on themselves than anywhere else. It's nothing new, it's the way their media is.

Any objective critical thinking human will see both incidences are just as tragic, and arguing which is more tragic is pointless and senseless.
We live in a world full of every type of person. There will always be those who want to take a side, and argue which one is more tragic or deserves more media attention. It's what they do.

Yes there are more important/productive things to focus on in this, but don't try telling the latter that, they're to busy arguing for nothing, to be right and righteous, and will not get it.
Arguing with them is futile.

Let people be as they are, and live to be the best person you are/can be, and, if you can, help those who can't help themselves yet are trying too.



Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
My point is, we people in the ''first world'' lack perspectives. 1 human life is worth just as much as any other human life and we have yet to realize this. When 31 people die somewhere else and 2 people die in your country, we should mourn over the 33 dead alltogether, not only the 2.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Who says either is more or less tragic than the other?

In the States the incident in Boston will get more coverage cause it's in the States.
In Iraq I can only assume those 31 dead will get more coverage cause it's in Iraq. I don't know what Iraq news focuses on though.
The States media always has focused more on themselves than anywhere else. It's nothing new, it's the way their media is.

Any objective critical thinking human will see both incidences are just as tragic, and arguing which is more tragic is pointless and senseless.
We live in a world full of every type of person. There will always be those who want to take a side, and argue which one is more tragic or deserves more media attention. It's what they do.

Yes there are more important/productive things to focus on in this, but don't try telling the latter that, they're to busy arguing for nothing, to be right and righteous, and will not get it.
Arguing with them is futile.

Let people be as they are, and live to be the best person you are/can be, and, if you can, help those who can't help themselves yet are trying too.

I am not here to argue, I am here trying to teach you people a little bit of Humanism. (Philosophical and Ethical perspectives). Read my post above


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 21, 2011
My point is, we people in the ''first world'' lack perspectives. 1 human life is worth just as much as any other human life and we have yet to realize this. When 31 people die somewhere else and 2 people die in your country, we should mourn over the 33 dead alltogether, not only the 2.

I am not here to argue, I am here trying to teach you people a little bit of Humanism. (Philosophical and Ethical perspectives). Read my post above
Not arguing with you.
Offering my opinion.
Give it a re-read with that in mind ;)


Sage of World Making
Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011
Personally I can say this:

It hurts me much more that there's a bomb going off in a place that is NOT war torn or a terror zone (The Middle east has been.... well... a bit of a disaster in some sense). America, France, UK, Norway, Sweeden,Germany, Brazil, etc. you'd never expect a bomb to go off in the middle of a celebratory event, in this case, the start of the American Revolutionary War, and the oldest annual marathons in the world mind you. It's a bit saddening that there is still something like a pressure cooker rigged with some explosive materials and airsoft pellets to do the most damage to people that it's sick to do something like this during an event like this. Imagine someone blowing up a bomb in Berlin during celebrations of the reunification of the Germanies, even if only 1 person died and maybe 40 injured, it'd be much more worrysome than a carbomb going off in Iraq as Iraq is somewhat of a warzone and deaths are to be expected.

Is there a plan? Of course there is. Do we all loose our minds? Nope. Do we care if 31 people died in Iraq today? Some of us do. Do we care MORE for the 3 people that died in Boston? Maybe. I'm more worried that there's a sick person out there willing to set up bombs to take lives of innocent people during a celebratory event vs a bunch of sick people in a war zone.

Does that make me morally incorrect?


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 4, 2011
My point is, we people in the ''first world'' lack perspectives. 1 human life is worth just as much as any other human life and we have yet to realize this. When 31 people die somewhere else and 2 people die in your country, we should mourn over the 33 dead alltogether, not only the 2.
Philosophically, I agree with you completely. However, humans can't handle ALL the grief that is going on in the world. There's just too much terrible happening. It's natural that we react more to something that hits closer to home. Also - don't assume that all Americans don't follow world news, or that all Americans are ignorant. Making a post about the Boston Bombing doesn't imply that you aren't aware of other tragedies.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Personally I can say this:

It hurts me much more that there's a bomb going off in a place that is NOT war torn or a terror zone (The Middle east has been.... well... a bit of a disaster in some sense). America, France, UK, Norway, Sweeden,Germany, Brazil, etc. you'd never expect a bomb to go off in the middle of a celebratory event, in this case, the start of the American Revolutionary War, and the oldest annual marathons in the world mind you. It's a bit saddening that there is still something like a pressure cooker rigged with some explosive materials and airsoft pellets to do the most damage to people that it's sick to do something like this during an event like this. Imagine someone blowing up a bomb in Berlin during celebrations of the reunification of the Germanies, even if only 1 person died and maybe 40 injured, it'd be much more worrysome than a carbomb going off in Iraq as Iraq is somewhat of a warzone and deaths are to be expected.

Is there a plan? Of course there is. Do we all loose our minds? Nope. Do we care if 31 people died in Iraq today? Some of us do. Do we care MORE for the 3 people that died in Boston? Maybe. I'm more worried that there's a sick person out there willing to set up bombs to take lives of innocent people during a celebratory event vs a bunch of sick people in a war zone.

Does that make me morally incorrect?
It might have a mental-effect yes, but that mental-effect makes you forget the obvious. It's not their fault that they live in a war-zone and their lives are still worth as much as any other life. There can be just as many psycopaths who want nothing but violence and chaos in a western country as in any eastern country. After the terror in Norway back in 2011, I realized that even if you're a human being born into peaceful Norway (or any other modern country), you are still a human and human nature will always create insane people. You can never be too safe because insane people exist everywhere, it's just more likely that these people strike in places with a lot of poverty and weak security.

Philosophically, I agree with you completely. However, humans can't handle ALL the grief that is going on in the world. There's just too much terrible happening. It's natural that we react more to something that hits closer to home. Also - don't assume that all Americans don't follow world news, or that all Americans are ignorant. Making a post about the Boston Bombing doesn't imply that you aren't aware of other tragedies.
I never said all americans my friend, that would be unfair and against my own beliefs. I say that some people can be a bit ignorant when it comes to perspective.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
A part of the modern society is that almost everything that exist of media writes/Sends stuff witch shock people. Media writes about stuff as long as they can earn money while doing it..
This is really sad, but it is the reality.

A good example is the terror in Algerie this winter (if any of you have heard of it). 8 (or so) norwegian were captured. This was on the news everyday in weeks after week (if not month). During the same periode did around 30 people loose their lives in house fires. The house fires were not mentioned anywhere in the medias, at all.

Point is, the medias job is to earn money. They earn money from writing tons about uninteresting stuff, and cover unexpected tragedies.
I don't like to say it, but people do expect car bombs in iraq, therefore they don't want to read about it, therefore the media don't earn money from writing about it, and they put it in a little article in the bottom of their paper or something.

People do not expect bombs in Boston, therefore they want to read about it. Therefore media earn money from it, and write about it untill people don't want to read about it anymore.

I do agree with etkenn 100%, but the world is a sad place.
My thoughts to the 33 people who died in these bombings and their friends and family.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2012
Guys please lets just all agree that any loss in human life is tragic, no matter what country and ethic background the people ago died came from.
Dont forget that death is a part of life. Not trying to offend you or anyone else with this, but wanted to point it out.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 4, 2011
Dont forget that death is a part of life. Not trying to offend you or anyone else with this, but wanted to point it out.
I guess I read "murder"/"untimely death" into "any loss of human life". It is true that we all have to die at some point, and that not all death is tragic.


Legacy Supporter 3
Dec 29, 2011
Mmm, it's a shame that it had happened and if you think that it's just America who is getting a bunch of news on this, you're wrong because Canada is as well. If you turn on the news that's all you would here about right now, just because it's the latest thing.

EtkEnn, no one ever said that we didn't care about people who died in Iraq, in-fact I just heard that happened right now. It's not really our fault for not knowing much about it considering it didn't receive a bunch of attention from the news and all.

I think it's times like these where you should just pray for this and anything that has happened prior to this instead of just this one thing.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
I blame Media/capitalism when it comes to covering stuff, all they think about is money. Like today, norwegian media did nothing but talk about Justin Bieber's concert in Oslo.


Sage of World Making
Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011
I blame Media/capitalism when it comes to covering stuff, all they think about is money. Like today, norwegian media did nothing but talk about Justin Bieber's concert in Oslo.
While this statement is somewhat true, I use reddit to get my news, there, it's really immediate and on occasion they take the American Left wing side.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 13, 2012
I blame Media/capitalism when it comes to covering stuff, all they think about is money. Like today, norwegian media did nothing but talk about Justin Bieber's concert in Oslo.
He would know because he was there :3.

But seriously the shit people do and yet achieve nothing except upset and greif for other people, human nature sure is strange.