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Bible/come to Jesus


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
Bigotry or any other form of discrimination will not be tolerated.
First: The abrahamic religion started around 1000 BC, there was a very similar religion in egypt a few years before which was based on the same principals as the jewish religion (Most likely a group of israelis adapted to it when visiting egypt and took the religion back home and made their own version of it)

Secondly: The muslim god is not the same as the christian god, yet muslims accept jesus as a prohpet? This makes no sense, muslims are just the same as christians atleast in the founding. Christians though Jesus was the last prophet of the abrahamic religion, jews are still waiting for it and muslims accepts jesus as an important prophet, but claims Mohammed was the final one.

>Jews waits for the final prophet to come
>A group of jews believe Jesus is a prophet and the final one
>The other jews doesn't accept Jesus as a prophet, and continue to wait for their final prophet
>The jews believing in Jesus calls themselves christians and break out of the jewish religion


>Group of people believing in the abrahamic god accepts Mohammed as the final prophet and jesus as only one of the earlier prophets
>Forms Islam based on the teachings of the final prophet Mohammed.

You see, the abrahamic religion was based around the middle east when Jesus came and is why Jesus was accepted as much as he was.

When Mohammed came, the abrahamic religion had spread troughout europe already so only the believers in the middle east got to believe in Mohammed while the others living in europe were skeptical.

So if the christians never migrated troughout europe, but instead stayed in the middle east. Most likely there would be a MUCH larger part of christians today believing in Mohammed rather than Jesus as the final prophet and Islam would become the largest one of the 3 abrahamic religions. This theory makes sense as religion really is just culture, people will be skeptical to foreign religions just as they would to foreign culture which is so unlike their own.
Firstly, Christianity is a relationship with God more so

Secondly, This is a thread about Christianity not Any other religion. So stop taking it off topic. I'm pretty sure Kainzo posted a while back thy any one taking it off topic would revive a forum ban.


Legacy Supporter 2
Dec 10, 2012
Nobody will actually dare to use those bombs, ever.
They will need to come up with something different.
No country will send out a bomb, knowing the moment they did that, the enemy will send back their entire storage of close to equal bombs.
(that's atomic war, and that will most likely never happen).

It'll be a great war that will erase tons if people, then each person gets more space, food, water and other needs, and there will be less political struggles that may lead to war.
- Just wanting to add -

It Will Happen.., tensions are rising, especially in Asia


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Firstly, Christianity is a relationship with God more so than a religion
Secondly, Muslims goal in life if kill the other religions and doing so, along with visiting Mecca atleast once in their life, will get them to heaven. Very differnt from Christianity.
Thirdly, This is a thread about Christianity not Any other religion. So stop taking it off topic. I'm pretty sure Kainzo posted a while back thy any one taking it off topic would revive a forum ban.

Firstly, muslims and jews are apart of the abrahamic religion just as much as christians and it makes completly sense that I draw lines between those 3 religions who all springed of the same person. (Abraham)
This is in no way off topic when the discussion was regarding the founding and offsprings of christianity.

Secondly, when saying that all muslim's goal is killing the other religions you're simply being racist. Basing all muslims of a few extremist groups is like basing all christians of westboro baptist church (Or worse)

It's really dissappointing of you trying to disregard all my points by saying that all muslims are killers seeking out to destroy other religions. I know very well to keep on-topic on this thread as I've been warned about it earlier, maybe you should watch yourself when making racist remarks towards other religions like that. And I was actually trying to have a serious discussion here.


Feb 3, 2011
I think Kainzo meant to say prejudice isn't always bigotry, since this matter goes beyond simply being ignorant, but judgments being made about people based on propaganda. While I could say all black people love to eat chicken, which is prejudiced, but without malicious intent, calling all Muslims genocidal is a rather grim and contemptuous thing to say, meaning not only was the statement prejudiced, but also bigoted.

I rest my case for the defense.


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
I'm sorry. About the racist remark. I was referring to the extremist. I understand that they're are many non extreme Muslims. I was just getting a little irritated at the thread getting so off topic. Sorry Danda and EtKEnn

P.S. This thread is about Christianity and for those of you who want only to troll and question it and aren't interested in learning more about it. Please don't comment.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Guys stay on topic, this is a discussion about Christianity not about Islam


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
Honestly though, I keep hearing "stay on topic" but this was posted in the off topic section. I'll let that sink in while the "Winner" tags come flooding my way.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Honestly though, I keep hearing "stay on topic" but this was posted in the off topic section. I'll let that sink in while the "Winner" tags come flooding my way.

Off topic is for "off topic" of Herocraft/MC - not the actual thread itself. Disregard my statements again and you wont be able to post for a few months.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 28, 2012
why do my posts in this thread keep getting deleted? I posted 2 legit comments about christianity and both were deleted. wtf is this? china?


Jun 12, 2013
Im a christian. I like this thread. So i will comment.

I believe in Jesus, heaven, hell, God, ect. But this thread is going in an odd direction. I'm not 100% how to post here.


Jun 12, 2013
Ah. Now I do.

I believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ.
But I do not believe that Jesus was a hippy, 'peace out, man', prophet.
Nor was he a militaristic, iron fisted king.
I think he was neither optimistic or pessimist. Peaceful or polarizing.

OOPS, I'm getting off topic.

To be short, I don't think that we can actually 'understand', God.
I'm pretty sure that we can't prove/disprove him with science, religion, economy, or anything else.
He is simply 'God, the father of the Savior of the World'.
Now, this does not mean that we cannot learn more about the bible by using science.
It does not mean that we can make some reason of God's word.
It just means that, for now, possibly forever, that we cannot actually 'prove' that God is real/fake.

We can do a lot of things with science. Like find out the weight of the planet, or the dna of petunias, or even measure the cubic feet of the ice on Mars.

But, can we actually 'prove' that Julius Caesar actually lived- and died -in real life?
Can we make a 'project', if you will, of Caesar?
Can we make him, measure him, conduct an experiment, prove that he got stabbed several times by Brutus, and write an hypothesis and theory about the whole thing?

Like 'Caesar+Brutus+knifes {Q, &, $, I, *, %, S} and men - blood lost= DEATH?'

MORAL: Don't try this at home.

Q. How could we prove (without fingerprints, forensic science, ect) that Caesar actually lived?
Have you ever heard of Shakespeare? He wrote down a play, all about him.
A. We write it down, in stories, books, songs, dictionaries, history books, and cellphone text.

And guess what the bible is? A story. Not all of it is accurate. Or understandable (like revelations).
But thats what you get for reading a religious text, written by dozens of people, thousands of years before cellphones, minecraft, or automobiles.

OOPS, once again, I'm going off topic.

There are tonnes of interesting tidbits about the Bible. Find them all.


Feb 3, 2011
Ah. Now I do.

I believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ.
But I do not believe that Jesus was a hippy, 'peace out, man', prophet.
Nor was he a militaristic, iron fisted king.
I think he was neither optimistic or pessimist. Peaceful or polarizing.

OOPS, I'm getting off topic.

To be short, I don't think that we can actually 'understand', God.
I'm pretty sure that we can't prove/disprove him with science, religion, economy, or anything else.
He is simply 'God, the father of the Savior of the World'.
Now, this does not mean that we cannot learn more about the bible by using science.
It does not mean that we can make some reason of God's word.
It just means that, for now, possibly forever, that we cannot actually 'prove' that God is real/fake.

We can do a lot of things with science. Like find out the weight of the planet, or the dna of petunias, or even measure the cubic feet of the ice on Mars.

But, can we actually 'prove' that Julius Caesar actually lived- and died -in real life?
Can we make a 'project', if you will, of Caesar?
Can we make him, measure him, conduct an experiment, prove that he got stabbed several times by Brutus, and write an hypothesis and theory about the whole thing?

Like 'Caesar+Brutus+knifes {Q, &, $, I, *, %, S} and men - blood lost= DEATH?'

MORAL: Don't try this at home.

Q. How could we prove (without fingerprints, forensic science, ect) that Caesar actually lived?
Have you ever heard of Shakespeare? He wrote down a play, all about him.
A. We write it down, in stories, books, songs, dictionaries, history books, and cellphone text.

And guess what the bible is? A story. Not all of it is accurate. Or understandable (like revelations).
But thats what you get for reading a religious text, written by dozens of people, thousands of years before cellphones, minecraft, or automobiles.

OOPS, once again, I'm going off topic.

There are tonnes of interesting tidbits about the Bible. Find them all.

Pre Scriptvs - for all Roman names and Latin words I will write using a more traditional Roman alphabet, replacing all u's with v's, because that was how they wrote it and I try to be authentic.

Well, other than the fact that Ivlivs Caesar wrote De Bello Gallico, made accurate accounts of Celtic life on the British Isles as can be concurred from Welsh sources, and historically left his nephew, one Octavivs Avgvstvs Caesar, to lead a vengeful take over of the Senatvs, imposing himself as Principatvs Romae, First Citizen of Rome. Not only is the man's legacy and impact overwhelming, but he came from a time where Greece's desire to record history was influencing Rome.

On top of it all, if you eliminate Forensics from an "investigation" of the existence of a historical figure, then you simply want us to tie our hands, because that same Forensics proved the existence of the living man Iesvs Christvs Nazarethae.

Though, the reference of Shakespeare's play, Shakespeare being a man who is already going through historic investigation, shows you probably don't know that much about Ceasar, because much of the play was, to be punny, dramatized. Ivlii last words weren't even "et tu Brute?" because the journals of those involved quote his words were actually in Greek, which has it's own irony since the play uses the phrase "It's Greek to me." which is a poke at how the Plebes et Patricii were partly divided by their knowledge of Greek, which then shows that Ivlivs was one of the few noble Romans who knew Greek and thus had a connection to the common people.

All of history has the blemishes of exaggeration, especially when those who record it are not historians themselves, but Ivlivs Caesar had no mythos about him. Any embellishment of his life wasn't to the point of mysticism or religion, but things that typically are realistic, even when not true. Humans like to say things are preordained or decided by fate, which is why Shakespeare's play uses "the Ides of March" so heavily, because we often desire to believe in premonition or destiny.

I apologize for going off topic, but I believe it a fairly appropriate rebuttal.


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
Well I think I'm gonna do something a little different and just highlight some of what I believe to be key points in the bible.

-God created everything and it was good

-Man sinned and pain and suffering entered the world

-Blood was required to cover sins so man sacrificed animals to cover their sins

-Man drifted away from God and the flood was the result

-Prophecies foretold the coming of a savior

-Jesus was born of the virgin,Mary

-Jesus traveled around spreading the gospel and performing miracles

-Jesus died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice

-Now any who in faith believe and accept Jesus to be their savior is saved

-Jesus's disciples spread the Gospel

- The end times are foretold

-In which God will judge everyone alive and who have lived on Earth according to his laws.

-Those who believed in Jesus and are saved, sins will be covered by his blood

-Those who rebuked Jesus and continued living in sin will suffer Gods just wrath in full

I think these are a good many key points. I'll add more as I think about it.


Jul 2, 2011
-Those who believed in Jesus and are saved, sins will be covered by his blood

If I dont believe in Jesus, will I go to hell?


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
I know it sounds harsh, but yes... Those who do not accept Jesus as their savior will pay the full price for their sins, an eternity in hell.

Even the people who devote their entire lives to helping the poor, but who also happen to follow another religion, or none at all? /end thread

I'll take a page out of your book. I know it sounds harsh, but... your logic is horrible, and makes you a horrible human for thinking that.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
What kind of God gives a shit whether or not people believe in his existence or not? What kind of God gives a shit whether people follow the teachings of his son? Don't you think he'd be more concerned about the whole of a person, and not their core beliefs?

Man, honestly, step back and just think about the words you spew for a second before you type them. If there is a 'Jesus-only club' and an 'Everyone-else club' when we die, and the 'Everyone-else club' gets punished for eternity all because they didn't think Jesus was the son of the Creator of the Universe, then God is an asshole.

None of this is by any means off-topic. I am just telling it like it is. You can't tell people that they're destined for an eternity of hell just because they don't belong to the same tinfoil hat club that you do. That's that.