Well, I just went 23/0/36 with Janna.
And for those who don't know.. Janna is a support
Battle Janna FTW!
EDIT: just went 17/5/28, extremely epic match. I had 3 feeders and an Akali on my team. But with me and Akali as the team carrys we actually managed to win with a score of 74/65.
Early game we were up to that the 3 other team mates at top and mid had 9 deaths and 1 kill, me and akali had 7 kills and 1 death(akali rushed the tower >.<)
Mid game we we're around 20/35, we at bot got a bit pushed as the overfed people started to gank us, but thanks to my awesome tactics we managed to kill them one by one.
We had massive team fights after this, me and akali did good, but the others were just rushing into enemy ranks getting killed faster than you can say quadra.
After this I took command and told people how to do stuff, and after some time they got with it, and it looked lighter for my team.
End game is where they started to rush our towers, but thanks to my tower defense with minion cleaning wind blows and birds eating the enemy champion's brain me and akali managed to defend them.
Later we actually turned the fight around, we took the lead.
But their brand was still trying to burst us, but with a nuke dodging akali getting healed and shielded at the same time made it useless. We won
(I really wish I had recorded it
BTW; is anyone bumped for the new mastery change?