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- Sep 28, 2011
Hes a compilmation of 4 big posts I made on the Balance Team forums.
New Years Resolution: Make Herocraft Balanced!
Welcome to 2014! Another year and HC is still going strong. I think the best way to start it is me ranting for god knows how long. Come along on this four part journey where I try to balance ALL THE CLASSES! Today's Episode-
My personal biases aside, I truly believe berserker is a very balanced class. While it does indeed have great strengths (No pun intended) it's also has distinct weaknesses. It is what I think should be a basis to which we balance classes by.
Paladin has the potential to be great, but atm is severely lacking. Ways I could see to improve the class:
- Buff Magic Ward: Currently the skill is very underwhelming. It's duration needs to be increased from 4 to 6 seconds and should be cast-able on allies. Also, remove the shield requirement.
- Speaking of shields, I find that they don't provide as much of an advantage as they hinder you. I think they need a slight buff on how much they protect.
- Trap Door-
- Damage: Same
- Protection: 10%->15%
- Wood Door-
- Damage: 24 ->25
- Protection: 15%->20%
- Iron Door-
- Damage: 28->30
- Protection: 20%->25%
- While Paladin is a good class, without layhands, there heals are lacking. It's not that absolution is bad per say, it's the fact that it's warm-up takes too long to warm-up. A simple reduction of the warm=up from 2.5sec->1.5sec would make it more user friendly.
- Since paladin is a hybrid class, it ends up having to split it's attributes very thin. To accommodate this I believe it should receive better scaling.
- Make Taunt scale with Str-
- Old: Flat 20%
- New: 20% + 0.35% Str
- Reckoning-
- Old: 45 + 1.25 Str
- New: 50: 1.65 Str
- Holy Aura
- Old: 10 + 0.3125 / 10 + 0.1562
- New: 12 + 0.500 / 12 + 0.250
- Divine Stun
- Old: 30 + 0.875
- New: 35 + 1.2
- As we have discussed before, paladin has a hard time leveling. to alleviate that:
- New Skill: Bless Weapon (Lvl 1): The user blesses their sword with a holy energy. This harms evil creatures, increasing the users melee damage by 10 + 0.25 INT
Dreadknight faces many problems like paladin (Also a hybrid class). Players are asking for shadowstep back, but I believe we should stick to DK's nature and rather give it more CC to make up for it's lack of mobility.
- New Skill: Sickening Strike (LvL 15): The Dreadknight inflicts a tainted strike on their target dealing initial damage and a nausea-inducing DOT effect.
- Damage: (40 + 1.2) + (8 + 0.3) Every 3 Seconds over 15 seconds.
- Applies nausea for 5 seconds.
- CD: 10 seconds
- Mana Cost: 150
- Stamina Cost: 400
- Dread Aura is in concept a very fun skill. but currently it's very underwhelming. Here's how I would change it.
- Tick Rate: 3->2
- Damage: 10 + 0.375->8 + 0.325
- Mana Cost: 40
- Soul Leech is a very powerful skill, but it doesn't scale well. I think we should lower the base, but increase the scaling
- Old: 14 + 0.0375
- New: 12 + 0.150
Dragoon still has the problem with jump. Yes it's a very fun skill and goons want it to stay as it is, but it creates a play style where it's impossible to get away from a goon, but if the tables are turned, impossible to catch up to a goon.
I suggest a compromise in terms of players "Enjoyment" of the skill and the actual gameplay balance. Outside of combat, goon's jump would work exactly like now, but in combat it will be different. In combat, it would work like Berserker's lunge, but could also be used on allies.
This would allow goon's to retain the positioning capabilities outside of combat, but make them stick to the fight while in combat. The ability to jump onto other allies would leave them some escape potential, but they would only be as fast as their farthest ally.
IDK how this hasn't been changed, but at 65 Dragoon has 60 base melee damage. This is the THE highest base melee which shouldn't be on a warrior class. Simple solution is to reduce the damage:
Lastly, my most favorite skill, "Tremor." Ok seriously though, I HATE this skill. It's basically an AOE force push, but with a lower cooldown. It's a seriously annoying skill that only allows goons to be even more untouchable. You get close to a goon? Tremor! Finally clime the tree the goon jumped in? Tremor! I'd much prefer if the skill was reworked (or scraped all together), but if it has to stay I would:
- Increase CD from 9->20+
- Reduce the knockback
This concludes "Balancing With Malik!" Tune in next episodes for Wonderful Wizards, Mystical Magicians, Powerful Pagans. That's RIGHT! Next episode is all about Mages...Magi.
Magi (Yes that's the correct term.)
Pyromancer is in a pretty good situation atm. It certainly has high damage (Both physical and spells) and high mobility. This is offset by it's low range and it's requirement to be in harms ways to deal it's damage.
The only thing I think needs a change is chaotic strength. I know was rushed and threw it together before the restart, but the skill ended up bad. The measly 15 str is nothing compared to the loss of 25 intellect. This is mainly due to strength being an inferior stat and the large difference between, the gain and loss. 15 strength only gives 5 extra melee damage. What I suggest:
Another option that I would prefer is reworking the skill. Instead of decreasing intellect, make it instead decrease mana regeneration. This could synergize with dark blade where your melee is being used to keep up you mana. On the flip-side you could reintroduced "Chaotic Intellect" which would increase your Intellect and decrease you stamina regeneration.
- Increase strength gain from 15->20
- Decrease Intellect loss from 25->15
With it's recent nerf wizard is much more in line with other classes. It still has a problems in terms of it's damage. And what I believe its causing this problem is fireball. You might not think much of it, but fireball is one of the most powerful skills in HC.
Base Damage: 95 + 50 Fire Tick
Scaling: 1.75
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
With 35 intellect that is 206 damage every 6 seconds. I know that wizard is meant to be a very burst class, but when you are able to do 1/4 of a classes hp on a 6 CD there is a problem.
How I would change it:
Base Damage: 80 + 50 Fire Tick
Scaling: 1.5
Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Oh how this is hated. And for good reason. The class has decent some slight mobility, strong CC, and the single most overpowered skill in HC. I'm not exaggerating this point, Plague Bomb is the single strongest spell there is. Lets to do a quick rundown.
Base Damage: 125
Scaling: 2.875
Cooldown: 19 Seconds
Warm-Up: None
- With 30 INT it deals = 211 Damage.
Compare that to Pulse:
Base Damage: 60
Scaling: 2
Cooldown: 10
Warm-Up: 1.25
Now, I could take the easy route and nerf the numbers and it would probably be fine, but I'm not. Beguiler is meant to a silly trickster mage. Currently it's just a generic burst caster. So what I'm going to do is propose a small rework.
- With 30 INT it deals = 120 Damage.
- Replace Fireball: Orb of confusion
- Base Damage: 80
- Scaling: 1.5 INT
- Cooldown: 8 seconds
- Mana: 100
- Special effect: Shoots a condensed ball of insanity. The target hit by the ball is spun around in confusion.
- This would turn your character around in a circle (As if you used toss [where you turn quickly] twice)
- This would keep some of their damage, but at the same time provide an more interesting mechanic. In general it would be a fun skill that would match it's play style.
The though process behind this is that beguiler needs to be more of a trickster. With a severe nerf to the damage, I added many more support skills. I'm not expecting all the suggested new skills to be liked, but I wanted to provide a selection that fit the class.
- Remove Pulse:
- New Skill: Cloud Mind
- You cloud the mind of your target, making them blind and stopping their mana regeneration
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- Duration: 3 seconds blind and 5 seconds of preventing mana regeneration
- New Skill: Veil
- You veil yourself in illusion magic making you hard to hit.
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Duration: 5 seconds
- Mana: 175 mana
- Effect: 50% chance for players to miss attacking you
- New Skill: Mind Rot (AOE)
- You descend you targets into madness. Afflicted players view others as you during the effect.
- Base Damage: 10 damage ever 2 seconds (Can be made into instant damage)
- Scaling: 0.375 INT
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- Duriation: 8 seconds
- Range: 6 + 0.6 INT
- Nerfs:
- Piggify: Add warm-up of 1 second
- Mass Piggify: add a 1.5 second warm-up
- Rework: Plague bomb.
- Add warm-up: 1 second
- Reduce base damage: 120-> 85
- Reduce scaling: 2.875-> 1.85
- Those hit by plague bomb are inflicted with nausea for 3 + 0.1 seconds.
- Increase CD: 10->12
I'm actually pretty fine with necromancer. It's DOTs skills provide good damage and has a decent amount of utility skills. The only change I would suggest is buff plague. Not only is the range so low that it rarely spreads, it's damage is pitiful.
That's today's episode of "Balancing With Malik!" Hopefully you had a MAGICAL experience. Tune in tomorrow where we take a look behind the back of the "Rogue"
- Base Damage: 13->15
- Scaling: 0.2
- Range: 3->6
- Cooldown: 12->15
- Mana: 140->175
Arguably one of the most powerful classes before it was nerfed, it's currently in good shape. This still doesn't mean it's where it should be. While it may be "Balanced" it's not fitting what I think is how the class should play. @LightningCape cape a smaller conversation on how to rework ninja, but I'll reiterate. Currently ninja isn't exactly as stealthy as it's play style should be.
How we would rework ninja:
- Remove Blitz ( Not only does it not fit ninja [I hate ninjutsu
] it's really loud aka not stealthy)
- Remove Blind (Will be explained next)
- Remove the free shurikens from backflip (Skill already has enough utility.)
- Rework Smoke Bomb: You through a smoke bomb at your feat, blinding nearby enemies.
- Cooldown: 25 Seconds
- Duration: 1.5 + 0.035 CHA
- Stamina: 200
- Range: 4 block radius
- Regent: 1 gunpowder
- Fade is now a toggle skill. When toggled it make the user invisible. When active, the users stamina will be drained and his movement will be slowed (Slow I) (This is to prevent them form just using it to get away/chase and to make it more appropriate as if they have to move more carefully) This would allow ninja to constantly go in and out of visability providing a new dynamic to the class.
- Mana: 150 (So while a ninja CAN be invisible for a long time, they'll be punished for going out of stealth due to it's high start up cost)
- Stamina: 65 Stamina per second ( With this, a ninja wouldn't be able to stealth and regain his stamina mid battle)
- Cooldown: 5 seconds after you've become visible. You become visible when ever you: Take damage, deal damage, or use any skill (This includes fade which will simply reveal you.)
- Rework Eviscerate: (Renamed to Assassinate): Same everything, but requires sneak/stealth to use
- Rework Garrote: OK, IDK what happened here, but when I initially suggested garrote I suggested it as a stun. Now it's just an overall worst skill than kick: (Less damage, Less Silence, Longer Cooldown, Stealth/Sneak requirement.) How I wanted the skill is that when you are sneaking/stealthed you use a string in hand (Doesn't use the string just required in hand) and strangling the target doing damage and stunning them.
Ranger is in a pretty good spot atm. It has some problems, but I think a much easier to fix than something like beguiler:
The next problem is AimedShot. While I think the skill is fine itself, the ability to shoot arrows while it warms-up shouldn't be allowed. To be honest I think the is a bug (Melee and other skills cancel it) and should be fixed.
- ExplosiveShot: Currently the skill is very powerful, but is a little to spammy and too easy to use.
- CD: Increase from 17->20
- Radius: Decrease from 4->3
- Add warm-up: 1 second
Lastly I have a problem with Ranger's health. It's currently too high for a rogue. It's current 630 HP is tied with paladin making it relatively tanky. What I suggest:
- Reduce HP: 630-> 580
This class is in a pretty good spot atm. It's certainly viable, but I hear some complaints about it from time to time. From what I can tell, it's not that the current skills are "Bad" it's the problem that the class just has a lack of skills. I've spoken to runeblades and many of them like a mana draining skill (To fit their anti-mage nature). I've come up with 2 concepts to fit this idea:
- LeechingRune: Upon damaging a target with your sword you apply a Rune of Leeching, which deals an additional (25 + 1 per intellect point) damage. The target also loses mana equal to the damage delt.
- CD: 10
- Mana : 120
- Stamina: 40
- LeechingBlade (I'm bad with names
): Your blade drains (60 + 1.5 per wisdom point) mana from your target (within 4 blocks) and restores 75% of this damage to your mana
- CD: 10
- Mana: 0
- Stamina: 350
With the removal of many of it's warm-ups bard is doing pretty well. My only problem with it is how it's scaling works. Currently, almost all of it's skills scale off of Charisma. While this in it's self isn't bad, the fact that It ONLY scales of Charisma isn't right. What I propose is that each skill will scale off what it does, but keep Charisma in charge of duration and and range:
Now this doesn't mean WarSong for instance only scales off of strength. The damage bonus will scaled with strength, but it's duriation/range will scale with Charisma. This Means that Str, Wis, and Int will affect the "potency" of the songs, but Charisma will affect the how long and from how far. This may intially look like a bard nerf, (It is in the sense that it will be able to do EVERYTHING really well) but if done correctly could allow Bard players to:
- Strength Scaling Songs:
- WarSong
- BattleSong
- Intellect Scaling Songs:
- BoastfulBellow
- VoidSong
- Wisdom Scaling Songs:
- ManaSong
- HealingChorus
- Charisma Scaling Songs:
- MelodicBindings
- Accelerando
This would work by increasing the scaling on songs dramatically, but since now they would have to spread their attribute even thinner it won't increase their effectiveness unless they choose to sacrifice another stat.
- Remain how they are, by spreading their attributes
- Specialize in a specific area by allocating in a certain stat.
I don't think it's possible to go over it fully (With actually scaling numbers), but I would like the bring it up in this post extravaganza.
Finally, a small nerf to bards HP. Similar to Ranger, Bards HP of 650 is 20 more than a paladin. To fix this:
That's today's episode of "Balancing With Malik!" Hopefully you have new insight of the under the table deals of the "Rogue." Tune in tomorrow where we take a look at "Holy Healers"
- Reduce HP: 650->600
I have the least experience with healers. Because of this, my upcoming statements may be misinformed.
With that said, lets start Day 4: Healers!
Lets bring up the biggest problem with this class. LVLing! Cleric is a cool class, but it's lvling is just hard and boring. @Eldrylars idea of giving them a skill to increase their melee is cool, but I think a simpler way is possible. How about you let clerics target their heals on monsters damaging them? It makes lore sense where using holy spells harms evil creatures. This would also be much easier to balance since it wouldn't affect PVP. This is already semi-implemented with Holy Aura and Holy Water. This would make lvling as cleric much better and all the clerics I've talked to love the idea.
In the case of actually balancing the class, I have little to say. From what I can tell it's viable, but it takes a while to get there (So most quit before they master). I'll leave others on their opinion of the "Balancing State" of the test.
I like the concept of druid. A combination of Wizard and a HOT healer with a variety of unique utility skills. The only problem I see with the class is the potency of the HOTs. The point of a HOT (Heal over time) is that it general has higher heals than an instant heal, but sacrifices the the fact that it happens over time and the user is still susceptible to Burst damage. Now lets compare these skills to cleric. I know druids heals will be lesser due to their damage skills, but lets just see the difference.
Base: 30 + 1.125 WIS
HOT: 16 + 0.6 WIS every 3 seconds over 15 seconds
CD: 3 Minutes
Warm-Up: 2.5 Seconds
With 30 Wisdom: (60) + (170) = 220
Sacred Hymn-
Base: 200
Scaling: 3.125
CD: 3 Minutes
Warm-Up: None
With 30 Wisdom: 293.75
Healing Bloom-
Base: 12 ever 2 seconds for 20 seconds
Scaling: 0.42 WIS
CD: 15 Seconds
Warm-Up: 2.5 Seconds
With 30 Wisdom: 246 HP
Divine Blessing-
Base: 120
Scaling: 3.25
CD: 15 Seconds
Warm-UP: 2.5 Seconds
With 30 Wisdom: 217
In the case of Regrowth and Sacred Hyme, Not only does Regrowth heal less, it also takes 15 seconds to do the full heal. In the case of Healing Bloom and Divine Blessing, Even though Healing bloom heals more 5 seconds of healing occurs after the cooldown. This means if a cleric and a druid where constantly doing these skills:
Druid Every 15 Seconds: 184
Cleric Every 15 Seconds: 217
So effectively, the healing is WORST and takes longer to occur.
Welcome to waiting. This class has the least amount of active skills (11). Combined with it's plethora of warm-ups it's a lot of moving slowly then running around til a cooldown is off. What I propose is that the class just needs more skills. A lot of good ideas have accumulated on this thread:
I'll list the ideas I like the best:
In general, Blood mage needs more skills (Definitely more skills that give Blood Union) and I'd like the bring it up for some discussion.
- BloodWell: Blood bursts forth from your target. Melee and Physical attacks to the target are healed X% of damage dealt to a cap of X HP. It would basically work like a targeted blood drinker.
- BloodDrive (Name Work In Progress): You sacrifice X% of your current HP healing allies X% of health sacrificed. Large heal drain to the caster in order to provide a much needed AOE heal.
Yay hybrids. Your scaling is so low and you attributes are spread so thin no wonder you are doing bad. As Kainzo and I have said before they need better scaling. It's a really easy fix when you think about it. Disciples scaling would be fine it was a typical rogue, but it's not. It has to Spec INT, WIS, CON, END, and STR to be effective.
Also, Disciple is lacking in skills. Yes they do have 12 active skills and Fist of Jin as a passive, but I find balance to be a useless skill most of the time and safefall is a gimmick. Maybe another INT based skill to better round out it's kit.
This concludes "Balancing With Malik!" Tune in next episodes for....WAIT! We are done?!?! Great! Now I hope I expressed my opinion on the state of the class. Just take this las post with a grain of salt...or an tire dead sea if you wish (Healers are truly my weak point.) Hope fully the other members can pick up my slack. Keep your eyes pealed when I make a rap up post that will list the major suggestions without the explanation fluff.
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