On another note, Beguilers and Bloodmage could use some work. Beguilers have far too much CC, Deepfreeze is really unnecessary for them to have ontop of Piggfy. Either the CD of both need to be largely increased, or one of them needs to go. Bloodmage constrict is way too powerful. A 15 second slow on a 20 second CD, along with their dots and Chant healing, they are fairly well unstoppable. Constrict needs a lower duration and possibly a higher CD, and something needs to be done about their healing, either lower healing, or higher mana cost.
Bloodmage healing is fine, They use 50-70hp to cast all their skills. Lower healing would severely gimp them as their damage is fairly low till 60. Constrict is one of the few ways I can cast my DOTs without getting kicked. I would start with a 7-10 second duration on constrict, it is very OP in 1v1 currently, but it can't save you from Dragoons/Bards/Disciples, especially in large fights. I can tell you are basing some of these things on your fights with me, lol.
I agree that beguiler needs to lose deepfreeze, I would replace it with icebolt, or something similar though. Beguilers honly have fireball and pulse for damage early on. Deepfreeze + pulse + fireball hits for around 450, which is a ton for a class with so much CC.
I also feel like I should say Dragoons are quite strong against casters, most likely more than intended. Spear, Impale, and Jump own them pretty hard. The burst damage they can output is very high, and can ruin a caster's day very fast. Dragoons hurt themselves for liek 5 damage on one of their skills, which allows them to escape Wizard root before anything can be cast.
Disciples are also very strong against casters, Force push and pull are both interrupts, and on low cooldowns, and the spammability of forcepull allows them to shut down casters attempting to kite in a manor similar to Dragoons, which I am not sure is intentional. They are also deceptively tanky, despite having amazing control.
Suggested Changes for Bloodmage:
Constrict duration to 7-10 seconds (Anything lower than this would call for less casting time on their DoTs)
Suggested changes for Wizard
Give Bolt damage scaling per level
Nerf fireblast damage a bit (it is currently an instacast bolt basically)