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Altissia Lucis

Jan 27, 2017
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft? Just started here recently.
  2. How old are you? I am currently 13 years old.
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person? I am mostly pve but I am decent at pvp.
  4. Do you have building skills? I love building but I have never had anyone rate my building skills.
  5. How well do you work with others? I work pretty well and love co-op games.
  6. If any. What were your past towns? I never had a past town as for I am new.
  7. How active would you be? I would be pretty active on Thursday - Sunday
In Game Name- Dragonforce234
Feb 3, 2017

  1. Been Playing HeroCraft for a week
  2. 19 Years Old
  3. PVE preferred
  4. Yes I do have building skills
  5. I enjoy working with a team and other players
  6. Past towns on this server would be none, but off this server I was mayor of a mid to large sized town in SunnyVale three years ago
  7. Plenty of useless free time in university now so yeah, i'll probably be on quite a bit
-xXDragonZoneXx /Tom Pham
Mar 29, 2014
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft? Just started today
  2. How old are you? 16
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person? PVE
  4. Do you have building skills? I can build quite fast, but they don't look good, I'm more of the Copy & Paste kind of builder
  5. How well do you work with others? Depends on if the people are easy to approach or not
  6. If any. What were your past towns? None, just started today
  7. How active would you be? Once every 2-3 days I guess, unless school decides to hit me with remedial lessons out of nowhere.
IGN : ShadowsRemnant05


Jun 2, 2016

  1. Been Playing HeroCraft for a week
  2. 19 Years Old
  3. PVE preferred
  4. Yes I do have building skills
  5. I enjoy working with a team and other players
  6. Past towns on this server would be none, but off this server I was mayor of a mid to large sized town in SunnyVale three years ago
  7. Plenty of useless free time in university now so yeah, i'll probably be on quite a bit
-xXDragonZoneXx /Tom Pham
accepted. Contract a Altissia Rep


Jun 2, 2016
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft? Just started today
  2. How old are you? 16
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person? PVE
  4. Do you have building skills? I can build quite fast, but they don't look good, I'm more of the Copy & Paste kind of builder
  5. How well do you work with others? Depends on if the people are easy to approach or not
  6. If any. What were your past towns? None, just started today
  7. How active would you be? Once every 2-3 days I guess, unless school decides to hit me with remedial lessons out of nowhere.
IGN : ShadowsRemnant05


Jun 2, 2016
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft? Just started here recently.
  2. How old are you? I am currently 13 years old.
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person? I am mostly pve but I am decent at pvp.
  4. Do you have building skills? I love building but I have never had anyone rate my building skills.
  5. How well do you work with others? I work pretty well and love co-op games.
  6. If any. What were your past towns? I never had a past town as for I am new.
  7. How active would you be? I would be pretty active on Thursday - Sunday
In Game Name- Dragonforce234


Jun 2, 2016
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft? since mid 2016
  2. How old are you? almost 12
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person? pve but this server gives the mobs to much health for what i have
  4. Do you have building skills? yes...?
  5. How well do you work with others? ok
  6. If any. What were your past towns? mexico and after reset newerth
  7. How active would you be ill ? try play every day


Jun 2, 2016
1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?

0 Days 0 Hours 0 Minutes

2. How old are you?


3. Are you a pvp or pve person?

I prefer PVE and I’ll say I don’t like PvP but once I kill someone I get pretty into it. I tend to not take it as seriously and will come up with stupid strats that work… Somehow.
View attachment 11595

4. Do you have building skills?

Kind of, I’m not that great with creative buildings. Occasionally I’ll have a great idea but if it doesn’t work I get sad and don’t build anything for ages.

5. How well do you work with others?

Pretty well as long as they appreciate dry and sarcastic humour, I usually end up being a mediator in arguments. Think Wonder Woman from Batman Vs Superman except I actually get more than 10 lines and I think I could pull off the skirt better.

6. If any. What were your past towns?

I’ve literally never played.

7. How active would you be?

No clue as of now because I’m looking for a job so it’ll depend on what hours I get and I also have other games I would like to play as well, I will however likely devote a lot of time to Hero Craft if I end up enjoying it. Which from what I've been told what it's like I probably will.
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft
I just joined about half an hour to an hour ago.
  1. How old are you?
16 years old.
  1. Are you a pvp or pve person?
PVE, I'm not that great at PVP
  1. Do you have building skills?
Yes, I'm actually an architect (staff position) on a different server.
  1. How well do you work with others?
Very well, as long as they are polite in return, of course.
  1. If any. What were your past towns?
  1. How active would you be?
Very active.



Sep 13, 2014
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?
I've been around since the wars against Lenor, in other words about 2-3 years
2. How old are you?
3. Are you a pvp or pve person?
Mostly PVE, but if you need healing support, I'm always up for it.
4. Do you have building skills?
Not decent building skills, but enough to build a house
5.How well do you work with others?
Fairly well. But I do have some anger issues
6.If any. What were your past towns?
7. How active would you be?
Depends on if I'm accepted or not. ;)


Jun 2, 2016
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?
I've been around since the wars against Lenor, in other words about 2-3 years
2. How old are you?
3. Are you a pvp or pve person?
Mostly PVE, but if you need healing support, I'm always up for it.
4. Do you have building skills?
Not decent building skills, but enough to build a house
5.How well do you work with others?
Fairly well. But I do have some anger issues
6.If any. What were your past towns?
7. How active would you be?
Depends on if I'm accepted or not. ;)
Feb 20, 2017
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?:I started a while ago but it reset alot.
  2. How old are you?:13 but im playing on a account that my brother made
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person?:I could go either way
  4. Do you have building skills?: Im decent at it
  5. How well do you work with others?: Good enough
  6. If any. What were your past towns?: I used to have my own but it fell into ruin
  7. How active would you be?: Really depends.


Mar 25, 2017
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?
    Less than a day
  2. How old are you?
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person?
  4. Do you have building skills?
    Sorta, in a sense, I would like to think so.
  5. How well do you work with others?
    I generally work well with others.
  6. If any. What were your past towns?
    No past towns
  7. How active would you be?
    Generally active, roughly a few hours a day.


Jun 2, 2016
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?
    Less than a day
  2. How old are you?
  3. Are you a pvp or pve person?
  4. Do you have building skills?
    Sorta, in a sense, I would like to think so.
  5. How well do you work with others?
    I generally work well with others.
  6. If any. What were your past towns?
    No past towns
  7. How active would you be?
    Generally active, roughly a few hours a day.
Jan 29, 2017
  1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?
a week or so
  1. How old are you?
  1. Are you a pvp or pve person?
  1. Do you have building skills?
i don't really build im more of a riad person
  1. How well to you work with others?
very well, Im the oldest of 10 getting along with people is easy
  1. If any. What were your past towns?
I had my own for a little bit but it was to hard to keep up
  1. How active would you be?
almost every day
Apr 7, 2017
1. I've played for a couple of weeks now

2. I'm 27

3.Tons of building skills. I've started two nations on my main server.

4. Prefer pvp but enjoy both.

5. I get along just fine.

6. None on this server

7. Probably everyday or every other.


Jun 2, 2016
1. I've played for a couple of weeks now

2. I'm 27

3.Tons of building skills. I've started two nations on my main server.

4. Prefer pvp but enjoy both.

5. I get along just fine.

6. None on this server

7. Probably everyday or every other.
Apr 16, 2017
  • How long have you been playing Herocraft?
    • I Have been playing Herocraft for a day, I played a while back in 1.8 but its been so long that it doesn't make much difference.
  • How old are you?
    • I am 25 years old.
  • Are you a pvp or pve person?
    • I'm mainly a PvE person but I don't mind a bit of fun and clean PvP here and there.
  • Do you have building skills?
    • Given enough time to build and given I have the resources I can build just about anything I put my mind to, as long as I enjoy the project that is.
  • How well do you work with others?
    • Depends on who I'm working with. Lets be honest, if the person I'm working with is Demanding and childish then I wont work well with them. If they are mature and reasonable we will get along. I like goofing around and joking like the next guy, but as long is it doesn't go "too far".
  • If any. What were your past towns?
    • created my own a few minutes before you posted in chat about this link >.o
  • How active would you be?
    • few hours a day, some days I might not get on because of work but hey that's life for you.