1. How long have you been playing Herocraft?
0 Days 0 Hours 0 Minutes
2. How old are you?
3. Are you a pvp or pve person?
I prefer PVE and I’ll say I don’t like PvP but once I kill someone I get pretty into it. I tend to not take it as seriously and will come up with stupid strats that work… Somehow.
4. Do you have building skills?
Kind of, I’m not that great with creative buildings. Occasionally I’ll have a great idea but if it doesn’t work I get sad and don’t build anything for ages.
5. How well do you work with others?
Pretty well as long as they appreciate dry and sarcastic humour, I usually end up being a mediator in arguments. Think Wonder Woman from Batman Vs Superman except I actually get more than 10 lines and I think I could pull off the skirt better.
6. If any. What were your past towns?
I’ve literally never played.
7. How active would you be?
No clue as of now because I’m looking for a job so it’ll depend on what hours I get and I also have other games I would like to play as well, I will however likely devote a lot of time to Hero Craft if I end up enjoying it. Which from what I've been told what it's like I probably will.