• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

ALERT Adventure Server Recruitment!


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Greetings Heroes of Minecraft!

With the current updates and patches we have added, it seems like Herocraft couldn't get any better... Well its about too! With our long awaited, long promised Adventure!

There are a few things we need to say before you start looking over all the awesome things we have developed

1. Adventure is under serious development. Its a priority of ours.
2. There is no set date for Adventure, We are hoping to have an Closed-Beta out by Christmas, but nothing is confirmed

Please drop us an app @ http://hc.to/staffapps
We're looking for builders, scripters and coders!

Feature - Renewable Resources
  • Allows for Resources to be collected while in Adventure Mode, that will regenerate over a set period of time
    • Can be collected with specific tools
    • Any Block or Structure Configuration can be used as a resource
  • A reward can be given for collecting them
    • Can be used to run commands
    • Give EXP
    • Give Items based on a Loot Table
    • Summon Mobs
    • It can do anything!
  • Resource Node
  • Resource Node and Item
  • Possible Resource Nodes
  • Tool Specific Resource Node
  • Example of Specific Tool Resource Node Collection


Feature - Single use Items
  • Allows for Items to be “Used” to give a Desired Effect, and then promptly disappear/break
    • Can be used to give Effects to a player ( Potion Effects, Teleporting, Ect )
    • Can be used to give Effects to a players Party ( Potion Effects, Teleporting, Ect )
    • Can be used to Target Mobs ( Give Effects to other Mobs )
    • Can be used to Target Blocks ( Create Temporary Portals, Go through walls )
  • Any Item can be hooked to the API
  • Example of Item

Feature - Disguise-O-Plenty
  • Allows for a Player’s Skin, Nametag, and even In-game chat name to be modified
    • Can be used to “Transform” into another players into others ( Freaky Friday )
    • Can be used to “Negate” mobs from Targeting a player for a period of time
    • Skins, Nametags are viewable to both the Player Modified and other players
  • Notch on our Server

Feature - Equip-Items
  • Items in the 9th Inventory Slots will modify player Gameplay in certain ways
    • Currently we have Soul Jars working ( Mob Kill Collecting Item )
    • Currently we have Soul Collectors Working ( Automatically Turns Soul Fragments into Coins with a Percent Conversion )
    • We can add many more! :D

Feature - Questing System
  • Questing System is ultra cool and magnificent
    • The Command /Questhelp will show information concerning Current Quests
    • The Player can accept Sidequests
  • Notch on our Server
Feature - Combat Pets ( Sorta )
  • We have made a Script that turns an NPC into a Battle Ready Pet
    • The Pet will AUTO attack mobs that Target the Player
    • The Pet will attack mobs the player Targets
    • The Pet’s Damage, Health, Speed, and Inventory can be Customised
    • The Pet can use Items within its Inventory ( Items to Heal, Revive, Ect )
    • The Pet can be stored within an Item for later use
    • The Pet can be revived through Item use or Admin Commands
    • The Pet can be given away to other players through its Item
    • The Pet can be told to Follow, Stay, Follow <Name>
    • The Pet can be any mob in the game, even Kainzo!
  • Just… Imagine a Wolf attacking a Zombie. Cuz that's pretty much what it is…

Feature - Hallucinations
  • We can now make Players see Buildings and Structures that aren’t really there
    • Can be used for visual effects ( Mirages, Ghost Buildings, Fake Walls )
    • Can be used to make NPC’s walk through walls ( Oh Spooky )
    • Can be used to make Secret Passageways
  • Imagine a Block, and know realize there is no block

Feature - Inner-Inventory Crafting
  • Craft Items within an Inventory, Hold the “Tool” and click on the selected Item to Craft
    • Use Flint and Steel on Sticks to make Torches
    • Use a Sharpener on a Sword to restore some Durability
    • Add Toxins to an Arrow by Dipping it in Poison
    • Add Pages to a Journal
    • Put Puzzle Pieces together
    • And So Much More
  • Torches
  • Torches Part 2

Feature - Area Versions
  • Multiple Versions of the Same area can exist Simultaneously
    • Depending on your point in the Questline, Areas appear different to the Player
  • There is a Spoon
  • There is no Spoon


Dec 26, 2012
...and composers? :D as soon as I get some environment descriptions for various areas I can get to writing to fit the ambiance/atmosphere of the map!


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
This ^ I would love composers for zone specific music, may have to figure out how to do this though...
@devotedworker already has a system to play music (I believe MIDI format) so the system is already set up. It would require Command Blocks or some magic hero stuff.


Retired Staff
Max Legacy Supporter
Oct 20, 2012
Dungeon Heroes Server
This ^ I would love composers for zone specific music, may have to figure out how to do this though...
@devotedworker already has a system to play music (I believe MIDI format) so the system is already set up. It would require Command Blocks or some magic hero stuff.
We already have it figured out! And it doesn't require Commandblocks or anything. We have the option of playing through a MIDI program which will convert it to noteblocks or to play it through the Resource pack.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
We already have it figured out! And it doesn't require Commandblocks or anything. We have the option of playing through a MIDI program which will convert it to noteblocks or to play it through the Resource pack.
If you do resourcepack music, for the love of pete make a music-only resourcepack.
I'll listen to your atmosphere (since that's generally not hard metal or rap) but I hate the resourcepack.