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[AD] Prometheus - {Recruiting}

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Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 25, 2013










Town Rules

  • Respect your fellow citizens. Do not enter someone's house or open chests that are not yours without permission.
  • Do not edit blocks in the town or the surrounding 125 block area without permission.
  • Respect your fellow players. Do not be a troll.
  • Follow the rules of the Aetherius Dominion.
  • Follow the server rules.
  • Violation of any of the town rules can result in a penalty up to and including expulsion from the town.

Dominion Rules

1. Do not kill any town mates or citizens of Volantis, Prometheus, Sentinel or Hyperion.
This rule should be fairly self explanatory. Other individuals possessing a Permit of the Aetherius Dominion are protected by this rule as well.
Current protectorates: None
2. Follow all server rules.
3. Do not build or mine within 125 blocks of town, or within the dominion lands without approval from township Nobles.
4. Respect your fellow town mates.

This includes going into people's houses or looking through people's chests without permission from the owner. Punishment for breaking this rule may involve a small fine, and can go up to and including banishment from the dominion. Don't be nosy and be polite to your town mates!
5. Defend the town.
If the town is being raided, do anything you can to protect the town and its citizens, report to leadership any security flaws you see so they can be addressed promptly.
6. Help out around town.
There is a lot of work to be done around each township and we need all of you to do your part.
7. Pay your taxes.
Taxes are 100c a month and are collected the first Friday of each month. Feel free to pay for multiple months at once. Failure to pay within two weeks will result in expulsion from the dominion, and your house/storage absorbed into town resources.
8. Keep the town pretty.
When you receive your town plot, you are free to do with it as you please. All we ask is that you please make an effort to keep your building good looking. Cobble stone cubes, as an example, aren't pretty. Don’t modify township construction without management approval.

For Recruits:
  • Housing for recruits is FREE. There will be rooms and plots available in the barracks.
  • Recruits are expected to pay a tax of 25s per WEEK. You may make payments for multiple weeks at once.
For Citizens:
  • Citizens may purchase a housing plot for a one time fee of 250s for the first plot. Additional plots can be purchased for 500s each.
  • Citizens are expected to pay a tax of 100s per MONTH. You may make payments for multiple months at once.
  • Citizens must pay a one time fee of 50s to create your tax chest upon entry into the town.
Failure to pay your taxes for 2 weeks after the due date will result in expulsion from the town and repossession of your plot and items.
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Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 25, 2013

These are the guidelines we expect the members to follow in each of the AD cities. These simple guidelines reduce stress on the player base and produce a more fluid and fun time for the members of AD as well as the server in general.

As a member of AD you are expected to follow these guidelines at all times. If these guidelines do not match your beliefs or play styles there will be no hard feelings if you are to leave AD to find a home more suited to your play style. In the case that these guidelines are broken by members of AD there will be consequences ranging from fines to removal from the Kingdom.

Be a good sport.
  • Be respectful after PvP. Don’t taunt other players when they lose. On the same token, nobody likes a sore loser. Be the stronger person by being polite and friendly, even if other players are trying to taunt you. A 'good fight' can go a long way.
  • Encourage new players so we build a stronger community. Consider putting their stuff in a chest and let them know you’ve done this. Teach people instead of laughing at them. Encourage them to keep trying.
  • Don’t accuse players of cheating or using hacks if you lose against them. Instead, gather evidence and report it.
  • No underhand tactics like using TS to force an opponent out of their MC client. If other players use underhand tactics against you, don’t stoop to their level.
  • No scamming players by trading and then killing them, or by buying severely under-priced goods from someone who doesn’t know better.
Play with your team, not against it.
  • No killing other AD members in anger nor ignorance.
  • If you don’t know another player check their town before engaging in PvP. If you find out they’re a new AD recruit (not yet on Town regions), give them their stuff back.
  • No payback killings among AD members. Killing the same person twice is not an “accident”.
  • Messing around is understandable, but when it comes to the point where people are dying, it needs to stop (for example, when melon fights escalate too swords and spells). That in no way gives new members a good sense of kingdom unity.
  • No killing fellow AD members for a bounty.
Play nice.
  • Don’t be a troll. Teasing and joking are fine in principle, but if the other person finds it offensive, it stops.
  • No abusive talk or excessive swearing in TS or ingame chat toward other AD members, server staff, or anyone at all in public channels.
  • Use the right TS channel for your activities. If you're heading out raiding with a team, or if you’re there for quiet chat, move to an appropriate channel with your group.
Respect the server rules, but more than that, respect the SPIRIT of the rules.
  • Pushing boundaries is fine, but doing things that go against the spirit of the rules, even if it hasn't been banned yet, is not acceptable.
  • No glitching, no using enderpearls to pass through solid blocks, no “abusing the server mechanics” and so on.
  • No using hacks or alt accounts.
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Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 25, 2013
Current State of Affairs

The State of the Dominion can be found here

The hill on top of the island has been completed! Thanks to @Carbash @igs_hux and @urstillafool for the help. =)


Please welcome our newest recruits:
@Bighappy227 @Dogrules23 @Welgard @Nanakkai @SwannkyTaco @RosalinaSlaying

Current Projects

The following projects are listed in order of priority.
1) Populate the hill on top of the island with builds!
Examples of the kinds of builds we will have on top of the island can be found here
  • A design for the bank (A)
  • A Trade District (B)
  • A lighthouse (C)
2) Create an entryway into the town.
Thanks to @Chaosgrave for making the bridge! =)
  • A cave-like entrance way needs to be created, leading from the gate to the lift box. The walls are completed, thanks to @jaydohjoedoe and @Nashah but the ceiling still needs to be worked on!
  • The gate itself also needs to be completed.
3) Create a farm.
The farm will be created at around bedrock. Thanks to @urstillafool and @Carbash for digging it out!
  • Huge sugarcane farm
  • automatic wheat farm
  • small melon farm
  • small potato farm
  • small carrot farm
  • small netherwart farm
  • (small obsidian farm)
4) Make the Island walls natural
  • Make the sides of the walls look like this:

  • Make the line between the stone and the sand more natural. This can be done by extending the stone down in an irregular fashion
5) Create an artificial sky in the undercity.
Thanks @Xenthyr for laying down the first layer of sky!
  • Collect white wool from sheep!
  • Create large clouds 2 blocks under the sky layer (1 block of space between the sky and clouds) with torches lighting the top of the wool.
  • Create mini clouds 2 blocks under the large clouds, spread out evenly with torches on top to light the large clouds.
  • Create mini sky blocks 2 blocks under the non-cloud sky, spread out evenly with torches on top to light the sky.
Side Project: Complete the swamp.

  • Obtain several double chestfuls of dirt (from ruins).
  • Fill in dirt to complete the swamp up to the outlined edge.
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Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 17, 2012
I would like to take part in helping to get everything started. I just want to make it official.

X: Carbash420 (my signature :p)


Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 6, 2012
Alright talked to Trist, decided I want to join Prometheus.

Edit: I am having two friends (jaydohjoedoe and Amekurai) apply to the Paragon thread atm, they are wanting to join Prometheus with me. We don't have a application section for Prometheus right now so I just told them to apply there annnnnnnd.... I just wanted them to get that out of the way before the server wipe when everyone will become really busy.

Also Haemadipwhatever (Ham) will be playing a bit again when the server restarts. She will be coming with me to Prometheus also.
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Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 25, 2013
All hail Prometheus! I would like to join this township and become a member.

IGN: igs_hux
Age: 35 (old fart, it seems)
Time zone: Europe, Germany
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Currently Rogue/Crafter
How long have you been on HC?: My App is 2 years old, but I have spent probably only 2 weeks here.
Why do you want to join?: Minecraft alone is boring, I am a teamplayer (and need to learn alot).
Will you help with town projects?: Absolutely.
What can you give to us, as a community?: Limited free-time, I suck at building, not much knowledge about Hero Classes. What I DO offer is interest in a township and I am commited to help with projects.
What towns have you been in?: Neu-Dresden, Part of SSS
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: Well, they collapsed. ;) Weynard and the others I used to play with stopped with HC, and so did I.
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Both, ofc.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Wut? ;)
Tell us about yourself: Pretty much work on my desk, free-time is mostly spend with my GF and Sports. So I only play ocassionally Games, and besides HC, it is currently WoT.
Referrals: Well, leftovers5, somehow. Had some contact via PM and finally would like to toss in my App, so we can start fresh as a Team in October.

My Whitelist Thread: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/hux-says-hi.1955/

Hey igs_hux, welcome to Prometheus! I've pulled over your township application from Verstad (since we're technically still LO Kingdom atm). I sent you some information, so check your inbox. =)


Sep 23, 2013
IGN: LimeSucker
Age: 16
Time zone: France (GMT +1)
What classes are you specializing into: Well I was planning to choose pyromancer but the server will be reset so I'll just see what's new, I can easily adapt myself to a lot of things.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I have teamspeak but my mic is with my headphones. And I can only listen if I don't have my mic.
How long have you been on HC: I'm really new to this server so I would say a week not more. Moreover I'm french so playing on a English speaking server is quiet new for me.
Why do you want to join: I want to join this town because I would rather play with other players than playing solo because I played so much to the singleplayer mode of MineCraft and I use it only to try out the new MC patches or to try Redstone circuits/buildings.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: Usually I'm a miner/builder/talker and not a so good killer (but I can still trick my enemies). For the talker thing, I guess I need to improve my english before becoming a nice orator.
What can you give to us, as a community: I'm a mature player (even though I'm only 16 because I have been playing MC for like 4 years.) and motivated for a lot of tasks. My friend and I consider me as a funny person (I can try in english I swear !) so that may be an advantage. I also love writting RolePlay books and put them in bookshelves so maybe I'll build a library and write my stories and sell some of my books if some players love RolePlay (if I get accepted, tell me in the answer what do you think about my idea :D ).
What towns have you been in: None
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: "Play with your team, not against it." I think this one describes best my state of mind when I play an online game because when I play with a nice group of person I just can't betray them as easy I can say "Det är trevligt ut" (that's Swedish and no I don't speak Swedish x), I just wanted to put a strange sentence meaning "the weather is nice outside"). I like playing in community with friends...
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: I don't really understand this one but I will tell you what I think it means "Do you think any of these guidelines are here to prevent you from having fun?" and I would say no.
Tell us about yourself: I come from a French well-known server (a few months ago, he was ranked 2nd) as a moderator, I decider to quit this server because it became uninteresting so... As I said I'm French and I here to have fun, improve my english, play with a community and try a new way of playing minecraft (RPG for MineCraft is new for me but I already tried real RolePlay server). I won't stay connected for hours because I'm on my last year of High School in scientific branch so I have a lot of work.
Referrals: None

I hope you enjoyed my app and see you next time IG !

PS : I already sent this message for the Rapture city but in the few hours after I did it, it went to the graveyard and I was waiting for an answer x(
That's why I do it once again (didn't changed much things).


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 25, 2013
IGN: LimeSucker
Age: 16
Time zone: France (GMT +1)
What classes are you specializing into: Well I was planning to choose pyromancer but the server will be reset so I'll just see what's new, I can easily adapt myself to a lot of things.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I have teamspeak but my mic is with my headphones. And I can only listen if I don't have my mic.
How long have you been on HC: I'm really new to this server so I would say a week not more. Moreover I'm french so playing on a English speaking server is quiet new for me.
Why do you want to join: I want to join this town because I would rather play with other players than playing solo because I played so much to the singleplayer mode of MineCraft and I use it only to try out the new MC patches or to try Redstone circuits/buildings.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: Usually I'm a miner/builder/talker and not a so good killer (but I can still trick my enemies). For the talker thing, I guess I need to improve my english before becoming a nice orator.
What can you give to us, as a community: I'm a mature player (even though I'm only 16 because I have been playing MC for like 4 years.) and motivated for a lot of tasks. My friend and I consider me as a funny person (I can try in english I swear !) so that may be an advantage. I also love writting RolePlay books and put them in bookshelves so maybe I'll build a library and write my stories and sell some of my books if some players love RolePlay (if I get accepted, tell me in the answer what do you think about my idea :D ).
What towns have you been in: None
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: "Play with your team, not against it." I think this one describes best my state of mind when I play an online game because when I play with a nice group of person I just can't betray them as easy I can say "Det är trevligt ut" (that's Swedish and no I don't speak Swedish x), I just wanted to put a strange sentence meaning "the weather is nice outside"). I like playing in community with friends...
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: I don't really understand this one but I will tell you what I think it means "Do you think any of these guidelines are here to prevent you from having fun?" and I would say no.
Tell us about yourself: I come from a French well-known server (a few months ago, he was ranked 2nd) as a moderator, I decider to quit this server because it became uninteresting so... As I said I'm French and I here to have fun, improve my english, play with a community and try a new way of playing minecraft (RPG for MineCraft is new for me but I already tried real RolePlay server). I won't stay connected for hours because I'm on my last year of High School in scientific branch so I have a lot of work.
Referrals: None

I hope you enjoyed my app and see you next time IG !

PS : I already sent this message for the Rapture city but in the few hours after I did it, it went to the graveyard and I was waiting for an answer x(
That's why I do it once again (didn't changed much things).

Hello LimeSucker, can you please provide a link to your whitelist application and answer the question:

What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member?
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