Legacy Supporter 3
- Joined
- Jun 5, 2012
IGN: Turbo4000
Age: 18
Location | Time zone: New York State -- EST
Link to your whitelist application: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__22360#entry15144699
How long have you been on HC: I've played for two maps prior to this one and am excited to get properly started on Haven.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I can use TS w/ Mic, although I prefer to type in MC's chat and only speak when it's necessary (like during raiding).
What towns have you been in: Canterlot (2 maps ago and I wasn't on for long during that map) and Newerth (last map, was in throughout the map although they seem to have disappeared in Haven).
Why did you leave them (if applicable): Was inactive 2 maps ago as far as Canterlot is concerned. Newerth disappeared afaik.
Why do you want to join: I need a place to stay and I enjoy the "large Kingdom" idea.
What town are you interested in joining after graduation: Prometheus.
What can you give to us, as a community: I bring a unique sense of humor to any chat I'm in. I will be able to provide ports and will be able to provide alchemist services later on.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yerp.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Upgrade from the base class, pay 50s, pay for a plot, choose your town.
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: "Be respectful after PvP" because I always say good fight and whatnot whether I won or lost.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: I don't think so.
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: Now I have
Tell us about yourself: I'm a college student that enjoys playing Herocraft and socializing with a community while playing. What more needs to be said, really?
Referrals: None.
Age: 18
Location | Time zone: New York State -- EST
Link to your whitelist application: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__22360#entry15144699
How long have you been on HC: I've played for two maps prior to this one and am excited to get properly started on Haven.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I can use TS w/ Mic, although I prefer to type in MC's chat and only speak when it's necessary (like during raiding).
What towns have you been in: Canterlot (2 maps ago and I wasn't on for long during that map) and Newerth (last map, was in throughout the map although they seem to have disappeared in Haven).
Why did you leave them (if applicable): Was inactive 2 maps ago as far as Canterlot is concerned. Newerth disappeared afaik.
Why do you want to join: I need a place to stay and I enjoy the "large Kingdom" idea.
What town are you interested in joining after graduation: Prometheus.
What can you give to us, as a community: I bring a unique sense of humor to any chat I'm in. I will be able to provide ports and will be able to provide alchemist services later on.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yerp.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Upgrade from the base class, pay 50s, pay for a plot, choose your town.
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: "Be respectful after PvP" because I always say good fight and whatnot whether I won or lost.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: I don't think so.
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: Now I have

Tell us about yourself: I'm a college student that enjoys playing Herocraft and socializing with a community while playing. What more needs to be said, really?
Referrals: None.