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AC- The Academy [Honorable Neutral|19]

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Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
Not that I really can decide anything or really mean anything, but it would be grate to have the Merc team to work for again ;D


Jul 5, 2011
I have a 1 week February break coming up, will be off skiing though from Tuesday-Sunday, so won't see much of me. :C


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Need something more immediate. I'd like a big base, but for now what we need is a place lots of members can reach easily. Are any of the towns in Lightforge's general area very close to a Herogate?

My design for our day-to-day activity mostly derives from taking 3rd-party jobs and working on our own goals. I'll begin working up something to put in Trade. If you want to leave input it will be on our forums for a day or two before I post it.

I fully intend for the Academy to become a wonderfully active guild again, providing wealth, help, and fun to our members and service to all of Herocraft.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Lightforge is only 400 blocksish from a herogate, it is the closest town in the area to a herogate. I also have a 5 day weekend comming up and will be able to help out.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Sup kids, we needs jobs, a guild base and an everyday purpose. More guild events/activities would be cool.


We have a forum to organize the coming job system.

PM @Dazureus for the URL unless he wants to make it public.

Also Dihara has pledged some regioned space for our first base in their town but only the guild masters (and any new members from Dihara of course) will have region access. So we can start protecting our supplies with a region.

Then we need to organize in the gold 'ol building, MERC, and work teams. Building being dedicated builders for the gulid, MERC being a paid mercenary force, and work being a paid workforce who do odd jobs for cash (hourly pay)

It worked pretty well at the end of Zeal so this map is bound to be a SMASHING success!

If you are interested in any of the teams (including the 4th team, Nether) sign up here!


Jul 30, 2011
Current/Mastered Classes: On zeal, I have mastered warrior, and was working on dragoon. As for dragon, I'm a level 16 warrior working twords a samurai.
Current/Mastered Professions: I have mastered the incredibly hard profession, the crafter. I am currently a level 10 Alchemist, willing to provide chaimail for 5c, if you provide the required materials
Current Township: Citizen of Nevermore, but residence of Light Forge
Past Guild Experience: I was going to be a hell rider, when it was forming in late zeal. But went inactive due to league of legends.
Why do you want to join the Academy?: I feel like I can contribute a fair bit. I also want some of those Nether port privileges :p @Dielan9999
Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: At the moment, no.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011
Sydney, Australia
I originally expressed interest in being in the Merc team but I still need to level (work has cut in so hard over the past 2 months making it slow) so I shall move to the Work team for now, if that's cool until I'm a reasonable level to hit up Mercs!


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
I would recomend him ^ hes been a fine member of LightForge. Also, if you need more regioned space, I have a plot layed out in LF for the academy, and If We ever have extra money laying around, the Academy should receive some of it.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
I've started part of it, and its a netherbrick and stone brick base to start out. Ill get some storage space started


Oct 10, 2011
Lost in the Ether
Um we still have sovrrnguarde which will be a part of my town and if you come visit sovrrnguarde I could show you the academy base. Not just sovrenguard the academys part of the town is greater


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
We have plenty of pledged members yet nothing to build/do yet!

Perhaps in the unfortunate absence of Kophka we should promote someone new to council, someone who can help us put our plans in motion a little faster since Daz and I are often busy, Mormon plays only on Weekends, and we haven't heard from @madsplatter in a while, I'm sure he is busy with his town like I am.

I'm on everyday. Just tell where and I'll start building. If one of you guys ( @Dielan9999 @Dazureus @TheMormon ) could host a server where we could flesh out some idea's, that would be awesome. I can't cuz I'm not an admin on my dorm interwebz, and therefore cannot port forward. EDIT: I suck at tagging people. Someone do it for me.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 2, 2011
I'm on everyday. Just tell where and I'll start building. If one of you guys (@Dielan9999 @Dazureus @TheMormon) could host a server where we could flesh out some idea's, that would be awesome. I can't cuz I'm not an admin on my dorm interwebz, and therefore cannot port forward. EDIT: I suck at tagging people. Someone do it for me.
Just move the ( 's away from the names


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Current/Mastered Classes: On zeal, I have mastered warrior, and was working on dragoon. As for dragon, I'm a level 16 warrior working twords a samurai.
Current/Mastered Professions: I have mastered the incredibly hard profession, the crafter. I am currently a level 10 Alchemist, willing to provide chaimail for 5c, if you provide the required materials
Current Township: Citizen of Nevermore, but residence of Light Forge
Past Guild Experience: I was going to be a hell rider, when it was forming in late zeal. But went inactive due to league of legends.
Why do you want to join the Academy?: I feel like I can contribute a fair bit. I also want some of those Nether port privileges :p @Dielan9999
Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: At the moment, no.
Accepted. I'll add you in. Contact guild members for chat info, as always.


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
IGN: xexorian
Current/Mastered Classes: Currently I am a 30+ Beguiler. I've mastered 30 and 55 Geomancer, and Samurai when heroes first came out.
Current/Mastered Professions: I am a level 40 Enchanter as of this writing. I've also been a 55 mason and 55 engineer on the test server.
Current Township: [Town] Nevermore
Past Guild Experience: I originally joined the Ghast Protection Agency back on Sanctum and later led the Dark Brotherhood near the end of Zeal. A ruthless cold-hearted bounty hunting guild design to improve the quality of PVP, my main focus was to hunt down any and all bounty's placed using the bounty system and to promote PVP by the rules.
Why do you want to join the Academy?: I like a lot of the people in The Academy, and I've had many positive encounters and dealings with them. I think I'd make a great addition and can provide some out of the ordinary benefits to the Guild. I also believe in the ideals posted on Herocraft's forums.

Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: Nope, know that my time is limited and my services to the guild will be an additional strain on my time. However, I think it will be okay, I devote an enormous amount of my spare time to Herocraft and my kingdom. I think I could be a little more productive and help The Academy in whatever way seems fit/possible.

I would like to mention that I posted this on the Academy forums. I have also been thinking, that we could place the Academy's main HQ located within Nevermore's next region size. Once we get City rank we will have 8 times the space of a single Hamlet. So fitting something nice and cozy into the side of one of the castle walls might be a good idea. We can secure it by simply making it's entrance located outside of the town wall, with an inner C shaped wall, or whatever it takes, to secure Nevermore's interior region from the Academy's space. That way it's completely ungriefable. Maybe we can get child regions going. But I'm not sure if that's really that neccessary. This was my initial idea, Or I could just make an Academy Guild Hall in Nevermore in addition to the others in the various townships you have. So Academy members within Nevermore will have their own base of operations to do guildly activities.
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