Did someone say Data?
On a side note, while completely unrelated. Its funny how a few but more iconic players, said gathering this data was A waste of Time![]()
Yes I just took the time to duplicate your data. This is what I got
Tier 1:
MINION (500) EXP YIELD (17) Minions 29.41 HP per 1 EXP
ELITE (1000) EXP YIELD (29) Elites 34.48 HP per 1 EXP
BOSS (2000) EXP YIELD (154) BOSS 12.94 HP per 1 EXP
Tier 2:
Tier 3:
MINION (1320) EXP YIELD (71) Minions 4.5 HP per 1 EXP
ELITE (2700) EXP YIELD (100) Elites 27 HP per 1 EXP
BOSS (6600) EXP YIELD (250) BOSS 26.4 HP per 1 EXP
Tier 4:
MINION (1650) EXP YIELD (90) 18.33 HP per 1 XP
ELITE (3300) EXP YIELD (200) 16.5 HP per 1 XP
BOSS (10000) EXP YIELD (720) 13.88 HP per 1 XP
Tier 5:
MINION (2145) EXP YIELD (160) 13.40 HP per 1 XP
ELITE (4290) EXP YIELD (400) 10.73 HP per 1 XP
BOSS (15015) EXP YIELD (1280) 11.73 HP per 1 XP
Tier 6:
MINION (2750) EXP YIELD (350) 7.85 HP per 1 XP
ELITE (5500) EXP YIELD (800) 6.87 HP per 1 XP
BOSS (22000) EXP YIELD (3000) 7.33 HP per 1 XP
The problem with my data is two fold. One it is incomplete as I was missing Tier 2 data. Two the HP values are generic averages since each mob has variations of health by % and classification, making some mobs worth a LOT more than others especially at higher ends where those percentages translate into the hundreds if not thousands of hitpoints.
I realized this, but still compiled an average of two random mobs within the same tier/class and then averaged their baselines. I have a google doc to use as the baseline for all mob HP values, but since I do not know which mobs were placed and how many of each spawner, among other things. This sort of just became an estimate. However, I do thank you for the complete data report. That is quite fascinating. I think an HP squish may be coming into play when I get around to finishing this Patch. Expect to see far less variations.
So far, I am pushing the team to accept these values:
Tier 1: 10HP=1EXP Roughly 20%-249% increase over current values. (T1 Bosses were good EXP per HP)
Tier 2: 9HP=1EXP Roughly 225% increase over current values. (Just guessing)
Tier 3: 8HP=1EXP Roughly 60-237% increase over current values. (T3 Minions were good EXP per HP)
Tier 4: 7HP=1EXP Roughly 98-162% increase over current values.
Tier 5: 6HP=1EXP Roughly 78-123% increase over current values.
Tier 6: 5HP=1EXP Roughly 37-57% increase over current values.
EDIT: This means T6 Mobs will be roughly 50% better after I can finish this patch. It also means that T6 will be roughly 20% better EXP (relatively) than T4 Mobs. So it will still be more efficient to kill at the highest level, even if it takes longer, and has more risk since PVP. There are also better rewards and drops to consider for T5 and T6. And I may do more balancing on actual armor drop tables among other things I noticed I need to tinker with.
As you know, lower is better. Another thing, for the baseline HP Squishing, I was thinking of a system something like this:
Tier 1: 500HP
Tier 2: 750HP
Tier 3: 1000HP
Tier 4: 1500HP
Tier 5: 2000HP
Tier 6: 2500HP
Also, take into account that most bosses have a multiplier to their HP pools.
T1-T3 are 4-5 Times Base HP values.
Tier 4 is 6 Times Base HP
Tier 5 is 7 Times Base HP
Tier 6 is 8 Times Base HP. This is why a Minion may have 2,750 HP and a boss has 22,000HP. One might be a warrior, another a mage type. Just different rarities which accumulates all these differences you guys see.
My plan is to lower these differences in HP, change the baseline by a tad. -250HP for T6 mobs on the baseline and Lower the difference in HP amounts from say 2250-2750, down to something like 2400-2600 HP. T6 Bosses will probably be changed to just be 20,000, however.
My main goal is to speed up the leveling process for lower levels, and balance the mobs a bit better. We may also be fixing some other bugs, and droprates in the process. Depends on how much time I have this week or so.
Minion > Elite > Boss or Common > Uncommon > Rare
What I'll probably do is lower the differences in HP between tiers of the same class, but set their entire group EXP to the same values. So you will still see some RNG for HP per EXP between tiers within the same class, however it will be much tighter nit. So there will be areas to explore after this change that might have lower HP mobs that are worth slightly more EXP per kill, but overall I want the entire tier to be the main reason to move up and progress through dungeons, thus my main reasoning for the squish and the proposed changes above.
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