• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!


  1. mikehk

    WTS Town for sale

    Made a town, didn't realize the cost reqs to keep it alive. All 15 regions claimed. WTS 350c Building is relatively safe, needs some work though. Has some underground area mined out.
  2. Eldrex

    Suggestion [Township] Block Decay

    Simple suggestion really. Make it so that if any blocks are destroyed or placed within a certain radius of a town decay. What I mean by this is, if someone breaks blocks or places them near by a township, I'd say 100 block range is good, the blocks will disappear after a certain amount of time...
  3. Church_

    Enlight, Haven of the Blessed

    ~Imperium Kingdom ~ ~EnlightSky Haven~ ~Emperor~ Dr Heretic ~Lords~ Austin1965 Trashsama Drynium CheshireHeart ~Allies of Enlight~ TimberHallows Dar Kunor Zetor Plots for Embassy's 30x,30z,30y in size. Requirements Age 15+ ( Will accept if close to 15) Active help...
  4. xDarkSecrett


    Ayrith The town inside a cave. Recently started at the command of xDarkSecrett. Join us and be cool Staff Members: xDarkSecrett (Mayor) Emaa (Second in Command) Tiddlywinx (Council)...
  5. Guardian787

    Bug LWC in Towns

    We have two towns that formed a nation and have access to build use switch and all that which works perfectly fine. Both towns have LWCed lift signs using /cprivate town:TOWNNAME When I try to add our second town to the LWCs I can see when I do /cinfo both towns are on the list of who can...

    Lordale, Join Now!

    Our town, Loredale, is ready to start recruiting, if you would like to join just reply to this and you will ( under most circumstances) be invited to join. Loredale is at this point fairly new and it is a great time to help become part of the Loredale community. We are noob friendly and except...
  7. Guardian787


    Town Name: Erebor Mayor: Guardian787 SIC: LadyDutch Location of Town: North West Misc Info: Erebor is the location of the great fortress Kingdom Under the Mountain. Members: 75 Region: 112 Chunks Daily Tax: 1% Nation: Valarian Order Towns In Nation: Erebor (Capitol) Aldenshire Valstelis We...