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Search results

  1. Razael6

    Herocraft 3.0 dev notes

    Agreed domi.
  2. Razael6

    GW's Texture Pack In Progress

    Finished all tools except all axes but diamond. Your Xunlai and grass were very good.
  3. Razael6

    Herocraft 3.0 dev notes

    Farsight - Massive zoom (x10) view- eplain?
  4. Razael6

    Trade Rules

  5. Razael6


    Not really I think the wilderness is only you and your party like in the 1st game, but the story has like a bagillion combinations. So I think some parts are instances but not always.
  6. Razael6


    When ever I played this game I never had any problems. With Guild Wars the expansions aren't expansions there a whole new continent with a campaign just as long as the prophecies one. I never saw any hacking or botting. Yet I hate how people complained in certain special areas where they had to...
  7. Razael6

    Herocraft Movie Night!!

    Try BlackAdder 2.
  8. Razael6

    Herocraft Movie Night!!

    I just started watching it no sound D:
  9. Razael6

    TeamSpeak 3 IS BACK!

    Yes. And a lot of people.
  10. Razael6

    GW's Texture Pack In Progress

    @Alator still on this? I've been busy I'm going to work on this again if you can't just post some GW screenshots, like include snow, ice stone, leaves, wood. You know the basics. Yah so if you want to work on it again do it! If not screenshots please.