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Search results

  1. Razael6


    Hahaha they got to Hardcore in the livestream (by cheatingish) and Lewis only had a boomerand a copper shortsword and no armor while everyone else except nova and simon and lewis had like full rare gear and weapons.
  2. Razael6


    You guys watch the Yogscast and Creatures Terraria Livestream :D?
  3. Razael6


    I love this game more than minecraft no offence, it's so addicting and rewarding. Have full meteor armor and space gun, just killed EoW and EoC, have firey greatsword and flamarange, phaseblade!
  4. Razael6

    Minecraft 1.0 - (Dont update yet!)

    Update to what? I havn't played or looked up MC news in ages.. I am not joking what update?
  5. Razael6

    cannot join server

    Well Herocraft isn't down.
  6. Razael6

    When you guys say this. I see this.

    Defenently not what I imagine
  7. Razael6


    why? Wait i am stupid lol.. Erm I am sure @Sleaker can change it to say "personname uses bandage on him/herself" or something.
  8. Razael6


    I don't want to see it. In the last 2 years there has been like 4 greek myth movies. They all were nothing like the stories.. and I am picky when it comes to getting greek mythology right in movies like these.
  9. Razael6

    Herocraft Movie Night!!

  10. Razael6

    Necromancer suggestions

    Darkness would be a cool thing that happens when you spawn a skeleton, like 10 block radius of night that doesn't kill skeleton. Or make it its own skill that makes people weaker when in it? I assume its not possible but it sounds cool.