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Search results

  1. Razael6

    TeamSpeak 3 IS BACK!

    I can't connect to it. Where do I put the port? NVM: ts.Herocraft.org thing doesnt work.
  2. Razael6


  3. Razael6

    How about them PS3 players

    I mean tactian.. you get radar, flying turret, awesome gun. And that was just stuff in the beta.
  4. Razael6

    Kainzo likes being ridden ;)

    How did you get the command /ride reecon?
  5. Razael6

    How about them PS3 players

    Really in the beta tactician was the only class I used..
  6. Razael6

    Architect application: Razael6

    Actually a long time ago like August I made a thread got confirmation from a founder an admin and I think a mod. I'l see if I can find it. That airship is much more impressive ingame, I used zeppelin mod, found out that thing is 4,500 blocks or so, and the wool part is hollow. There is the main...
  7. Razael6

    How about them PS3 players

    Everyone I know who had played KillZone 1 and 2 said 3 sucked, terrible online, and too many cut scenes. I only played the Multiplayer Open beta myself
  8. Razael6

    Architect application: Razael6

    Minecraft IGN: Razael6 Position applying for: Architect Age|Timezone: 13|PST. How long have you been on Herocraft?: Since beginning of August/late July Why do you think you would make a good architect?: Well I've played minecraft since about July last year, and I love building. I build asian...
  9. Razael6

    Read Suggest a game!
