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Search results

  1. Razael6

    Like A Boss

    I couldn't Dielan one of my older brothers broke disk 3 and we got stuck at a part close to the beginning of disk 2. Me and one of my other brothers played it together, that was like 6 years ago.
  2. Razael6

    Not a [Guild] }Taco Protection Agency{ [Bacon Good]

    -[Rumored to be Kenny's Twin] KingTom404 dont forget twin of the creeper in the pic!
  3. Razael6


    http://herocraftonline.com/forum/index.php?threads/whitelist-application-guide-rules-read-before-applying.163/ read this then edit your application.
  4. Razael6

    oddvin1's whitelist application

    Apherdite is an admin it's not here job to whitelist, Neotro will whitelist you when he gets on
  5. Razael6

    CroCrafter Application

    I saw crocrafter online on HC like 2 hours ago.
  6. Razael6

    We claim Solis as our own!

    He means flying around as walking around on that central thing there on in pics. edit:i think atleast.
  7. Razael6

    Like A Boss

    I played legend of the dragoon disk 1 and part of 2 on ps1! I played disk 1 three times :/
  8. Razael6

    Herocraft & You

    Xexo please... stop like triple posting and change your avatar.... I keep thing Brutal is posting... And if HC gets a client I would like Mana bar, Health bar(better then normal MC one), exp bar, and like a lot more.
  9. Razael6

    KODAK Zi8 help

    Sorry I meant to put this in Off topic..
  10. Razael6

    KODAK Zi8 help

    So yah how do I upload pictures from my Zi8 to my pc? I put the USB arm in nothing appeared on screen. I put the memory card in nothing happened. Is there a folder I need to open or something I need to download? Please let me know.