• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

Search results

  1. Darkthefox

    [Capital] Newerth [233] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]

    In-game Name: Darkthefox Why do you wish to join Newerth?: Returning player to herocraft and need a town How did you hear about Newerth?: Found it in the forums How long have you been on the server?: Started in january, recently rejoined on new map What Class and Profession are you or plan to...
  2. Darkthefox

    KAM long time no see let me know when you are back on

    KAM long time no see let me know when you are back on
  3. Darkthefox

    [Town] Genesis V.2 [35] (Neutral) *Recruiting*

    In game name: Darkthefox Age (must be 15+): 19 What path and profession you are/plan to be: Ranger/Alchemist Are you able to use Skype/TeamSpeak: (If no, we cannot accept you.) yes How much experience do you have with pvp/building: A very good amount with both How active do you plan on being: at...
  4. Darkthefox


    Minecraft In-game name: Darkthefox Location & Age: Harrisburg IL 19 Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): No Referral(s):None How did you hear about Herocraft?: Played on last map Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA &...
  5. Darkthefox

    Soooooo you got a thing for Mlp or did Twi just poof herself in to ur profil picture

    Soooooo you got a thing for Mlp or did Twi just poof herself in to ur profil picture
  6. Darkthefox

    Herocraft Texture Pack - [WIP] - [Last Update 07-04-2012]

    You should supe up the bows and arrows, and make them look better, as well as the axes for rogues. thats all i got for now
  7. Darkthefox

    Hai Aeto. How ya doin

    Hai Aeto. How ya doin
  8. Darkthefox

    Application for Darkthefox

    Thank You!
  9. Darkthefox

    Application for Darkthefox

    In-game name: My ign is Darkthefox, location & age I live in Illinois (not willing to specify where) and I am 19 years old, Previous bans: I have never been banned from any servers before nor do I plan to ever become banned, Referrals: I was referred to Herocraft by my friends Aetosion and...