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Search results

  1. cat8898

    Suggestion PvP Elo/Top: The Killer of a Playerbase

    Lol last map I farmed 40+ keys off pvp top after the server was dead xd
  2. cat8898

    Bug Disarming

    Yea I also agree you should lose your stuff from pvping but if you're being a dick head and disarming people as soon as they're about to die you dont even get the weapon either so I don't get why people do it. And the fix where the weapon only deals 1 damage is fine it's still the same concept...
  3. cat8898

    Bug Disarming

    Yea it's actually been put into the game before but I think it ran into another problem so it was taken out
  4. cat8898

    Bug Disarming

    This has been a problem for a while and has been worked on several times, at this point it really just comes down to the player using disarm to not be a dick and disarm you right before you die (which i dont know why they would unless you're pvping in a spawn area where they cant build over your...
  5. cat8898

    Get your Forum Supporter Badges or Name Change here!

    I got t6 from the pvp top beta challenge and its not been updated yet @Admins
  6. cat8898

    Suggestion Camping noobs VS dungeon progression

    I don't see how someone can say new players don't stick around on the server because they get camped by older players that are already higher level. With dungeon progression they WILL NOT be able to get through the dungeon progression because it's just simply too hard in it's current state. Even...
  7. cat8898

    You tryin to come back and play with you boy spikesLOL?

    You tryin to come back and play with you boy spikesLOL?
  8. cat8898

    Suggestion Pvp and Dungeons

    Okay so make half the dungeons PVE and then make it so nothing at all drops from any mob and you get half the EXP and I'll agree with you
  9. cat8898

    And So It Begins?

    I dont get it, Freepers wont play this map. *spikes told me that*
  10. cat8898

    ALERT Herocraft: Rise of Atlas! (NEW MAP, NEW ERA)

    Yea im also actually kidding lol haha just a prank!!