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Search results

  1. cat8898

    Suggestion Turn off pvp in the noob dungeon

    EcksDee my dude, top quality 10/10 internet e-bonics. In all seriousness now that most of the hardcore pvpers have semi quit he might be able to!
  2. cat8898

    Suggestion Turn off pvp in the noob dungeon

    I think bad players like you shouldn't be rewarded with pvp top prizes for killing 100% new to the game players. You're a sad sad human for sitting in that dungeon all day, but refusing to fight when you dont double peoples numbers/sit on the side of diamond castle watching everyone fight.
  3. cat8898

    Bug PVP ELO RESET = WHERE'S MY REWARD?!?!?!?!??!?!?

    Meow im here when do i get this
  4. cat8898

    Suggestion Weapon drops from mobs

    Remember back in Valorium (i think?) when you would farm mobs there was a chance for a random class weapon to drop with random stats. Stats like Fire aspect, Sharpness, and unbreaking. I think it would be really cool if we could bring those back put 100% attack speed on them and add them into...
  5. cat8898


    I agree, dying to these cancerous mobs while pvping is not fun.
  6. cat8898

    Dark Rooms in towns

    Because getting camped by 7 people and not being able to level at any point because people will constantly be there during boosts etc. is the example of being interactive and engaging. But maybe it's my fault I like playing alone for the most part? /shrug
  7. cat8898

    Get your Forum Supporter Badges or Name Change here!

    cat_8898 @TimForReal
  8. cat8898

    Get your Forum Supporter Badges or Name Change here!

    Forgot my other forum account information, is it okay that i use this one? T5 @TimForReal @Kenneth_Chow