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Holy Shit!
Jun 22, 2011
Beguiler changes:

Plaguebomb - Increase damage to 233 from 200. Reduce cooldown from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.
With a 10 second cooldown on plaguebomb and the removal of icebolt from the beguiler, I primarily depend on fireball to kill people which is sometimes pretty hard to land. Piggify works in some situations, except when I take damage, my fireball kills the pig, or my target right click the pig to hop off of it. With beguiler cc being relatively weak, I'd like to propose that plaguebomb revert to what it was before beguiler was nerfed. My class is much better off without icebolt, but depends primarily on skill shots
whilst plaguebomb is on cooldown. In order to compensate for my cc and damage loss, I'd like to see plaguebomb buffed. Feel free to provide your input if you disagree. On my phone atm so sorry for typos if there are any.

I agree with this 100%, beguilers took a 147 damage nerf with the loss of Icebolt. I think it would be fair to revert the nerfs on Plaguebomb and Fireball. As for the crafted crafted suggestions I need to continue to read over everything and see what we can use.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Ideally, I would like to see a bit of an overhaul to the Crafter specs, reducing the amount of specs and making some skills available to multiple. Maybe I'll just post that in Suggestions. Working with what we have, though:

Alchemist -
They haven't been as appealing to most since they lost the ability to make practical chainmail to smiths. Currently, we could incorporate lapis and emeralds into their transmute ore ability. In 1.4, alchemists should be able to use dye along with scribes. To add much more value to alchemists, they should be able to make mob heads in 1.4, for a potentially pricy cost (ex: 50 bones + 2 spider eyes + 20 arrows + 1 bow = 1 skeleton head, or 200 bones + 100 soul sand + 2 spider eyes + flint and tinder = 1 wither skeleton head).
I could see Alchemist making heads. As far as the cost on the Wither skull is concerned, I think we need to know how we're going to handle the Wither boss first. And could we have more Minecraft-friendly costs on things? :< 64 or 96 or 8 or 32, not 50 or 100.

Enchanter –
Enchanter has always seemed a bit masochistic to me – you mine for X hours to get a whopping X amount of experience to lose it in an enchant or two. Obviously it’s a trade off, but I know tons of people shy away from enchanter when they hear that you lose your hard earned levels. With this in mind, you could potentially restrict the amount of enchants in a matter of hours/days to allow players to keep their levels.
Totally agreed. Maybe have a counter that ticks up every day or every 12 hours, and consider that the number of "levels" they can put into an enchant without using any XP. The max number of points you can have could increase as you level, too. Once they burn through the points, then they could start losing experience for it like usual.

Engineer -
They seem pretty fleshed out as is. It might be extreme, but restricting tripwires, buttons, and pressure plates to them is a possibility to add more practical use (many engineers don't have any idea how to actually use the redstonition commands given to them).
I think restricting tripwires is a possibility, and I think restricting stone buttons and pressure plates is a possibility. I'd rather keep wood ones general-use though. If people don't miss stone, maybe we could revisit restricting wood then.

Farmer –
Again a masochistic class, nobody in their right mind wants to spam break crops all day for tiny amounts of exp. Almost all mastered farmers I know have used and still use the sheep shearing method. Granted it’s a good way to do it, but nobody is actually doing the FARMING portion of farmer. With this in mind, it might be a good idea to greatly increase crop experience (1.5x to 3x) and decrease sheep experience (I know, again). In 1.4, possibly restrict carrots on a stick to farmers.
All I know is my gut says maybe. I'm pretty neutral on this.

Mason –
The mason is a cool class, as well. I brought up restricting tripwires, buttons, and pressure plates to engineers before, and I think this could also apply to masons. Yes, everybody loves falsebook, but what vanilla minecraft purpose do they play? Not much as it stands.
This is true. Masons are sort of one-trick ponies. This could be 0kay.

Merchant –
Villager trade and ender chests at the same level (55)? I think these should be tapered apart in the merchant skill earning scheme. Possibly set ender chests at 45 or 50 instead, as the villager trade is one of the things most people go merchant for. Is gift still broken? It’s a neat idea, but I don’t think anybody uses it, especially since the range is only 15 blocks… Overall, merchant is good class that needs a few tweaks to get it on par with that of mason or smith.
Is villager trade even good enough to warrant being such a high-level skill? I would rather see this:

Lv.25: Villager Trade
Lv.40: Ender Chest
Lv.55: Gift

And Gift only if it's a map-wide thing, or perhaps could be based on the Merch/recipient's proximity to "mailboxes" of some kind. If it has a fixed radius I don't exactly see the point of it existing.

Miner –
Increase the .15x chance per level increase for a double drop from ores (maybe to .3x?). This is one of miner’s most important and critical skills that simply does not come out to be worth it in the end. Superheat is useless, and I’ve heard “Light” can be detrimental to mining itself (creating lag and blocking vision below you). Excavate is a nice skill, but I hear it’s not useful when you’re using a high efficiency diamond pickaxe. TNT is in the right place, though, and that’s why most people go miner in the first place.
I'm down for increasing the chance on the double drop. Maybe replace Light with a Night Vision effect?

Scribe -
I've always felt the scribe is a slight offshoot from enchanter, and could easily be combined into enchanter. Restricting books/bookcases/written books/maps to them should definitely be considered. Paintings/item frames too? In 1.4, scribes should be able to use dye along with alchemists, as well as beacon usage as mentioned before. I also want to bring something up - what really is a scribe? It seems like we just smashed a bunch of semi useless combat/misc. skills into a profession and hoped for the best here.
Agreed. What is a Scribe? It doesn't have a monopoly on writing things. I think these ideas are as fair as any, although one thing I really want to see is the ability to duplicate books.

Smith -
Probably one of the best classes right now with the ability to make chain, I don’t think it needs that much adjustment. From experience, this is a rewarding class and I know many others can say the same.


Holy Shit!
Jun 22, 2011
faredX welcome to the team, assignments will be given out on this thread, either by myself or another staff member. If there is not a direct assignment feel free to test or bring up anything you feel should be looked at so we can discuss it here.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Kainzo :
If a banker profession were to be implemented, I feel like it would have so little skills that it would be like enchanter all over again. Something that in the past has compensated has been something like alchemist's cauldron, where you get additional recipes as you level. With this in mind, it would be best to have bankers have something similar along the same lines, rather than just plain, flat number increases (for the suggested Smelt as you mentioned). This would flesh out the class more than previously possible.

My idea would be to incorporate gems/refined metals into the equation - an HC type RPG should have this for bankers. A possibility could be to "Monetize" gems/metals in addition to gold. Like the alchemist cauldron recipes, you could be able to monetize iron ingots at level 20, lapis at 30, gold at 40, diamonds at 50, emerald at 60. (all for below market prices?).


And what were you thinking for the level 60 skill?[DOUBLEPOST=1352067200,1352060434][/DOUBLEPOST]Also Kainzo, what was with the healer heal nerf?


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Actually if you have friends to assist you with leveling the most efficient way I've found is destroying grass in a party with players that don't gain experience for it. You can just run around bone mealing the grass and have a party of people mowing it down in seconds for huge amounts of experience.

Carrot on a stick is too op to give to any class imo. The ability to control yourself while piggified is too much of an advantage in combat against beguilers.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Kainzo :
If a banker profession were to be implemented, I feel like it would have so little skills that it would be like enchanter all over again. Something that in the past has compensated has been something like alchemist's cauldron, where you get additional recipes as you level. With this in mind, it would be best to have bankers have something similar along the same lines, rather than just plain, flat number increases (for the suggested Smelt as you mentioned). This would flesh out the class more than previously possible.

My idea would be to incorporate gems/refined metals into the equation - an HC type RPG should have this for bankers. A possibility could be to "Monetize" gems/metals in addition to gold. Like the alchemist cauldron recipes, you could be able to monetize iron ingots at level 20, lapis at 30, gold at 40, diamonds at 50, emerald at 60. (all for below market prices?).


And what were you thinking for the level 60 skill?[DOUBLEPOST=1352067200,1352060434][/DOUBLEPOST]Also Kainzo, what was with the healer heal nerf?
Skills do not directly correlate into usefulness.
Enchanter has a PLETHORA of things to do and current make the MOST money out of any profession.

Do not get caught up on making everything rounded and nice and neat when the intrinsics of a profession are so very large.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
I suppose that's true (look at scribe - its economic usefulness is bound to beacons). But will bankers be capable of exacting amounts of money that can truly rule them as a profession, to the extent of something like enchanter or smith? I'm just bouncing ideas off of you.


Aug 1, 2012
Bankers would be a great idea, towns would be keen on having a banker within their town. as they would be able to provide their own DHX in their town. But as left had mentioned, will bankers be able to not lack the amount of skills?

For example; Enchanters, Xp are only obtainable to enchanters by mining, and loose Xp when enchanting. The basic skills of an enchanter are basically enchanting and disenchanting which some people would say "They lack skills" however enchanting is quite effective as it makes quite a number of money. (A profession would have a top skill at level 55/60 which one would look up to, unlike enchanters, perhaps they should have the ability to create chest shops of enchanted tools?)
But bankers are quite different, skills may be tough to gather, as banking isn't a type of skill provided by minecraft such as scribes or enchanters.


May 2, 2012
I could see bankers having a skill that allows them to put their money in a "bank" and then they would recieve a % of whatever they have in the bank per whatever time period chosen.

For example (these numbers are hypothetical im not making any suggested values here)if a banker put 1000c in the "bank" then they could receive 10c a day as interest from their money in the bank. (Note that the 10c is not deducted from the 1000c it is given to the player as compensation for storage.

To prevent this from getting too easy i would suggest that once you withdraw money you cannot withdraw any more for 3 days(maybe longer). (the amount of the withdraw does not matter) This allows would prevent bankers from keeping all of their money in their bank account, they would have to keep some on them.

I would suggest that the % interest you make be very small (1-3%) so that people make a decent amount of money, but not enough so that they can gather massive amounts of money and make insane amounts of money for doing nothing.

I would suggest that they got this skill at level 30 and the % calculation would be (level*.05)

I have a tweak that might make this a little better, but slightly less appealing for the bankers.

Make it is that you are not able to deposit money, only gold. You would never be able to withdraw the gold and in order for it not you take a really long time to make your money back each deposit of gold might have a 20c value in the bank instead of a 9c value. The person could buy up alot of gold and make a good amount of interest and this prevents people from making massive bank accounts by taking in everyone's money. The withdraw cooldown would be irrelevant because the money could not be taken out of the bank.

The banked could then have the choice of "should i turn the gold into money and make an instant profit or deposit it and make a larger profit in the long run.

For this skill i would suggest a slightly higher % interest recieved rate, maybe 6%.

For version #1
Skill: Deposit
Deposit money into your bank account.
Cd: 2000s

Skill: Interest (passive after level 30)
Receive (level*.05)% of the money you have in your bank account per day.

Skill: Withdraw
Withdraw (x) amount from your bank account.
Cd: 259,200s

For version #2
Skill: Deposit
Deposit gold into your bank account.
Cd: 86,400 (to prevent people from using this remotely deposit gold they find in order not to lose it)

Skill: interest (passive after level 30)
Receive (level*.09)% of the amount of money in your bank account.

Side note: In version #1 the money that you receive from the skill interest is not put directly into the player's bank account, it is given directly to the player.

Please excuse gramatical/formatting/spelling errors, i am very tired as i am writing this.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
I personally dislike this idea. It's rewarding the player for doing absolutely nothing.


May 2, 2012
I had another idea that might be a little more interactive. It is kind of similar to transmute.

The banker could get a skill that allows them to turn paper into coins, like how paper is turned into bills at a printing press. I think that this would work on two different levels because it would also help farmers. Farmers cannot make that much money until their can spawn cows, unlike other crafter specs that level through mining, which is very profitable. The only downside of this that i can see is that it would discourage farming wheat, because it is less profitable. If this were ever implemented i would suggest a wheat xp buff. So...

Skill: Print
Turn 64 paper into (x) coins
Cd: 40s (Maybe higher, maybe lower, depending on how much money you get out of it)

Also Danda if i could find a way to make my previous idea more interactive do you think that it would be a good skill to implement?


Jul 29, 2011
Roswell, GA
I had another idea that might be a little more interactive. It is kind of similar to transmute.

The banker could get a skill that allows them to turn paper into coins, like how paper is turned into bills at a printing press. I think that this would work on two different levels because it would also help farmers. Farmers cannot make that much money until their can spawn cows, unlike other crafter specs that level through mining, which is very profitable. The only downside of this that i can see is that it would discourage farming wheat, because it is less profitable. If this were ever implemented i would suggest a wheat xp buff. So...

Skill: Print
Turn 64 paper into (x) coins
Cd: 40s (Maybe higher, maybe lower, depending on how much money you get out of it)

Also Danda if i could find a way to make my previous idea more interactive do you think that it would be a good skill to implement?
That's just making money able to grow on trees basically. D:


Aug 1, 2012
Scribes are abit strange, indeed they are capable of miscellaneous abilities which they earned from their vast amount of knowledge. However beacons seems strange for scribes; beacons are basically a sort of pyramid that gives you a power up. Therefore, on my opinion, the use of beacons would be more suitable for alchemists, as alchemists are the ones in charge of those sort of potion effects. Beacons just aren't related to scribes.


May 2, 2012
Scribes are abit strange, indeed they are capable of miscellaneous abilities which they earned from their vast amount of knowledge. However beacons seems strange for scribes; beacons are basically a sort of pyramid that gives you a power up. Therefore, on my opinion, the use of beacons would be more suitable for alchemists, as alchemists are the ones in charge of those sort of potion effects. Beacons just aren't related to scribes.
I actually disagree with this; scribes use their vast amount of knowledge that they have obtained through their research, and that is why they are the only spec who understands beacons. Also they don't have much else running for them right now so i don't think taking away beacons from them would help.


Aug 1, 2012
Well I guess you've got a point there, scribes do seem low on skills. Just the idea of scribes being capable of activating beacons seems strange.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Scribes need another skill that can tie them into a "profession" class. Beacons are the only money making skill the class has. Last time I tested, written books can still be made by non level 60 scribes, as well.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Also, I've been conferring with Hiiggiins, Da_Burg, and others, and many of us agree that ranger needs more active skills. Barrage is its only "active" skill, and it's useless in its current form.


Jul 29, 2011
Roswell, GA
Also, I've been conferring with Hiiggiins, Da_Burg, and others, and many of us agree that ranger needs more active skills. Barrage is its only "active" skill, and it's useless in its current form.
With this implementation either arrows themselves should do less damage, or ice arrow needs a nerf. They rape anybody that they can land an ice arrow on.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
With this implementation either arrows themselves should do less damage, or ice arrow needs a nerf. They rape anybody that they can land an ice arrow on.
I need to do more testing, but icearrow isn't as bad as people said. I was wondering if Kain nerfed it or something - the slow seems to be less and shorter, but this could just be my imagination.
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