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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Meant to say Zolaria. And that's fine, I just mean, a dangerous world (Now I will admit, even my suggestions do not meet this standard) should probably have a dangerous name. Though it doesn't have to, I mean we can classify the world/universe/planet however we (Lore/Community/Staff) want.

I know you want to defend your ideas and I will say that I am bad for letting others jump in and change my ideas, but just take my words as suggestions if it would help.
The name doesn't need to be dangerous.


None of those are "Mordor / Ranglethorpe" etc...


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 25, 2011
Bastion is the name of the particular map. The best example I can give from my own knowledge is Guild Wars. The World is called "Tyria" with the sub-zones Ascalon, Kryta, Maguuma, etc. So for Herocraft the working title of Zolaria would be the world, with Sanctum, Zeal, Bastion, etc as the sub-zones.

Wait, I thought that each map was a different age?


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
Quindell, Gyndra, Xorcas.
And that that was me technically fumbling the keyboard. Well... I pressed the buttons on purpose, but it was kinda random... Zolaria sounds cool enough, though.
Raenear, Fyn, Prinkalar, Uthondir, Olsyndia, Alsylvia, Equestria, Wenzar.
How many of these sound like I smashed my head into the keyboard and rolled?


Jul 31, 2012
I like the name Zolaria for the multiverse, if you read the lore section Kainzo and the admins are refered to as "the Zo" several times, so it fits


Jul 2, 2011
Guys guys guys,

just call the world
KamLand it's a great name and sounds like a pretty badass place


Jul 31, 2012
/sarcasm We named Earth after our ears? :eek:

Earth is the english translation of the Latin word Terra, what they called both dirt and the planet as at the time they did not relize that the planet is made mostly of water (else they may have called it sea, which is a little wierd)
Besides, the pronunciation is differnt Earth = pronounced eeer-th, not EAR-th.

And again since the lore makes it sound as there are multiple worlds that have existed since its creation, Bastion is just a land on the current world (Warshard is discribed as an island on the same world) So we should have two names made, one from the "planet" and one for the multiverse itself.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
I like the name Zolaria for the multiverse, if you read the lore section Kainzo and the admins are refered to as "the Zo" several times, so it fits

Never really looked at it that way tbh, I just cringe at the "Aria" part. Personal hate to that portion of the name.
Earth is the english translation of the Latin word Terra, what they called both dirt and the planet as at the time they did not relize that the planet is made mostly of water (else they may have called it sea, which is a little wierd)
Besides, the pronunciation is differnt Earth = pronounced eeer-th, not EAR-th.

And again since the lore makes it sound as there are multiple worlds that have existed since its creation, Bastion is just a land on the current world (Warshard is discribed as an island on the same world) So we should have two names made, one from the "planet" and one for the multiverse itself.
Maybe, but I'm still unsure if we are even using planets within the Multiverse, when we always talked in Lore, it was always about islands floating. On that note, we could venture into naming the land masses as well as the spawn towns and Multiverse as a whole.


Jul 31, 2012
well, it is just my interpritation of what i read, it sounds like each one is a "world" but that could refer to lands as well. so i dont know. multiple name would help differentiate places.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 30, 2012
I love writing stories and lore as i love RPing, let me know if there is anyway i can help out on this!!