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Resolved Why Were Herogates Made Free?

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Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
As the title suggests, I am curious as to why Herogates became free as opposed to being 50c and free for T5 donators or higher? I thought this was a great thing to motivate players to support the server, and it also prevented the Herogate camping that we now can see at South West.... Rip the lives of all the newbies who were camped there.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
As the title suggests, I am curious as to why Herogates became free as opposed to being 50c and free for T5 donators or higher? I thought this was a great thing to motivate players to support the server, and it also prevented the Herogate camping that we now can see at South West.... Rip the lives of all the newbies who were camped there.

Well if they weren't free they would get camped at spawn and in greater density imo so for that reason I'm happy they are free. I think the mobs around each hero gate should be strong not just the pigzombies at a, that might take some attention off that HG.

I'm interested to know why they're free now too


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Just tested with my alt - yes, free both ways.

I had heard that they were free going out from spawn and that they cost coin coming back.

I'll see what I can find out.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Moving this thread to bugs.

The config is set to cost 10 coins to use Herogates back from the wild to spawn. Fee isn't being taken.

@Kainzo @TimForReal Btw if the fee gets working, we need signs at the HGs indicating the cost.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Broken plugins. I paid to have this fixed 3 years ago but then they broke the fix.
What exactly is the purpose of Herogates? At /spawn there is a random teleport sign... The Herogates just seem to be a place for players to get killed. Also, was the southwest area nerfed at all? I thought someone said the spawning or exp was nerfed from mobs at southwest, but I recently mastered shaman there easily.. I would really love to see dungeons used much more, especially after all the work the hc team put into them.

Also, maybe you could have more plugins coded by the development team to prevent things breaking like this? And if it does break you could fix it. Would be a lot more work, and you might need more developers, but I think it would be better for the server. There are several features I remember enjoying that are / were changed or removed.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
What exactly is the purpose of Herogates? At /spawn there is a random teleport sign... The Herogates just seem to be a place for players to get killed. Also, was the southwest area nerfed at all? I thought someone said the spawning or exp was nerfed from mobs at southwest, but I recently mastered shaman there easily.. I would really love to see dungeons used much more, especially after all the work the hc team put into them.

Also, maybe you could have more plugins coded by the development team to prevent things breaking like this? And if it does break you could fix it. Would be a lot more work, and you might need more developers, but I think it would be better for the server. There are several features I remember enjoying that are / were changed or removed.
Uh what?

Herogates serve as a "jump" pad to further out in that direction.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
That's literally exactly what they're used for.
Not sure if that was sarcasm or not... In my friends thread, or the meeting of the 31st kainai said that Herogates weren't intended to be a fast travel.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
As I said. Not the brightest. Lol. Is the Herocraft development team capable of recreating, or fixing it or whatever, or would you have to contact the plugin developer again?
Nope, that's the entire purpose of Herogates.
Jul 6, 2013
Wait nevermind, it was Kenneth who said Herogates aren't for fast travel? Also, when did he receive admin....
Quick, give up before it gets any worse!

You were probably talking to a PvPer who said that the primary purpose of Herogates for HIM was not fast travel but PvP. Then it was late and you were like, "Sleep, y'know?" so your memory of it is fuzzy.

That's at least all I can think of for this much confusion.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Quick, give up before it gets any worse!

You were probably talking to a PvPer who said that the primary purpose of Herogates for HIM was not fast travel but PvP. Then it was late and you were like, "Sleep, y'know?" so your memory of it is fuzzy.

That's at least all I can think of for this much confusion.
No lol it was Kenneth. I have picture evidence. Will show in a sec
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