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Suggestion Suggestions


Legacy Supporter 6
Jun 9, 2015
Dear HeroCraft Staff,

I have a couple of things that bug me a lot.
The things that bug me are the following.

1 - There are no direct HeroGates to dungeons, (Maybe you could consider making a portal that tp's you there but cost 40 Coins each and for Donators above lets say T 5 - 6 can use it for free) Like last reset but then increase the cost a bit

2 - Drop rate on marks from bosses since it's really hard to get a specific one like for example mark of the shadow blade.
(Maybe you could consider making it a box and you can choose which mark you want)

3 - Keeping your armor and item that's in your hand on first slot would be nice. But to make it a bit more fun if you get killed by the same person in 1 hour your armor drops.

4 - Residences, I think the Taxes for a donator residence is too high. It's 50C per day that would mean 1000C per 2 weeks and 500C per week. Even though people pay maybe like 120 Euros it's 1000C per 2 weeks i really think you should lower it.

5 - Miner, Maybe you could consider making the chances of getting a double ore from smelting for gold / iron cause it's quite low. It's so low that i almost dont find it worth it to be a miner and rather be a enchanter.

6 - Maybe you could consider adding real gambling signs and make a profession called Banker that can make gambeling shops to add more RNG which a MMORPG needs.

7 - For Ninja the backstab particles block my whole screen i can probally change this in the texture pack but maybe you could consider making it a particle that doesnt cover your whole screen

8 - Adding /Res TP back but then adding a cost to it like 3 redstone

9 - Increasing the XP on the dungeon mobs because everybody is grinding SW and it will be a waste to let all those hard worked dungeons go to waste you can really see you guys put a lot of effort into building the dungeons they look really nice but people rarely go there.

10 - Maybe you could consider that armor doesnt take damage from mobs only from players and it takes 10% damage if you die to a mob

11 - Make it so that merchants can sell shields too

12 - Adding a ah again like last reset a chest but then if you want to sell somthing you have to pay 35% tax - 5% goes to your town if you are in a town and the other 30% just goes to the server

This concludes all my suggestions i hope you will consider atleast 1 or 2 of them.

Kind Regards,

Gamer Tag = EmilyRoseV


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2015
Dear HeroCraft Staff,

I have a couple of things that bug me a lot.
The things that bug me are the following.

1 - There are no direct HeroGates to dungeons, (Maybe you could consider making a portal that tp's you there but cost 40 Coins each and for Donators above lets say T 5 - 6 can use it for free) Like last reset but then increase the cost a bit

2 - Drop rate on marks from bosses since it's really hard to get a specific one like for example mark of the shadow blade.
(Maybe you could consider making it a box and you can choose which mark you want)

3 - Keeping your armor and item that's in your hand on first slot would be nice. But to make it a bit more fun if you get killed by the same person in 1 hour your armor drops.

4 - Residences, I think the Taxes for a donator residence is too high. It's 50C per day that would mean 1000C per 2 weeks and 500C per week. Even though people pay maybe like 120 Euros it's 1000C per 2 weeks i really think you should lower it.

5 - Miner, Maybe you could consider making the chances of getting a double ore from smelting for gold / iron cause it's quite low. It's so low that i almost dont find it worth it to be a miner and rather be a enchanter.

6 - Maybe you could consider adding real gambling signs and make a profession called Banker that can make gambeling shops to add more RNG which a MMORPG needs.

7 - For Ninja the backstab particles block my whole screen i can probally change this in the texture pack but maybe you could consider making it a particle that doesnt cover your whole screen

8 - Adding /Res TP back but then adding a cost to it like 3 redstone

9 - Increasing the XP on the dungeon mobs because everybody is grinding SW and it will be a waste to let all those hard worked dungeons go to waste you can really see you guys put a lot of effort into building the dungeons they look really nice but people rarely go there.

10 - Maybe you could consider that armor doesnt take damage from mobs only from players and it takes 10% damage if you die to a mob

11 - Make it so that merchants can sell shields too

12 - Adding a ah again like last reset a chest but then if you want to sell somthing you have to pay 35% tax - 5% goes to your town if you are in a town and the other 30% just goes to the server

This concludes all my suggestions i hope you will consider atleast 1 or 2 of them.

Kind Regards,

Gamer Tag = EmilyRoseV
No. herogatess aren't a "ez travel more" you gotta risk the run.
By marks I'm assuming you mean catalysts. If that's what you meant, then I disagree. The value of catalysts makes them valuable alone...you don't have to use them, market them for some cash.
I actually like this...but I don't think it should be changed. If I kill someone, i want their armor and their goodies...I can't expect myself to be exempt from that rule.
Four: Agreed. People pay some real cash for donor residences, and although i think it should cost more than a town, 50 is pretty insane.
You clearly haven't put the time into leveling miner. If I had the time and the effort I'd show you a side by side avg. Money gain over a day of mining...but I won't. Cause I'm lazy.
No banker profession...sounds uninteresting. But I like gambling. It existed at one point or another...but the world was only used for events. Good times...if my PC could handle the particles.
That sounds like a bug on your end, honestly. Never had an issue with backstab.
If Res To is a resident teleport...just no. No. A very big no. You have one recall. You want more recalls, get a rune.
I'm all for less grind and more action.
Isn't this already a thing? It's at least severely reduced. I don't think this is super important but it could improve rogue/caster ease of living.
Yep. Got me there.
No global market. Ever. It killed economy. Everything was dirt cheap and stupid.

Typed on a slow-ass shitty kindle. Expect typos.
Jul 6, 2013
Dear HeroCraft Staff,

I have a couple of things that bug me a lot.
The things that bug me are the following.

1 - There are no direct HeroGates to dungeons, (Maybe you could consider making a portal that tp's you there but cost 40 Coins each and for Donators above lets say T 5 - 6 can use it for free) Like last reset but then increase the cost a bit

2 - Drop rate on marks from bosses since it's really hard to get a specific one like for example mark of the shadow blade.
(Maybe you could consider making it a box and you can choose which mark you want)

3 - Keeping your armor and item that's in your hand on first slot would be nice. But to make it a bit more fun if you get killed by the same person in 1 hour your armor drops.

4 - Residences, I think the Taxes for a donator residence is too high. It's 50C per day that would mean 1000C per 2 weeks and 500C per week. Even though people pay maybe like 120 Euros it's 1000C per 2 weeks i really think you should lower it.

5 - Miner, Maybe you could consider making the chances of getting a double ore from smelting for gold / iron cause it's quite low. It's so low that i almost dont find it worth it to be a miner and rather be a enchanter.

6 - Maybe you could consider adding real gambling signs and make a profession called Banker that can make gambeling shops to add more RNG which a MMORPG needs.

7 - For Ninja the backstab particles block my whole screen i can probally change this in the texture pack but maybe you could consider making it a particle that doesnt cover your whole screen

8 - Adding /Res TP back but then adding a cost to it like 3 redstone

9 - Increasing the XP on the dungeon mobs because everybody is grinding SW and it will be a waste to let all those hard worked dungeons go to waste you can really see you guys put a lot of effort into building the dungeons they look really nice but people rarely go there.

10 - Maybe you could consider that armor doesnt take damage from mobs only from players and it takes 10% damage if you die to a mob

11 - Make it so that merchants can sell shields too

12 - Adding a ah again like last reset a chest but then if you want to sell somthing you have to pay 35% tax - 5% goes to your town if you are in a town and the other 30% just goes to the server

This concludes all my suggestions i hope you will consider atleast 1 or 2 of them.

Kind Regards,

Gamer Tag = EmilyRoseV
1. We got rid of this. Now players need to actually travel which improves world PvP.

2. They're supposed to be really rare.

3. I haven't died this map, so I'm not sure how it is now, honestly. I think we used to have the system you described, but I suppose it was removed so people couldn't rush the people who beat them from graveyards.

4. That is a tad high, especially with voter rewards dropping.

5. More of a you issue. Miner is made for people who always mine, and the skill comes in handy when mining.

6. LarryDeCable has a casino in spawn that he runs.

7. I mean, if that's an issue. Never been a serious ninja before, so I wouldn't know.

8. No more TP's. You can tp to spawn and a home, not including runes. That's plenty.

9. There has been discussion about this for a while.

10. It's been considered.

11. Anyone can sell shields if they have them.

12. Killed world trade and there was no reason for chest shops.
Jul 6, 2013
No. herogatess aren't a "ez travel more" you gotta risk the run.
By marks I'm assuming you mean catalysts. If that's what you meant, then I disagree. The value of catalysts makes them valuable alone...you don't have to use them, market them for some cash.
I actually like this...but I don't think it should be changed. If I kill someone, i want their armor and their goodies...I can't expect myself to be exempt from that rule.
Four: Agreed. People pay some real cash for donor residences, and although i think it should cost more than a town, 50 is pretty insane.
You clearly haven't put the time into leveling miner. If I had the time and the effort I'd show you a side by side avg. Money gain over a day of mining...but I won't. Cause I'm lazy.
No banker profession...sounds uninteresting. But I like gambling. It existed at one point or another...but the world was only used for events. Good times...if my PC could handle the particles.
That sounds like a bug on your end, honestly. Never had an issue with backstab.
If Res To is a resident teleport...just no. No. A very big no. You have one recall. You want more recalls, get a rune.
I'm all for less grind and more action.
Isn't this already a thing? It's at least severely reduced. I don't think this is super important but it could improve rogue/caster ease of living.
Yep. Got me there.
No global market. Ever. It killed economy. Everything was dirt cheap and stupid.

Typed on a slow-ass shitty kindle. Expect typos.
Damn. You beat me. I started replying then ate lunch :/


Legacy Supporter 6
Jun 9, 2015
No. herogatess aren't a "ez travel more" you gotta risk the run.
By marks I'm assuming you mean catalysts. If that's what you meant, then I disagree. The value of catalysts makes them valuable alone...you don't have to use them, market them for some cash.
I actually like this...but I don't think it should be changed. If I kill someone, i want their armor and their goodies...I can't expect myself to be exempt from that rule.
Four: Agreed. People pay some real cash for donor residences, and although i think it should cost more than a town, 50 is pretty insane.
You clearly haven't put the time into leveling miner. If I had the time and the effort I'd show you a side by side avg. Money gain over a day of mining...but I won't. Cause I'm lazy.
No banker profession...sounds uninteresting. But I like gambling. It existed at one point or another...but the world was only used for events. Good times...if my PC could handle the particles.
That sounds like a bug on your end, honestly. Never had an issue with backstab.
If Res To is a resident teleport...just no. No. A very big no. You have one recall. You want more recalls, get a rune.
I'm all for less grind and more action.
Isn't this already a thing? It's at least severely reduced. I don't think this is super important but it could improve rogue/caster ease of living.
Yep. Got me there.
No global market. Ever. It killed economy. Everything was dirt cheap and stupid.

Typed on a slow-ass shitty kindle. Expect typos.

For number 2 i didnt mean catalysts i mean marks, Like for making T2 books


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
Do marks drop for bosses? I've never seen anyone show it in chat before. If so, I'm looking for a Mark of the Transcendent. Hit me up, I got Kenny in my pockets.


Retired Staff
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 13, 2012
Dear HeroCraft Staff,

I have a couple of things that bug me a lot.
The things that bug me are the following.

1 - There are no direct HeroGates to dungeons, (Maybe you could consider making a portal that tp's you there but cost 40 Coins each and for Donators above lets say T 5 - 6 can use it for free) Like last reset but then increase the cost a bit

2 - Drop rate on marks from bosses since it's really hard to get a specific one like for example mark of the shadow blade.
(Maybe you could consider making it a box and you can choose which mark you want)

3 - Keeping your armor and item that's in your hand on first slot would be nice. But to make it a bit more fun if you get killed by the same person in 1 hour your armor drops.

4 - Residences, I think the Taxes for a donator residence is too high. It's 50C per day that would mean 1000C per 2 weeks and 500C per week. Even though people pay maybe like 120 Euros it's 1000C per 2 weeks i really think you should lower it.

5 - Miner, Maybe you could consider making the chances of getting a double ore from smelting for gold / iron cause it's quite low. It's so low that i almost dont find it worth it to be a miner and rather be a enchanter.

6 - Maybe you could consider adding real gambling signs and make a profession called Banker that can make gambeling shops to add more RNG which a MMORPG needs.

7 - For Ninja the backstab particles block my whole screen i can probally change this in the texture pack but maybe you could consider making it a particle that doesnt cover your whole screen

8 - Adding /Res TP back but then adding a cost to it like 3 redstone

9 - Increasing the XP on the dungeon mobs because everybody is grinding SW and it will be a waste to let all those hard worked dungeons go to waste you can really see you guys put a lot of effort into building the dungeons they look really nice but people rarely go there.

10 - Maybe you could consider that armor doesnt take damage from mobs only from players and it takes 10% damage if you die to a mob

11 - Make it so that merchants can sell shields too

12 - Adding a ah again like last reset a chest but then if you want to sell somthing you have to pay 35% tax - 5% goes to your town if you are in a town and the other 30% just goes to the server

This concludes all my suggestions i hope you will consider atleast 1 or 2 of them.

Kind Regards,

Gamer Tag = EmilyRoseV

1. Herogates aren't meant for you to get across the map easier, while still making you have to venture into the world and explore what the map has. Not to mention putting a HG in a pvp zone will only get people camped.

2. I personally don't know if marks are in the game yet. @Kainzo Any info on marks?

3. We've had this feature then people complained about it then we took it out and people complained soooo idk about this one.

4. I don't know where you got 500c per week considering there's only 7 days in a week so that would be 350c per week. However I do agree it needs to be lowered to around 25-30c per day.

5. Nothing to say about this issue here as I don't mine much.

6. We have a server gambling building maybe we can get @Kainzo to turn them back on as a source to suck money from the economy.

7. I've never had a issue with this but everyone's different.

8. I kind of agree with this I feel /res tp should cost 25c like a townspawn and be on the same timer as townspawn. If we can get this working.

9. Dungeons are okay not horrible not good.

10. I agree with this.

11. I feel like only blacksmiths should sell shields as they are the ones who forge them

12. Eh
Last edited:


Legacy Supporter 6
Jun 9, 2015
1. Herogates aren't meant for you to get across the map easier, while still making you have to venture into the world and explore what the map has. Not to mention putting a HG in a pvp zone will only get people camped.

2. I personally don't know if marks are in the game yet. @Kainzo Any info on marks?

3. We've had this feature then people complained about it then we took it out and people complained soooo idk about this one.

4. I don't know where you got 500c per week considering there's only 7 days in a week so that would be 350c per week. However I do agree it needs to be lowered to around 35-30c per day.

5. Nothing to say about this issue here as I don't mine much.

6. We have a server gambling building maybe we can get @Kainzo to turn them back on as a source to suck money from the economy.

7. I've never had a issue with this but everyone's different.

8. I kind of agree with this I feel /res tp should cost 25c like a townspawn and be on the same timer as townspawn. If we can get this working.

9. Dungeons are okay not horrible not good.

10. I agree with this.

11. I feel like only blacksmiths should sell shields as they are the ones who forge them

12. Eh

Thanks for your reply i hoped this helped the server :)


Legacy Supporter 6
Jun 9, 2015
Marks will be dropping again Friday when Kainzo updates things.
They'll be in soon!

Yes Thanks, And maybe @Kainzo could consider nerfing RedHand slightly by removing the leap that Templar's have.
I think this would be fair because they arent elites and they act a lot like elites .... And their health is already 3500 so i dont think it also needs a leap!


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
Yes Thanks, And maybe @Kainzo could consider nerfing RedHand slightly by removing the leap that Templar's have.
I think this would be fair because they arent elites and they act a lot like elites .... And their health is already 3500 so i dont think it also needs a leap!
Technically Redhand is supposed to be the hardest dungeon, have you tried leveling at other dungeons?


Legacy Supporter 6
Jun 9, 2015
Technically Redhand is supposed to be the hardest dungeon, have you tried leveling at other dungeons?
Yes i have. But i'm sure last reset 5 months ago when i played they were a lot easier and did less damage and attack speed was lower


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
Yes i have. But i'm sure last reset 5 months ago when i played they were a lot easier and did less damage and attack speed was lower
Actually last reset they were harder with even the weakest mobs having crazy amounts of exp, and with crazy abilities that would often times knock you 20 blocks into the air killing you. Have you tried doing the dungeon with friends?


Legacy Supporter 6
Jun 9, 2015
Actually last reset they were harder with even the weakest mobs having crazy amounts of exp, and with crazy abilities that would often times knock you 20 blocks into the air killing you. Have you tried doing the dungeon with friends?
No i havent i have only did solo but solo worked out pretty well but not with the archers :/ Attack speed like 0.1 seconds and 1 heart per shot ... and they have like aimbot man!


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 1, 2013
No i havent i have only did solo but solo worked out pretty well but not with the archers :/ Attack speed like 0.1 seconds and 1 heart per shot ... and they have like aimbot man!
There was a skill used by certain dungeon mobs last map. It was basicly a tracking missile. Complete pain.