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Who is your favorite champion?


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
Nothing more satisfying then finding out who hasn't learned the age old rule of "Don't Chase Singed".

On a side note I've grown very fond of playing a hybrid-ish kennen.
Attack speed/On-hit-Items/AP-kind of like ap teemo.
It's 100% non-viable in any competitive matchs.
But in normal 5's it is sooooo fun.


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
United Kingdom
In my opinion, every Champion has a newb way to play/build. ;) Personally, I don't build him for DPS/Crit DPS, I build him Tank/Health Regen and use his Silence and Ultimate as my main forms of damage while utilizing his Shield to initiate fights.

Such a Lie, Silence, Spin, Ult, goodgame.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 7, 2011
mine changed to Jax. He is either OP or fits my playstyle, because I have been doing really well with him.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
He will be getting the nerf bat in 2 patchs.
They do this every time they remake a champ to up sell them and the new skin.