Shyvanna jungle is all about counter jungle'ing. She's currently the strongest one in the game, shes more about denying the enemy from their jungle than anything. Also, hard cc isnt really needed, but she's best a ganking lanes that have their own hard cc. If you want to play on an aggresive team, Shyvanna is the jungler you want.
Yup, what I usually do is that I buy wriggles(duh) boots of mobility and frozen mallet, that is my core. Then I buy a chain west and a negatron cloak(always armor, mr if I need it), then I build atmas and upgrade the mr if needed, into for eksample qss if that ww keeps supressing me.
Now we're probably into lategame and I can build warmogs for epic hp and the dmg via atmas, bloodthirster or phantom dancer. I usually sell wriggles and buy bloodthirster as my 6th item.
Well yea, I've been playing a lot of shyvana lately
I totaly <3 her.
Edit: For runes I have pure ad quints, attack speed marks, and armor/mr on the other two.
Pure ad quints is a must, it helps so much when lasthitting in the start, also adds up to your dmg
Attack speed marks is really usefull to hit the wriggles passive, and with shyvana its even better since it makes me able to use q even more often.
You can also run with pure ad marks too.