- Joined
- Apr 27, 2012
- Minecraft In-game name:LoveSpellsHappy
- Location & Age:Flint, Michigan, USA. 17.
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers):None
- Referral(s):Rattaka(will be playing on same router)
- How did you hear about Herocraft?:Rattaka
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?:No, will later, eager to play.
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?Yes
- Reason you should be accepted:I have been a fan of minecraft for several years. I recently got an account a year and a half ago. I have built just about everything by myself and just on a personal server with a few friends which we would later just abandon. I was always just looking for something more. More adventure and more rules per se. I'm looking forward into playing a game with good rules and giant cites and more adventure. I'm tired of mods full of bugs and still playing alone. It's time that I get killed, face a challenge, build forts and things much bigger that will be of use to others besides myself.
- Additional Info:I'm wearing blue briefs, a leather jacket, men's degree deodorant(clean scent) and I hope this application is accepted in the next few minutes otherwise I will be a little livid. I really wana play righhhhhht now.