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What League are you aiming for?

What League is your goal?

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Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
Please keep the salt out of public threads, thanks. Also, I don't think you're the one to decide if someone gets their forum ratings removed. I think your posts deserved a f-palm, so I rated it so. Good day.
nice internet e-bonics!!!


Legacy Supporter 6
Nov 29, 2012
Tbh im pretty shit at league but im hoping for high silvers/ low gold, yeh i started on a bronze 5 friend acc snd couldnt grt out of "elo hell" so lets see what this is all about


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Tbh im pretty shit at league but im hoping for high silvers/ low gold, yeh i started on a bronze 5 friend acc snd couldnt grt out of "elo hell" so lets see what this is all about
Better to play on your own account, so that your MMR match your skill level and not your friend's, though over time I guess it won't matter.

As long as you believe in the so called "elo hell", you're sure to never leave it. People who are in "elo hell" are there because that's the rank they deserve. Sure, you can blame some of your games on bad teammates and trolls, however in the bigger picture these matches account for so little that they don't really matter. Forget about your teammates, look at mistakes you make and how you can improve. That's the key to getting better.

Just find a role you like, main a few champs in that role and make sure you know how to play atleast 1 champion in the other roles. One of the reason some people never leave "elo hell" is because they are simply "filler", with no real specialization.

From personal experience, Support maining is really good for ranking up on low elo. Get your marksman fed, and you will win most of your games. This works really well from Bronze to Plat, and all my friends who are Gold or Plat are support mains.

Also, if you're not yet using Smart Cast, start using it. It's difficult in the beginning, but a few games is all you need to get used to it.


Legacy Supporter 6
Nov 29, 2012
Better to play on your own account, so that your MMR match your skill level and not your friend's, though over time I guess it won't matter.

As long as you believe in the so called "elo hell", you're sure to never leave it. People who are in "elo hell" are there because that's the rank they deserve. Sure, you can blame some of your games on bad teammates and trolls, however in the bigger picture these matches account for so little that they don't really matter. Forget about your teammates, look at mistakes you make and how you can improve. That's the key to getting better.

Just find a role you like, main a few champs in that role and make sure you know how to play atleast 1 champion in the other roles. One of the reason some people never leave "elo hell" is because they are simply "filler", with no real specialization.

From personal experience, Support maining is really good for ranking up on low elo. Get your marksman fed, and you will win most of your games. This works really well from Bronze to Plat, and all my friends who are Gold or Plat are support mains.

Also, if you're not yet using Smart Cast, start using it. It's difficult in the beginning, but a few games is all you need to get used to it.

@EtKEnn I can see where your coming at, btw the elo hell thing was a joke. Im going to admit I look at guides, iv played where there is an unranked account, iv played on accounts higher ranks than mine. and tbh I dont see much off a difference, I look at silver 1 players going 21/4 with akali and I could probably do that with leesin/rengar or xin zhao. I do use smartcast and really im improving my game more and more nowadays.

This Season ill probably Main Jungle because of the fact I really like s5 jungle

3 Main Junglers are: Rengar, Lee Sin and Xin Zhao
Top: Ugh I dont really like top but if im forced I dunno like fuckin jayce or something
mid: Fizz/Jayce
adc: vayne
supp: Thresh


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
5-5 in placement matches got me to Gold IV, which is the same rank I was before the new season. Seems like my MMR was very balanced.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
What is MMR
Top: Aatrox is fun to me
Mid: fizz!
Jungle: I like xin zhao
Adc: I've played Ashe, twitch corki and Tristana and they are all fun
Support: hate support and I've only played soraka, they were pretty fun tho

Only like lvl 14, so I don't have many champs and don't know the best builds or starting skills for all of them


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
What is MMR
It's basically a hidden ''score'' that determines what kind of players you are matched with, and what league you place in ranked.

Example of how it works:

Me and my friend were both Gold V last season. During preseason, he only played normals while I climbed to Gold IV. When we played placement matches, he went 7-3 and ended up in Silver 1. I went 5-5 and ended up in Gold IV. Despite the fact that we had the same rank last season, and he played better placements than me, I still got a better rank than him. This is caused by the fact that I played more matches against high-MMR opponents during preseason than he did.


May 28, 2013
I don't play league, but what I've heard from so many other league players that HotS is better... you guys should try it :D