- Joined
- Jan 31, 2011
I was thinking of coding a skill which allowed beast masters to use wolves as inventories. Right clicking them would open a second inventory. (All wolves would share the same inventory).
Beastmasters have a slew of skills not on the wiki, probably because they will be changed. One of them is called "wolf - chest" I believe. Not sure what it does though; there is no description for it.
A few ideas for Enchanter (seeing as they don't have a lot of spells)...
Mirage - The caster is turned invisible for 3-5 seconds, leaving behind a duplicate. This duplicate cannot be attacked and is merely a mirage, used as a decoy to avoid would-be pursuers. When the caster becomes visible, the duplicate disappears.
GhostWolf - A wolf spawns and protects the caster until it is killed. This wolf has less stamina than normal wolves, yet retains the same attack damage. It cannot be fed, and only one ghost wolf may be spawned at a time.
PigIllusion - The caster is temporarily assigned the illusion of the Pig Zombie, granting double attack power for 10 seconds. After the time runs out, the caster is reverted to their original form.
These are just some ideas I am throwing out there. I think PigIllusion is a little over the top, but seeing as Enchanters are masters of illusion, I thought that the Enchanter should be able to assume at least one form with some kind of buff.
I'm going to be coding -
Mana Shield - Done
Lick Wounds - Done
Hellgate - Done
Unholy Ritual - Done
Please keep suggestions coming.
Edit - All skills done, will consult Kainzo about implementing them later![]()
Improve Pickaxe: Permanently increases the mine speed with the pickaxe of choice.
Improve Axe: Permanently increases the speed you chop trees a when put on an axe of choice.
Could do a spell for every tool or maybe only a few. I think these spells would be best suited for an enchanter since it should enchant tools? Well that's how I thought about it.
I also think this will make smiths more useful as they could then lead onto repairing the enchanted pickaxes to make sure the enchanted pickaxes last longer.
Good Idea but probably won't be possible to add it to Minecraft, because of coding limits ? =\Wind - If you've ever played Magicka, it's similar to the wind spell in that. An aoe spell that pushes enemies away
Matter Vacuum - a projectile (egg?) that when landing, sucks all nearby players into the center of it. effect lasts X seconds and has an X block radius
This sounds perfect ! 100% Should be added
Good Idea but probably won't be possible to add it to Minecraft, because of coding limits ? =\