- Joined
- Feb 3, 2012
nor of ears because there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere
to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might
receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which
went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him."
Plato, 360 BC
1. Introduction

[Lore to be developed in a nearby future]
2. About the town
Ouroboros is a new town, in it's first iteration. Founded by @Jotamota, (former Second-In-Command from Dragonguarde and Bastion city Canterlot/Camelot), it was designed to be a worthy oposition to the major towns in the server that only relied on PVP. A friendly environment, wealthy stocks and much knowledge is to be expected from this town, always willing to help new players to set in. We are after all a place of tranquility and peace, of self-retrospection and thought.
Each citizen is granted with a free apartment in the interior of the town, safe from raiding and other military advances. For more information ask directly to the city mayor.
2.1. Town Hierarquy
Mayor: @Jotamota3006 (IG: Jotamota)
Council: @Zinijata, responsible for the Military division of the city.
Official Builder: @Beninem, former Auricha builder.
3. War Policy & Diplomacy
At the moment we are in no direct conflict with any towns, but sporadic pvp skirmishes are to be expected, as it is in any town in the server.
4. Rules & Guidelines
1) It is Forbidden the acts of Unfriendly Conflict between Town members;
2) It is Forbidden the acts of Stealing of Town members;
3) Long periods of inactivity must be notified to town staff for future planning.
[more rules to be implemented soon]
4. Application Form (copy and paste this as a reply to this thread)
In-Game Name:
Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?):
Why do you want to join a town?
Current Class and Profession:
Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc):
How did you find out about the town?
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