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[Village] Ouroboros (18)


Feb 3, 2012
"The living being had no need of eyes because there was nothing outside of him to be seen;
nor of ears because there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere
to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might
receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which
went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him."

Plato, 360 BC

1. Introduction

[Lore to be developed in a nearby future]

2. About the town

Ouroboros is a new town, in it's first iteration. Founded by @Jotamota, (former Second-In-Command from Dragonguarde and Bastion city Canterlot/Camelot), it was designed to be a worthy oposition to the major towns in the server that only relied on PVP. A friendly environment, wealthy stocks and much knowledge is to be expected from this town, always willing to help new players to set in. We are after all a place of tranquility and peace, of self-retrospection and thought.

Each citizen is granted with a free apartment in the interior of the town, safe from raiding and other military advances. For more information ask directly to the city mayor.

2.1. Town Hierarquy

Mayor: @Jotamota3006 (IG: Jotamota)
Council: @Zinijata, responsible for the Military division of the city.
Official Builder: @Beninem, former Auricha builder.

3. War Policy & Diplomacy

At the moment we are in no direct conflict with any towns, but sporadic pvp skirmishes are to be expected, as it is in any town in the server.

4. Rules & Guidelines

1) It is Forbidden the acts of Unfriendly Conflict between Town members;
2) It is Forbidden the acts of Stealing of Town members;
3) Long periods of inactivity must be notified to town staff for future planning.
[more rules to be implemented soon]

4. Application Form (copy and paste this as a reply to this thread)

In-Game Name:

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?):
Why do you want to join a town?
Current Class and Profession:

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc):
How did you find out about the town?
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Sep 27, 2013
In-Game Name: DarkKenn22
Age: 18

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I just got back on the server last week froma few months of inactive. I like the server so i been be playing off and on during the week. my guess 4-5 days a week
Why do you want to join a town?: I need a place to call home on the server and its annoying having to move my base every week
Current Class and Profession: Dragoon 14/Crafter 20

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): I'm good at building, I know a bit of redstone, not the best at PVP,
How did you find out about the town? I learn about the town from Jotamota when i was helping with caping castles


Feb 3, 2012
In-Game Name: DarkKenn22
Age: 18
Expected Activity
(do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I just got back on the server last week froma few months of inactive. I like the server so i been be playing off and on during the week. my guess 4-5 days a week
Why do you want to join a town?: I need a place to call home on the server and its annoying having to move my base every week
Current Class and Profession: Dragoon 14/Crafter 20
Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): I'm good at building, I know a bit of redstone, not the best at PVP,
How did you find out about the town? I learn about the town from Jotamota when i was helping with caping castles

Accepted. You will pass through a trial of 1 week to know if will be permanently integrated to town.
Sep 21, 2016
In-Game Name:Toon_Coffee

Expected Activity A few times a week.
Why do you want to join a town? Because my previous town was destroyed.
Current Class and Profession: Runeblade 19; Alchemist 32

Preferred Activities Building; I'd love to help support the town as far as builds go.
How did you find out about the town? Through chat.
Sep 21, 2016
In-Game Name: gorgonfiredotcom
Age: 17
Expected Activity: I probably won't play very often but I'll probably be on ~once a week
Why do you want to join a town? Because why wouldn't I want raiding partners? (and because I'm IRL friends with ToonCoffee)
Current Class and Profession: Bloodmage 5, Crafter 1 (will most likely spec into rune crafter)
Preferred Activities: mining, combat, redstone
How did you find out about the town? ToonCoffee


Feb 3, 2012
In-Game Name:Toon_Coffee
Expected Activity
A few times a week.
Why do you want to join a town? Because my previous town was destroyed.
Current Class and Profession: Runeblade 19; Alchemist 32
Preferred Activities Building; I'd love to help support the town as far as builds go.
How did you find out about the town? Through chat.

In-Game Name: gorgonfiredotcom
Age: 17
Expected Activity: I probably won't play very often but I'll probably be on ~once a week
Why do you want to join a town? Because why wouldn't I want raiding partners? (and because I'm IRL friends with ToonCoffee)
Current Class and Profession: Bloodmage 5, Crafter 1 (will most likely spec into rune crafter)
Preferred Activities: mining, combat, redstone
How did you find out about the town? ToonCoffee

We are not open to accepting new people this week as the town is in construction. That said, come look for us next week and we will see if you meet town requirements.


May 8, 2014
a womb.
In-Game Name: FunToBeAround
Age: 17

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): Im on often
Why do you want to join a town? I like fun community
Current Class and Profession: ranger, blacksmith

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): Ill build if bored, i mostly player v player
How did you find out about the town? I tracked a bounty and started shooting people off :D
Jun 30, 2013
Georgia, United States of America
In-Game Name: UndeadxSlayer
Age: 17
Expected Activity: I plan to play a lot, and I am on at least 2-3 hours every day.
Why do you want to join a town?: I want to be a part of a great community. I am also interested in the name.
Current Cass and Profession: Samurai 33, Enchanter 40
Preferred Activities: PvP, PvE, Mining/Grinding, Enchanting, and Building.
How did you find out about the town?: I've seen you guys fight at castles.
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Sep 22, 2016
In-Game Name: Official_Taistar
Age: 18

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I play daily for a couple hours.
Why do you want to join a town? I have been looking for a town since i started playing but instead wandered from place to place with a fellow companion (Young_Aymo). I want to contribute to your town for a bigger meaning in these lands. Also your council informed me and my friend to enroll for this town.
Current Class and Profession: lvl23 Ninja, lvl11 Crafter soon to be Merchant (great charisma)

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): Preferably PvP but also willing to build or mine.
How did you find out about the town? Young_Aymo and I were travelling trying to level our new characters, when we stumbled upon Zinijata and decided to push him due to boredom and him being afk. He turned around and we had a RP style conversation which lead to him asking us to enroll for this town. (We PVE together and had a couple baked potatoes)


Sep 22, 2016
In-Game Name: Young_Aymo

Age: I am currently 17

Expected Activity: I have actually been playing on a daily basis and I plan to keep it that way.

Why do you want to join a town? I am looking to better myself and seek a safe refuge. I have been looking for a town for quite some time but nothing seemed to catch my eye, until the day Zinijata referred me to this town, I took a read up on the forum and found that this town is quite interesting. I quite like the way it runs and so far, i may have only met one member but this member seems like a fine gentlemen. Not to mention the name, it's marvelous!
(my mouse is an Ouroboros :D)

Current Class and Profession: lvl 16 crafter. lvl 24 Ninja. Soon to become stronger!

Preferred Activities:
I mostly enjoy building and pvp, especially pvp. I am quite skilled with a multitude of activities. Pvp, building, parkour, mining, surviving you name it, I can do it.

How did you find out about the town? Well, me and my comrade Officail_Taistar were travelling we had bumped into Zinijata. Our initial response was "Our blade will be your demise." fortunately we did not attack. We spoke with Zinijata, we all shared the common interest of having quite a liking in Cthulhu. After we all joined forces to fight off a swarm of mobs and I was soon referred to this town by Zinijata.

Any notes: My greatest skill lies in the PVP category. I am both humble in victory and defeat, however, meeting defeat is quite rare in my case. Although something great has weakened my power and skill, something... terrifying... a... a weakness I cannot overcome.
Terrible internet. That's right, these days terrible internet makes it extremely difficult to play with over 250-500+ ping. And being in Australia doesn't help my cause. I am trying to be honest. I hope this downfall doesn't slim my chances of getting into this town.


Feb 3, 2012
In-Game Name: Official_Taistar
Age: 18
Expected Activity
(do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I play daily for a couple hours.
Why do you want to join a town? I have been looking for a town since i started playing but instead wandered from place to place with a fellow companion (Young_Aymo). I want to contribute to your town for a bigger meaning in these lands. Also your council informed me and my friend to enroll for this town.
Current Class and Profession: lvl23 Ninja, lvl11 Crafter soon to be Merchant (great charisma)
Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): Preferably PvP but also willing to build or mine.
How did you find out about the town? Young_Aymo and I were travelling trying to level our new characters, when we stumbled upon Zinijata and decided to push him due to boredom and him being afk. He turned around and we had a RP style conversation which lead to him asking us to enroll for this town. (We PVE together and had a couple baked potatoes)
In-Game Name: Young_Aymo

Age: I am currently 17

Expected Activity: I have actually been playing on a daily basis and I plan to keep it that way.

Why do you want to join a town? I am looking to better myself and seek a safe refuge. I have been looking for a town for quite some time but nothing seemed to catch my eye, until the day Zinijata referred me to this town, I took a read up on the forum and found that this town is quite interesting. I quite like the way it runs and so far, i may have only met one member but this member seems like a fine gentlemen. Not to mention the name, it's marvelous!
(my mouse is an Ouroboros :D)

Current Class and Profession: lvl 16 crafter. lvl 24 Ninja. Soon to become stronger!

Preferred Activities:
I mostly enjoy building and pvp, especially pvp. I am quite skilled with a multitude of activities. Pvp, building, parkour, mining, surviving you name it, I can do it.

How did you find out about the town? Well, me and my comrade Officail_Taistar were travelling we had bumped into Zinijata. Our initial response was "Our blade will be your demise." fortunately we did not attack. We spoke with Zinijata, we all shared the common interest of having quite a liking in Cthulhu. After we all joined forces to fight off a swarm of mobs and I was soon referred to this town by Zinijata.

Any notes: My greatest skill lies in the PVP category. I am both humble in victory and defeat, however, meeting defeat is quite rare in my case. Although something great has weakened my power and skill, something... terrifying... a... a weakness I cannot overcome.
Terrible internet. That's right, these days terrible internet makes it extremely difficult to play with over 250-500+ ping. And being in Australia doesn't help my cause. I am trying to be honest. I hope this downfall doesn't slim my chances of getting into this town.

Both applications are under review. We are currently not accepting applications due to lack of propper housing. Hopefully in a day or two this will be settled. If you see one of the townies in game, feel free to ask about the current town status. Goodspeed!

EDIT: You are both accepted. Contact @Zinijata in game for your official recruitment.
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Sep 23, 2016

In-Game Name: SSjswmoney

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?):Yes
Why do you want to join a town: I want to help
Current Class and Profession: Runeblade and crafter

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): Building, pvp, Mininng
How did you find out about the town?
[/QUOTE]Someone msg me this link


Feb 3, 2012

In-Game Name: SSjswmoney

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?):Yes
Why do you want to join a town: I want to help
Current Class and Profession: Runeblade and crafter

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): Building, pvp, Mininng
How did you find out about the town?
Someone msg me this link[/QUOTE]

We are not currently hiring, feel free to check on the forums in a week.


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 28, 2012
United States
In-Game Name: Jenk originally JenksLaw
Age: 31

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): Casual (less than 8hrs a week)
Why do you want to join a town?
- I've owned towns, I've done the hermit thing at spawn and in the wilderness; This will be my second experience joining an established town. I've learned I like community projects. Always more fun seeing other people's builds and do the coop play.
Current Class and Profession: Wizard and I think I'll roll engineer.

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): Mining and building (traps). I've never been great at PVP. Typically I like playing the economy game. Usually selling enchanted picks with an enchanter/merchant combo.
How did you find out about the town? I heard about the town in the elite channel.


Oct 1, 2016
In-Game Name: Lenakko

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I play for a good bit when off from work (roughly 400 Mountan Time)
Why do you want to join a town?
So I can stop robbing abandon buildings and have company
Current Class and Profession: Dragoon/Farmer

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): PVP Mainly, but anything will do.
How did you find out about the town?
The almighty zini annoyed me about it.


Oct 1, 2016
Edit: This was support to be posted on the Face fourm thing, My bad.
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Apr 30, 2014
In-Game Name: Zylot
Age: 18

Expected Activity (do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I am very active
Why do you want to join a town? So I can have fun on this server
Current Class and Profession: Maxed flameweaver, maxed miner

Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc): PVP, Building (sometimes), and mining.
How did you find out about the town? Ouroboros is the last town that does not cause cancer, so it has drawn my attention.
Sep 9, 2016
In-Game Name:SnorlaxZero
Expected Activity
(do you plan to play a lot, do you plan to log in from time to time?): I am very active ill do just about anything.
Why do you want to join a town?:To be with people and help.(idk)
Current Class and Profession:Bard\Runesmith
Preferred Activities (building, mining, engaging in Player vs Player battles, etc) pvp,lvling,mining.
How did you find out about the town?: Its one of the bigger towns.