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ValorCat Application


Glowing Redstone
Jan 1, 2013
(see new post below)
In-game name: ValorCat
Location & Age: Minnesota, 14
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
Referral(s): None
Reason you should be accepted: I have read through the rules and terms of service. I run my own server, so I am proficient with multiplayer Minecraft, and I think I could be a valuable addition to your Herocraft community.
How did you hear about Herocraft?: I stumbled upon the Heroes plugin on Bukkit while searching for cool plugins for my server.
Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: No, I would like to play on it before I vote ;).
Additional Info: I would like to help build on this server, and perhaps create my own city to watch (and help!) develop. Eventually, I might consider becoming a mod, but I would like to play as a normal player on Herocraft first.
Yeah, I'm 14, but I'm mature for my age, and I've read the wiki and the rules.


Legacy Supporter 6
May 24, 2012
In-game name: ValorCat
Location & Age: Minnesota, 14
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
Referral(s): None
Reason you should be accepted: I have read through the rules and terms of service. I run my own server, so I am proficient with multiplayer Minecraft, and I think I could be a valuable addition to your Herocraft community.
How did you hear about Herocraft?: I stumbled upon the Heroes plugin on Bukkit while searching for cool plugins for my server.
Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: No, I would like to play on it before I vote ;).
Additional Info: I would like to help build on this server, and perhaps create my own city to watch (and help!) develop. Eventually, I might consider becoming a mod, but I would like to play as a normal player on Herocraft first.
Yeah, I'm 14, but I'm mature for my age, and I've read the wiki and the rules.
~Reviewing~[DOUBLEPOST=1357105774,1357105635][/DOUBLEPOST]You have neglected to include your special key. I cannot review your application without it.


Glowing Redstone
Jan 1, 2013
Wow this is embarrassing... I swear I copied the format exactly...
  1. Minecraft In-game name: ValorCat
  2. Location & Age: Minnesota, 14
  3. Previous Bans from other Servers (If yes, explain where/when): None
  4. Referral(s): None
  5. How did you hear about Herocraft?: I stumbled upon the Heroes plugin on Bukkit while searching for cool plugins for my server.
  6. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes!
  7. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes
  8. Reason you should be accepted: I have read through the rules and terms of service. I run my own server, so I am proficient with multiplayer Minecraft, and I think I could be a valuable addition to your Herocraft community.
  9. Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): {HCV8}
  10. Additional Info: I would like to help build on this server, and perhaps create my own city to watch (and help!) develop. Eventually, I might consider becoming a mod, but I would like to play as a normal player on Herocraft first.
    Yeah, I'm 14, but people say I'm mature for my age, and I've read the wiki and the rules.


Legacy Supporter 6
May 24, 2012
I'm not sure you will have time to build a town on Herocraft while running your own server. It is a worthy goal though to be sure. I see also that you have aspirations toward becoming a moderator. We are always glad to have dedicated staff members. We do however require that staff be at least 15 years of age. Also to become a mod you must work your way up starting as a guide or proctor.

As you found Herocraft while researching plugins for your own server it is important that I remind you of a few things.
Firstly advertising is strictly forbidden. It absolutely will not be tolerated.
Secondly the founders take intellectual property theft extremely seriously, those who engage in it here will be pursued by every possible avenue.

If you can assure me that you are here to contribute to the server as a player, and not to cultivate ideas and players for your own server, I will be glad to Welcome you to Herocraft.


Glowing Redstone
Jan 1, 2013
Oh, that's not what I meant! I do want to be here as a player. Also, I'm sorry if I was advertising, I didn't think about it, I guess. And of course, I do not intend to steal anyone's intellectual property; I suppose I should have said that my server is not one of those huge ones like Herocraft, it's mainly for me and my friends to mess around on and maybe help out some minecraft newbies ;).
Oh, and as for the moderator thing, I was thinking of that as a goal for maybe a couple years from now, although I will be 15 very soon.
Thanks for being patient while I failed repeatedly with the formatting! I hope to see you on the server some day!